Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (2)
Human extremism (baby w/ bath water), utopianism, careful judgment
Human extremism (baby w/ bath water), utopianism, careful judgment
roots we do not see
a lot of education to even be able to tell apart
not against judgment, but utopian judgment
pluck not to make a prestine field, but pluck ONLY to bring most wheat IN THE END
To see God face to face
this is to die
too much for us
think saints mere taste of it:
Aquinas straw
Beauty itself, truth itself, the eternal
grasp that be like that
cross over from this life to the next
life constant change, bits of ugliness, falsehoods, nothing steady
flowing stream carrying with it good and bad
eternal God, no ugliness, no lack of truth, no change,
like a rock, and a stream breaks on a rock
to see it, stream must break,
life end
God face to face we would die
don’t expect this life happy
we expect beauty, truth, happiness,ours here and now
but impossible because change
to see God face to face is to die
Christ here teaches us non utopian
happiness not here and now
life is about growth b4 harvest
here crusade
not victory feasts
here romance
not marriage
here farming
not harvest festival
mistake expecting harvest too early
we want all happiness
get too impatient and so want it now
has pulling up all weeds of sufferings and evils,
end up uprooting life everlasting with it
tossing the baby with bathwater
Root out evil sure, God teaches us to
But he warns NOT if risks harvest
be very very careful when you fight evil
how foolish the farmer who loses his harvest because he roots out weeds before the harvest
only when such weeds choke the wheat or contaminate the field would he pull them, for then the weeds risks the harvest, but then alone
which why you have excommunication and punishment in NT
But take care you arent punishing, purifying, or healing for this life at the cost of the eternal!
For we should not expect to see the face of God (our happiness) this side of the grave in its eternal fulness
Somethings not wrong if aren’t perfectly happy in this life
we should expect growing pains before the harvest
How do we expect it too early?
anxiety politics
when uproot evils in our life immorally
all findings that we are in some way valley of tears and shocked by it
of course once we recognize that [with providence, and eternal life], paradoxically be much happier even now as the stoics rightly recognized
happiest life that you can have this side of grave, and its not even close.
but even it involves growing pains
Expect weeds in this life as part of life
Pull them out if there is no risk to the harvest of eternal life, otherwise be patient
don’t expect the harvest to be now
don’t expect perfect happiness in life
Instead foster the growth of virtue in self and others for the time of harvest.
Ends do not justify means
do not throw baby out with bathwater
The Kingdom ugly like this
Surprised bad plants ‘didnt u sow good seed’?
Evil is always parasitical so have to be careful in eliminating it
Barron: some earthly good require evil
obviously allow excommunication (many scripture talks of uprooting heresy and sinners)
but no ultimate condemnations,
all punishing aimed at producing more wheat, not final retribution (which is for God)
Our war is not with flesh and blood
First collect the evil
maybe how good grows: constant collecting and purifying of evil (most councils)
prob "darnel” a weed that look just like wheat
evolved along with human wheat cultivation
causes poisoning eyes and speech
Roman law forbid enemies sowing it in rival crops
leaven + mustard tree:
you are this little rag tag gang, but soon encompass world
diabolis-throw accross
2 competing fathers, how will we grow up?
sleep refers to death of apostles
zizanion refers to heretics or all workers of iniquity
those who want to uproot it are earthly faithful
devil cant do open warfare against God, so has to appear as angel of light (sow what looks good)
lesson: not to be hasty against those in midst appear bad
used this to originally oppose anti-heresy laws, but changed mind later.
more particularly describes heretics
Not to preserve zizanion from punishment, but to help good wheat
forbids killing heretics, but not silencing them
(perhaps why civil not church auth carried out such executions)
leaven mixed in is like nothing, but transforms world
idleness of church leaders leads to sowing of heresy
beware of haste in tearing out a brother who is contaminated, room for repentance, etc
other teaching contradicts this if means never put away evil in midst
[me: similar to pluck plank out b4 brothers speck]
3 meassures: F, S, HS