Dead or alive?
Background to Ephesians
Paul writes this letter from Roman custody, probably in Rome. As readers in the Ephesian region of Asia Minor would know, he had been arrested on the charge of having brought a *Gentile into the temple (Acts 21:28–29; 28:16). Ethnic and cultural division between Jew and Gentile was a major issue in the Ephesian church (cf. Acts 19:17), and Paul was one of the best-qualified writers of antiquity to address both sides intelligently.
From his detention under Roman authorities (probably in Rome), Paul is also aware of the possibility of imminent persecution and the need for the church to be a good witness in society (cf. especially comment on Eph 5:21–6:9). He is also aware of the struggle of some of the believers with their own background in the occult practices of Asia Minor—*magic (Acts 19:19), astrology and attempts to escape the astrological power of Fate (cf. comment on Eph 1:8–11, 19–23; 3:9–11).