Summer Conversation 2023
What We have in Common
First, Happiness / Human Flourishing Is a Good and Worthy Pursuit.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
What do [people] demand of life and wish to achieve in it? The answer to this can hardly be in doubt. They strive after happiness; they want to become happy and to remain so. This endeavor has two sides, a positive and a negative aim. It aims, on the one hand, at an absence of pain and unpleasure, and, on the other, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure.
Second, Happiness / Human Flourishing Require the Whole Man.
to the deeper notion of where the “real me” is to be found, how that shapes my view of life, and in what the fulfillment or happiness of that “real me” consists.
Third, Happiness / Human Flourishing Is Intimately Tied to Community.
What We Must Do
We Must Uphold God As the Only Source of Heart Satisfaction
We Must Aim at Conversion of the Heart
conversion is the creation of new desires, not just new duties; new delights, not just new deeds; new treasures, not just new tasks.