Grace that Trains- Titus 2:11-14

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We believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be born again; that the new birth is a new creation in Christ Jesus; that it is instantaneous and not a process; that in the new birth the one dead in trespasses and in sins is made a partaker of the divine nature and receives eternal life, the free gift of God; that the new creation is brought about in a manner above our comprehension, not by culture, not by character, nor by the will of man, but wholly and solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel; that its proper evidence appears in the holy fruits of repentance and faith and newness of life.
so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel
Definition: GRACE (חֶסֶד, chesed; “grace, mercy, steadfast love, compassion”; חֵן, chen; “grace, graciousness, kindness”; χάρις, charis; “grace, favor, graciousness, goodwill”). Gracious or merciful behavior of a more powerful person toward another.
How do you define it? Ask the people…
“God giving us what we do not deserve”
“God’s undeserved favour”
Passage: Titus 2:11-14
Illustration: RC Car/weights: Luke saw it,
Grace: “Appeared” (v. 11)
Grace: “Training” (v. 12)
Grace: “Waiting” (v. 13)
Grace: “Purify” (v. 14)
Summary: God’s grace trains me to stop being ungodly and start living godly enthusiastically
God’s grace appears to bringing salvation and change
God’s Grace trains self-control

Grace: “Appeared” (v. 11)

Hope (vs. -)
For- The goal of Titus is to challenge the people to “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour”. It focuses on the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth and godliness that leads to good works.
the grace of God
has appeared- “epephan-eh” (4x, 2 in Titus: 2:11, 3:4) aor, pass, ind, 3rd, sg- to appear (in sight), to come into sight or view. The great epephany! The Eurika moment
Luke 1:79 “to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” We talked about that last week with the “exit” signs.
Zechariah is prophesying about John, who will prepare the way for Jesus and because of the tender mercy of our God, the sunrise shall visit us from on high.
God’s grace is like that light appearing in a dark place. This is crucial to how we change.
2 Cor. 3:18 “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
Facebook was preaching at me this week and it said “Psychology says, when you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better, and you even start too attract better. It all starts with you!” Pause…where is God in that?…Where is grace in that?...
Naval Gazer
Freedom (vs. -)
bringing salvation- adjective, not a verb. God’s grace is the action that produces the state of being preserved from danger and judgement. It is to be received...
for all people
Eph 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
It doesn’t matter how much faith you have if it doesn’t come by God’s grace.
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
How has the grace of God come into sight or view in my life recently? That is meant to change you! Think about how seeing something has had a profound influence on your life? When you first saw that person, Husbands, when you saw your bride walking towards you. Parents, when you saw your child for the first time, or your first grandchild.
What about the first time you
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
In what ways can I intentionally put the grace of God in front of my eyes this week?
Transitional phrase: Okay, so, this great appearing of God’s grace is meant to change the way I live. Well what exactly is grace suppose to change when I see it?

Grace: “Training” (v. 12)

To renounce (stop) (vs. -)
Training us- “paideuousa” pres, act, part, nom, mas, sg, to educate (rear) to instruct and shape (a child) through teaching (what is right) and discipline (correcting what is wrong) in the knowledge, skill, morals, social behaviour, and other necessary facets of becoming a well-rounded and productive citizen.
to renounce- “arn-eh-samenoi” aor, mid, part, nom, mas, pl to deny someone, to refuse someone (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure. It is interesting that Paul starts with the negative first, correcting what is wrong, why, because this is where we all start by human nature.
ungodliness- “asebeian” impiety, unrighteousness by virtue of not giving proper respect for a god and the god’s institutions.
Worldly passions-
“Worldly”- “kosmikas” characteristic of the earthly realm as opposed to the transendent, spiritual realm.
Passion- “epiithymias” an intense desire for some particular thing.
To live (start) (vs. -) Subjuctive and 3 adverbs
and to live- “z-eh-swmen” aor, act, sub, 1st, pl, to lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain manner
self-controled- “swphronws” adverb, soberly, moderately, in a wise manner as keeping self-control over one’s passions and desires.
To lack self-control is to be led by the demonic. Wow Pastor Jeremy, easy. Look at the gospels, what word would you use to describe those that are possessed by demons? a lack of self-control, something else is controling what they do, what they say, and it is always leading towards death and destruction.
Remember Lamech in Genesis, what did he boast about? Being more violent than anyone else and taking multiple wives. From that point on until the flood we see that man is making kingdoms based off of self seeking violence, sexual pleasure, and enslavement to food and drink, Gen. 6:5 That every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil ontinually”, lack of self-control.
Our world calls this “toxic masculinity” the Bible calls it living without self-control. And it is not just men that live this way.
upright- “dikaiws” adverb, uprightly, failry, justly, in accordance with moral or social standards
godly lives- “eusebow” adverb, piously, showing fitting and proper respect or reverence to (a deity or other deserving figure)
in the present age- the time of Titus, and now our time.
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
If the grace of God doesn’t captivate your reason for training/living, something else will.
None of us can stop what is wrong and start what is right without the grace of God, so don’t try! So why do we try, simply, because we worship ourselves, we are the greatest thing that has appeared and so we seek to respect ourselves and do what we value most.
Parents, when we discipline our children, grandparents, let’s give our kids grace. That doesn’t mean we turn a blind eye to what they do, it means that when we tell them to stop doing/saying certain things, we teaching them how to start doing/saying what is right, not because it is more acceptable in our society but because it pleases God.
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
What is the grace of God training you today to stop doing because it does not show respect for God and His Word and what is grace teaching you to put in it’s place?
Transitional phrase: The grace of God appearing is so overwhelming because it pulls me out of my normal way of life and trains me to renounce everything that takes me away from God and teaches me how to live a godly, respectful, self-controlled life.

Grace: “Waiting” (v. 13)

The appearing of Jesus (vs. -)
Waiting for- “prosdechomenoi” pres, mid/pass, part, nom, mas, pl, to look forward to
our blessed hope
the appearing (“epiphaneian”) of
the glory of our great God
and Saviour Jesus Christ
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
Transitional phrase:

Grace: “Given” (v. 14)

To redeem and purify
Who gave Himself for us- “edwken” aor, act, ind, 3rd, sg to sacrifice, to endure the loss of someone or something.
to redeem us- “lytws-eh-tai” aor, mid subj, 3rd, sg to liberate, conceived of as redeeming a captured person by paying the price demanded for his return. From what...
from all lawlessness
to purify for himself a people- “katharis-eh” aor, act, subj, 3rd, sg, to cleanse of evil, to purge of evil
a people
for his own possession- special, adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose
who are zealous (“enthusiast”) for good works
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Connect this with Baptism: those that made a public declaration today are declaring that the grace of God has indeed appeared to them, saved them, and is now training them to renounce ungodliness and live a self-controled life as they wait for Jesus return. What about you?
Has God’s grace appeared and captivated your worship?
In what ways is the Grace of God training you to stop what is ungodlly or start living self-controlled, upright, and godly?
How is God’s Grace enoucouraging you to wait?
What about God’s grace has you the most enthusiastic today?
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
Transitional phrase:

Benediction/Looking ahead: INVITE PEOPLE TO THE CAFE

Discussion questions

Worship- Renew the Mind (Scripture)
What passage of Scripture did we look at? Summarize it in your own words.
Grow- Engage the Heart (Conversation)
In what ways can I intentionally but the grace of God in front of my eyes this week?
In what ways is the Grace of God training you to stop what is ungodlly or start living self-controlled, upright, and godly?
How is God’s Grace enoucouraging you to wait?
What about God’s grace has you the most enthusiastic today?
Serve- Enlist the Body (Action)
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