Giving God Glory - Singing From the Cave
David was a hunted man in a dark cave when he penned this song of praise. In a dark place, we’re reminded that glorifying God begins with taking refuge in Him, trusting Him as our Savior, and then telling everyone everywhere about Him!
REFLECTION: 1 Peter 5:6-11
MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 6:16-18
BENEDICTION: 1 Corinthians 15:58
Take Refuge (1-2)
Trust the Savior (3-7)
3. Tell Everyone (8-11)
Judaism and Christianity are singing religions. Atheism is songless. It has nothing to sing about. The funeral notices of Robert Ingersoll, the noted agnostic, stated, “There will be no singing.”
The psalm-singing of Christian martyrs going to their deaths in the arena alerted the Roman Empire to the fact that a new and revolutionary force was coming into being. When the pleasure-bent populace saw the Christians singing as they fearlessly entered the amphitheater where hungry lions awaited them, they were filled with awe.
Heaven is vibrant with song: “And they sing the song of Moses … and the song of the Lamb” (Rev. 15:3).