263. The Antichrist - 2 Thes.1:1-12
1. *What evidence do you see of evil forces active in the world today?
Explore It
Explore It
1. What subject was Paul addressing? (2:1)
2. What reaction had Paul’s previous letter caused among his readers? (2:2)
3. What must happen before the day of the Lord comes? (2:3)
4. *What kind of person will the man of lawlessness be? (2:4)
5. What is delaying the coming of the man of lawlessness? (2:6)
6. *What will happen to allow the man of lawlessness to be revealed? (2:7)
7. What will happen when the man of lawlessness encounters the Lord Jesus? (2:8)
8. *How will Satan’s power be evident during the time of the man of lawlessness? (2:9–10)
9. Why will people perish? (2:10–12)
10. What will God do to allow those who delight in wickedness to persist in their ways? (2:11–12)
Get It
Get It
1. How should a Christian react to any predictions about Christ’s return?
2. How close do you think we are to the end times and the return of Christ? Why?
3. What can a person do to get ready for Christ’s return?
4. *What gives Christians confidence as they face the end times and the forces of the antichrist?
5. *What powers of lawlessness and rebellion are already present in our world?
6. How can you decide if a miracle or a miracle worker is from God or from Satan?
7. What will cause people to turn away from God during the end times?
Apply It
Apply It
1. *How can you strengthen your faith today so that you are ready to face any evil days that will come?
2. What can you say to a loved one or friend this week that will lovingly draw them away from wickedness and unbelief?