Leaders of the Church
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Titus 1:5-9
BI: We must appoint leaders who have godly character and convictions
1. Introduction
Well there was a podcast that dropped every week during lockdowns that I looked forward to. There wasnt much to look forward to in those times were there? But this podcast was great. It was called The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It was a well put together podcast. Good music, lots of tension and exploring interesting topics - power, conflict, church growth, personalities, church polity. It was about the rise this mega church 15000 people at one point in Seattle and what seemed to be overnight collapse. It focused in on this Pastor Mark Driscoll. This was a guy I grew up listening to. I’ve read some of his books. Watched his sermons. From my perspective i thought wow this guy preached the Gospel. boldly.But you know what, deep down inside as I was listening the more I listened, i thought no.. no. that real sinking feeling. There was lack of pastoral oversight, bullying, domineering behaviour. It was hard listening. But one of the lines in the trailer that kept ringing for me was this; “there’s a body count of young pastors who’s ability rose them to power before their character was ready for it.”
Look i’m sure you can name pastors or leaders who have fallen because of character issues.
And yet, Church is a top priority for God. You may think bushfires, climate change, the commonwealth games, all those things matter, but in the end what God is interested in is the church. Why? Christ died for his bride, the Church. The Church outlasts everything. It goes for eternity. And it changes lives for eternity. Church is created by God. it’s a supernatural phenomenon created by God’s Spirit. But they are also human organisations made of people. And they need leaders. Leaders are crucial. But leaders have power. That makes them both useful and dangerous. And throw in there the fact that leadership is tinged by eternal consequences. Heaven and hell are at stake. That’s why it’s so important to get it right.
This is exactly why Paul left Titus in Crete. He wanted him to appoint elders.
2. Appoint Elders (1:5)
Come to verse 5
This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you—
Paul wanted Titus to put what remained into order, quite literally to straighten out. The word Ortho is the word straighten out. Orthodontist – straighten out teeth. If you want to straighten out a church spiritually, then the answer is in verse 5. It has to do with leadership. Paul has directed Titus to appoint elders in every town.
But unlike my mate who was head hunted for this high paying job, all their questions focused on skill, technical abilities, accomplishments, work ethic. That’s not the primary focus here. It’s not primarily about being impressive. Or having a decorated resume. It’s not primarily about what they do, but its who they are.
3. They must have godly character (1:6-8)
Come to verse 6 with me.
if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
An elder must have godly character. Does their life back up the message they teach? Now what does he say about it?
Right up front, they need to be above reproach. the NIV says blameless. Now, as one who is a teaching elder, I don’t think I’m without blame. I can point to things I’ve done wrong. I have spoken some pretty harsh words to my children. I’ve said words to my wife that I absolutely regret. The other week I had a tough week. I said to Joy I’m sorry I’ve been a grump this week. She was very gracious to me. Like, I know I am guilty. I’ve had to repent. I’m not sinless. The elders here are not sinless. So, what does blameless mean here? He is talking about having a good reputation with outsiders. They’re not someone accused of being a hypocrite. They’re not making a complete mess of their lives. That what will bring the Gospel into disrepute. Our lives need to be a testimony to the truth. It’s not a sinless life. But it will involve confessing, apologizing, repenting and changing on an ongoing basis. Isn’t that the way of a disciple of Christ? This is for all of us. We are captivated by the knowledge of Christ and his forgiveness, his grace, this which leads to godliness. Elders must be above reproach.
Well, Paul goes on to show us what blameless looks like specifically.
First, we see in the household. He must be godly at home.
if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.
I’ve been married to Joy for almost 9 years. Tick done that one. That’s obviously not what it’s saying. it literally means he’s a one-woman man. So isn’t it about that fact that God has brought Joy and I together, and my desire is to serve her, so that she wants to be more like Christ? I want to lay down my life for her sake, just like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her? And if that’s my desire, then wouldn’t I do that for the church? And speaking of the household, if we are blessed with children. Well Paul says, his children are to be believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. Or, the NIV translation says not open to the charge of being wild and rebellious. This can be confusing. Why? Well, isn’t the job of believing children up to the Lord? Why’s he saying this? I think he is talking about little children here. But in any case, I think the point is that leaders are so gripped by the Gospel, above all else, schooling, experiences, above holidays, above fun, above achievement, above all else they want their children to know the Lord. they are loving, teaching, nurturing, disciplining their children in the ways of the Lord. I remember a cousin said he and his wife pray that every night their daughter would always trust in the Lord Jesus. That’s always stuck with me. It’s true isn’t it? That’s what’s most important. More than anything they want their child to know the Lord. If they don’t lead the family in godliness at home, how can they lead the bigger church family? Can I say, this can cause you distress. You’re children may not be walking with the Lord. That’s really hard. There’s real heartache. But here’s the thing, I think Paul’s point is that leaders must be so captured by the Gospel they want all those closest around them to know the Lord Jesus. I think that’s what Paul means here. Their hearts ache if that’s not the case. That’s what we want for Christian leaders. If they are driven by the Gospel in the home, then they will be driven by the Gospel in God’s household.
Well, Paul goes on. Godliness in the home. But godliness personally. It’s all about godliness.
But notice the structure of verse 7 and verse 8. There are 5 vices verse 7. These are negative behaviours. Don’t appoint someone like this. And then Paul gives us 6 virtues in verse 8. These are positive behaviours. Appoint someone like this.
For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
Look at the list of verse 7.
He must not be arrogant – or overbearing. He’s not domineering,
or quick tempered,
they are not those who fly off the handle. They lose their cool too quickly. Get too angry.
or a drunkard,
They should be mastered by the Master – the Lord Jesus, not mastered by grog.
or violent,
make sure they are not bullies.
or greedy for gain,
make sure they are not dodgy when it comes to money. I’ve heard of a pastor who want to pastor in a nice part of town in a beautiful church. Why? They can take more weddings. You get a cut from doing a conducting a wedding. Do enough weddings, couple that with your stipend. That’s a pretty good income. That’s what the dodgy teachers are doing in Crete. They are teaching for shameful gain verse 11. It’s bringing the gospel into disrepute. Upsetting whole households. Friends, ministry is never about our desire for power, prestige, position. That is just the very opposite of the Gospel. Ministry is about Christ and giving God glory. Not me and my ungodly desires.
I was thinking about this. When is it that I’m angry? When I’ve got someone blocking my goal. Really, it’s all about me. You’re stopping me from doing what I want. When can I being overbearing? When I want to get my own way. I’m not gracious to others. When can I be quick tempered? Oh I’ve said that 100 times, you don’t change. It’s about me, my convenience rather than them and their good. But the problem centres on me. When ministry becomes about me rather than serving God for his glory alone, it’s not hard to see why leaders become overbearing, quick tempered, drunks – need to cope, bullies, greedy for gain.
Now it sound all negative, but Paul then gives us 6 virtues of what to look for in a leader. These are positive character traits.
but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
Notice in this list, there are a number of things that talk about elders who stop and think. You see it in the language here of being Self-controlled. Disciplined. Lover of good, Holy.
You don’t just fall into these virtues. You have to work at discipline, self control, being a lover of god. But before that, you actually need leaders who stop and think and engage our minds. Many say it’s not about the mind, not about doctrine, not about thinking. You’re so boring. That’s all you do. you think. It’s all about experience. I do what feels right. Let the spirit lead. But can I say, as feelings based myself, just ask my wife, that actually, unless our minds are informed – how can we make godly wise decisions? How can we be self-controlled? If we haven’t thought it through? Think about it, I’ve got to think about what makes me not self controlled. What are the situations? What are the circumstances? When are the times I’m not disciplined? Why? You got to think right? Of course, God works by his spirit. but he’s given us our minds to think. After I’ve thought it through, then I need to take that captive to the word of God and live for Christ. I know I’m saved by grace in Christ. But he wants me to godly. That’s why I want to be self controlled. But I got to think. Yes, God is recreating in us into the image of Christ. But unless there’s knowledge who knows where we will go? A good leader stops, pauses and thinks about what’s going on. A good leader should stop and think, how can we be godly in this situation? How can we love others? How can we be holy here? How can I show self control? How can we be lovers of good? They think it through.
Friends, I love these virtues. As you get older you realise wow God’s way is the right way. It just makes so much sense. As much as I want to dwell on all of these, I wanted to clarify hospitable here.
Leaders are to be hospitable. That’s the first on the list. What’s he saying here? I reckon we don’t rank this highly. We go self-controlled, upright, holy, disciplined. Yes I want to be those things. But why be hospitable? I think we can get its meaning wrong. Hospitality is not a women’s domain. Men are called to be hospitable. That’s the context here. We think hospitality and we go it’s about entertaining at home. Put out a nice spread. But the bible views hospitality differently. It’s one who loves strangers. It’s the Gospel in action, isn’t it? Friends, we were strangers, enemies of God but someone preached the Gospel to us so we can know Christ. God is the hospitable God who welcomes us strangers. Elders are to be those who gather outsiders, welcome in strangers. Leaders are to be hospitable. They are genuinely concerned for the outsider. Regardless of age, race, social status, marital status, whatever status, be hospitable. Welcome strangers into the church. Welcome strangers by sharing the Gospel.
now I don’t want you to think wow the bar is so high who can do this?
Friends the bar set is pursuing the normal Christian life. It’s not like these are qualifications for church leaders and everyone else can live however. This is SAS training and no one else wants to be like this. No. it’s not like leaders can’t get drunk and everyone else can get on the drink every time they like. It’s not like they are called to such a higher standard than everyone else. This is the character God desires for all of us. This is the good he wants for all of us. Is there anything here you need to repent of? You need to leave it behind. Remember the Gospel that Jesus has saved you. But be who God has saved you to be. knowledge of the truth leads to godliness.
It’s not hard to see. Leaders must have godly character. godliness in the home. personal godliness. It’s about character. Character character character.
4. They must have godly convictions (1:9)
Now if on one side of the coin we have godly character, the other side are godly convictions. This is crucial. they must have godly convictions. verse 9
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
It’s possible to try to live out verses 6-8 without holding firmly to the Gospel. Think about the Pharisees. They wanted to be spiritual but their hearts are far from God. Jesus calls them white washed tombs. They looked neat and tidy on the outside, but their hearts are far from God, full of corruption and decay. you need godly convictions, you need to hold onto the trustworthy word.
So what is this message? What do they hold onto? It’s first and foremost about Jesus Christ. Here’s what’s first and foremost. Paul says elsewhere in 1 Corinthians 15
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
What’s of first importance?
Christ died for your sins in accordance with the Scriptures,
that he was buried and
that he was raised from the death according to the scriptures
this is true. In fact he was seen by over 500 witnesses.
The very core of the message to be passed on centers on Jesus. He is the crucified Saviour, the Risen King. This is the central message of Christianity. Without this message, we are wasting our time. That message and surrounding information from the Word that’s the message to pass on. Find faithful men to do that. Hold onto the faithful message. Know the truth. Be committed to the truth. Grasp it. Pass it on. and what’s the purpose of this message? see there second half of verse 9
Titus 1:9 (ESV)
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
His purpose is so to teach others sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. of all the things that he does, this is his primary task. Teach God’s truth from the Scriptures and show the error of those who oppose the truth.
It’s not just parroting the truth. As a good Asian student, I’m good at memorizing stuff in shorts amount of time. I may have even got a distinction or three by just regurgitating information in an essay format.
But that’s not what he’s saying here. It’s about teaching the truth. They need to know what they teach. Know it, grow in it, be persuaded by it and live lives in light of it. It’s about loving the truth of God’s Word. It’s being concerned for the truth taught clearly, taught well, taught accurately. It’s the desire for the truth of the Gospel to get out no matter what. Teach the truth.
They cannot change the message. They are not free to mess with God’s message. That’s the reliable testimony. That’s the Gospel message that brings salvation to people. God’s Word brings people to salvation, it corrects rebukes trains people to live as God’s people. To do good works God’s prepared for them. you need to know trust and teach the Gospel.
And the other side is to refute those in error. When people are led away from the truth. They call it out. Why? Because the Gospel is at stake. Look for someone who has godly convictions. Convicted by the Gospel of Jesus, desiring to teach. convicted to refute error. Calvin says: A church leader should have 2 voices. 1 for gathering the sheep. Another for warding off, driving off the wolves and the thieves. We must steward the Gospel. we guard the Gospel. nurture it. Teach it.
Friends what do you want most from those whom God has placed in leadership over you? Often, I feel the weight of expectations. Oh i’m not visiting enough. Oh i don’t have enough people over for food. that goes on in my mind. But let me urge you, want more than anything your leaders that are constantly, before anything else, are dedicated to teaching you the truth about Jesus from the Word so that you might grow in the life of godliness that God saved you into. They spend the time to study the word. they spend the time to prepare and pray. Want a leader who’s soaked in God’s Word, living for Jesus not perfectly, but working at godliness by his grace and mercy. Want a leader who is gentle but strong in refuting error because he cares for God’s honor and his people.
We must appoint leaders who have godly character and convictions
5. Implications
As we wrap up. Let me give you three thoughts to take home.
5.1 Pray for your elders
It’s a big task for your elders. And, can i say your leaders here for which there many. Women’s workers, bible study leaders, leaders of teams. Paul wants godly elders, yes, but it’s not like he would say other leaders can have a different level of godliness. Brothers and sisters, It’s all about character and not competency and skill. A faithful preacher with no people skills matters. Skills can stump the growth of a church, but leaders that are not godly dishonor the name of Christ. It’s stains the honor of his church. We care more for Christ’s name. Care for your leaders by praying for them. Constantly. I need it. Your elders and leaders need it. Pray that God would help them to lead in a godly way. Pray that God would help them to lead godly lives at home, personally, being in the Word and in prayer. Pray that a lot.
5.2 Think about becoming a ministry leader
Let’s not get too dramatic about how high the bar is here. Titus is to pick people not violent, not a drunkard, adulterous, those who care for their children. That’s not such a high bar. As I look out, there are young men and women – if you are young and you love the Lord, you want to be godly you don’t have red flags in verse 7 and verse 8 you want to live the godly life, and you want to test your teaching ability, why don’t you pray, come talk to myself, Nello one of the elders and let us help you to become a leader in kids church, at youth group, for home groups.
And for the men in the room, can I say, we are looking for elders at Epping. We desire for God to raise up more elders. One of the elders has said very wisely, we should be praying towards this and looking for elders. Do you love the Lord Jesus? Do you desire to be godly? Do you want nothing more than the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to go out? Do you want the Word of God to be taught faithfully and disciples made here? Is that you? In time, consider becoming an elder. I want to encourage you towards that end. within the next few years, that should be you. The elders are praying that God will raise up more elders from within our midst.
5.3. Lead for the sake of the Gospel
thirdly, lead for the sake of the Gospel. Leaders, what is at the heart of your ministry here at Epping? Your main job is remember what God has done for you in Christ. You help others remember, teach them that as well. The passage doesn’t talk about vision, leading teams, running meetings. These are all good things. And yes, we want to best use our skills and talents from God. But these are secondary issues. We want to be gripped by the grace and mercy of God in the Word. Keep preaching the Gospel. That’s our job. Hold onto the trustworthy word. Teach the trustworthy word about our wonderful Saviour Jesus. Stick fat to the Gospel in a culture that hates all things Christians. Live to please our Master the Lord Jesus above all else.
Let’s pray together.