Practical Ways to Share the Gospel | 1 Corinthians 9:22

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Amen. Amen. Last week, we looked at our mission. Our mission was to share the gospel with others and today, I just want to do a follow-up message from last week when we saw that our mission was to go to tell and Obey while some people were here last week. So our mission is to go. So as we go to the supermarket as we go to school, as we go floryday today, things that we do, we need to go on a mission that mission is to tell others about Christ by telling them what God has saved you, from saving you from your sin. And they also need Christ to save them from their sins and also sharing your story, your testimony sharing that to others. And as Christians we need to b o b e. It's because that's the message, that's the mission that Christ gave us before he leave, which we called the Great Commission. We need to go through all the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. So often we don't share the gospel that because we don't want to, but sometimes just because we don't know how. So that's what we want to fill that Gap. Today about how we can practically. Share the gospel with a people that we come in contact with, in 1st Corinthians 9:22. Paul make your statement there, that should be our goal. If you look in the second line there in the verse it says, I have become all things to all people buy dead by all means. I might save some That was Paul's Mission. Paul's mission was that 8 wherever I go, whatever I do. I make it my goal to become all things to all people, so that by all means, I might save some. So, when Paul goes to, the Greeks would act like the Greek and learn about their taught classes, they're faking and Paul will use that as a springboard to share the gospel. When is the Romans? He would do the same. Also you would speak to them as a Roman and our aim. As Believers is that we need to know the people that we are talking with get into their world and we need to become all things to all people. And by all means necessary so that we might save them. Say our message in one sentence this morning simply decide, as far as it depends on, you do whatever it takes to share the gospel with as many people as possible. As far as it depends on, you do whatever it takes to share the gospel with as many people as possible. So, last week we already talked about the why? So, if you miss that, you can go back to our social media pages, and then just catch up on that. But today, we're going to focus on the how the gospel You are some guiding principles. The first one is that does not only one particular way to share the gospel of you realize that see some people you might say you might share the gospel with them one way and then you go ahead and take that same thing that same flame to somebody else. And then they just look at you like you the weirdest person on the planet when I leave work for somebody else. So the first guiding principles that does not only one particular way to share the gospel. So you have to look at every interaction differently have to look at every interactions differently depending on who you are. Speaking to that, goes back to 1st Peter, right? In your heart, set of Christ as lord, always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have, and then you do so hell with gentleness with meekness. So that means To be interested in the person that you talking to, you think it's not like oh this is the plan. I'm just going to put it right there. Right there and then there you go. While you don't really care about the people that you speaking to us. Why God designed it that way, that does not only one particular way to share the gospel because we need to show interest in the people that we are sharing the gospel with the second thing. Each encounter can be very different than most likely will be very different, so we should get very comfortable with that. The third thing is that we need to strive to meet people where they are. And I think a lot of us, that's kind of, like, where we failed, because we got has been doing something in our life, you know, for so long. And then somehow, we expect people to be exactly where we are. It's kind of like, don't you get that? Come on feet, but God wants us to meet people where they are. If you don't have a message, no, the few raise your hand and then I can sure I can pass one out to you. So, we need to strive to meet people where they are, we need to strive to meet people where they are, then our approach will be different depending on where they are, but the message is always the same. So you get this, the message is the same, but the way we communicate, the message will be different with different people that make sense. All right now, but here are some core elements. Every gospel message. You'll always have those four core elements are in the message. So remember the message is the same but the way we communicated with different people, it will be different. So the first thing we share with people is God's plan. OK, Google. When for each of Our Lives God has a plan for each of Our Lives. That's the one thing that we always communicate with people showing them that God has a plan just like God has a plan to create the world. God has a plan for each of Our Lives, then we need to talk about our common problem. Our common problem is that we all live in a broken world and we are all broken people. Did you know that you were broken? I know some of you look so pretty, you look so good and but all of us are broken. We may look good on the outside but on the inside, we all have problems that we dealing with. We all we do have something that we are battling. See, God has a plan for us. That plan is good, and all of us have a common problem. All of us are broken people because all of us have a spin problem because the Bible says there's no one righteous. No, not one. The third thing is that we all need a coming savior, we all have a common need for a savior. We all have a common need for a savior because of our Brokenness. So if we have a problem, we needs a savior. So and then the last thing in the gospel message is that people have to respond? Yeah. I got it as a good plan for your life, but you have to choose to follow that Clint. Clear. Now, let's get in into it. So let's look at 3 examples. We're going to look at three examples about a sharing the gospel. The first one, is my all-time favorite story in the Bible. That's in John chapter 4, the story where Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well. So let's look at that. Simple. And let's learn from the master. Let's see how Jesus did it. And let's just look at some I'll coming or principals here that we can also apply. So, the first thing we see here, it says, now, when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John, all the Jesus himself. Did not baptized but only his disciples he left you. The end of parted again for Galilee, and he had to pass flu Samaria. Underlined that in your Bible or use your digital ways of highlighting this, this is Jesus had to pass flu Samaria. Jesus did not have to pass through Samaria. Jesus said all the ways to get to Samaria, which was faster than the route that Jesus Took. But the thing was, that Jesus had an appointment with this woman, and that's why Jesus decided to go that route. See Jesus with Luz Maria because Jesus wanted to go for Samaria. First of all, Jesus was Jewish Jews and Samaritans, have nothing in common. They hated each other. They did not like each other. See, the Samaritans were mixture of Jewish and the syrians Jewish Jewish people at the time did not like them because they were a mix race because they just brought the Jewish people should be married. Jewish people. So they didn't like them, so they look down upon them and then, the other problem was that they were mixed race with the syrians and Jewish, but the Assyrians conquered the Jewish nation. And when they came, they took all the educated people people that were promising to be leaders and then move them to a Syria. So the people that they left in the land where the poor, the people were marginalized and so not only that you dealing with mixed marriages but also it was mixed marriages between the syrians and then the poor people from the Jewish nation of Israel. So they look down on them because not only, they were poor, and then there were mix. So Jewish people would go all around to Marriott so that they would not set foot in there so that they would not see the Samaritans, but Jesus on the other way. Had to go for some Mariah, Jesus was very intentional. Jesus made it a point to go for some area, so that Jesus could meet with that woman. So we saw that Jesus went to Samaria. So he came to a town of Samaria call. Psych are any of the field at Jacob had given to his son. Joseph Jacob's, Well was there. So Jesus, we read as he was from his journey was sitting beside the well, it was about the six hour but if there's no excuse for us, not to share the gospel when we are tired. Was Jesus tired.

But still, he made it a point to go meet with someone to share the gospel and often the excuse that we give when I share the gospel because we don't have high, we busy, we're tired. We have so much going on. That's not an excuse. 7. A woman from Samaria. Came to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me a drink. Remember, Samaritans and Jews have no dealings with each other. That's kind of like going back to the sixties. You know, when we, when we had like two water fountains And then it's like you have you do, remember you had the water fountains for whites and water fountains for others? It's kind of like you know a white person, a can I drink from your water fountain at the same thing that's going on here. Jesus said give me a drink or his disciples at gonna way into the city to buy for the Samaritan woman said to me, look at her response. How is it that you look at that? She's playing the race card or did you ask for a drink from me? A woman of Samaria. Did you think that doesn't go brother?

Everything's for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans Jesus answered her. If you knew the gift of God and would is that is saying to you give me a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. The Jesus take the Bates. She played the race card but did you just go along? You got nothing. We need to learn to master when we sharing the gospel K, we share the gospel. Even when we're tired we have to be intentional. And Jesus here. When the woman was deflecting from the message, from what he wanted to do, Jesus went to the heart of the message. See, Jesus didn't have any discussion about that but Jesus just told him the Living Water. Jesus say, hey, let's talk about water, okay? We not going to talk about race and then whatever or the deflections people will bring, then the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw water wave and the well is deep where do you get that living water. So these are get her attention. Are you greater than our father? Jacob, he gave us the well, and drink from it himself. As did his sons, and his wife stock, Jesus said to her, everyone who drinks of, this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I give him, will never be thirsty. Again, the water that I will give him will become in him, a spring of water, welling up to eternal life. You talk about the Masters way of evangelism. That's the last of evangelism Jesus, as a way of cutting to the heart and cutting through all the chairs and get straight to the issue. And then the woman said to him sir, give me that water. So when you share the gospel with people, you need to hit them at the point of their needs so much that they will beg you to how do I become a Christian? How do I say right now, literally? That's what this woman is saying, sir. Give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come to draw water again. Remember, last week we learned just like Paul, he pray for opportunities to share the gospel and how to communicate the gospel clearly.

Did that should be our prayer that we know how to communicate the gospel to people as clearly as we can in verse 16. Jesus said to our go, call your husband and come here. And it look at the woman's response, the woman answered him, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, you are right in saying I have no husband for you. Have had five husbands in the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true. Eufy. Jesus also was not afraid to confront her sin. Ti Jesus was not afraid to confront her sin. Remember again, Jesus, made that appointment just for this woman, this woman that society would cast out and especially again, remember Jesus was a rabbi Kay, and Robert was not even supposed to be communicating with a woman by by himself. But Jesus knew if he was with those disciples who do not understand right from wrong that they would look at this woman, they would look down on this woman, but Jesus loved her and because Jesus loved her, not only Jesus made it a point was very intentional to share the gospel with her. But she's has also, was not afraid to confront the problem had on. And Jesus was telling her, hey, go call your husband, but do you think Jesus already knew she didn't have a husband. This is not exactly but Jesus just went to the heart of the issue. Not only Jesus was interested in sharing the gospel that also Jesus wanted to change her, because if people in that transform, what do they do with the gospel? The gospel had to transform them. That was her problem and then you have to fill in the blank for whatever the problem that the other person that you speaking to, whether it's Joe kenda's, whether it is lying, whether it is stealing, whatever problem that the person have don't be afraid to confront that problem, head-on. Then the woman said to him, sir, I perceive that you are a prophet, our fathers worship on this mountain, but you say in Jerusalem is the place for people ought to worship. What do you think she's doing here? She's deflecting again. Have you ever seen when you confront people move their soon? They will just bring up something else.

Let's see. Jesus Took the bait. Jesus said, to her woman, believe me the hour is coming. When neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the father, you worship? What you do? Not know, we worship woodwind bell for Salvation is from the Jews, but the hour is coming. And is now here when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit? And in truth, for the father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit. And in truth female, she's bringing a place of worship. But Jesus say you worship, God everywhere. Okay. Let's not go, Las Villas in the details. Then the woman said to him, I know that Messiah is coming. He will is called the Christ when he comes. He will tell us all things. Jesus said to her, I will speak to you and he deflected. She went to worship place. Now, she's going talking about the Messiah. Hey, I'm waiting for the Messiah. Jesus, plainly told her, that's me.

Jasmine, his disciples came back, they marveled that he was talking with a woman. You see Rabbi was not supposed to be talking to a woman by himself but no one said what do you see or why are you talkin with her? So, the woman left her water drawer and went away into town and said to the people come see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ? You see the difference between Jesus and the disciples did? The disciples care about that woman?

See, that's the thing about us. We need to care about everybody that God put in our path. We need to learn to see people. You know, that you're seeing a, but really see them for Willie are taking an interest in them. And Jesus Took an interest in this woman, but if you look at the disciples is like, she was not even there, she was invisible. But this woman, Jesus touch her height. And what did he say? It is. Come she what did he say? They said, so the woman left, her water drawer. What did she come? Chicken for weather. But that's the problem in our culture. Lot of us in our Brokenness, we trying to find it in our work, we're trying to find it like, in money. We're trying to find it like in pleasure. We trying to fight a demon, all kinds of things. See what that woman. She was trying to get some water, but really what you needed, she needed to Living Water. She really needed Jesus, but a lot of people, you see, they might be doing their craziness. Is this really? They just looking for something deeper? And when they actually find Christ, they don't even need that thing that they were looking for in the first place. Then they went out the other town and we're coming to him about this woman after she was at the church for 10 years, learn all the Bible verses before sharing the gospel.

She was transformed and that's the problem. A lot of us have been the church would never really been transformed by Christ. We've never had such an encounter that this woman had with Jesus because her life will change the moment. She was shins, she turned around and was telling people to come, see a man with told me all that I ever. Can this be the Christ? You were not even fully. Sure, yes. If that was price, but cries at gotten hold of her heart. And you seen the people listen, they went out of the town and we're coming to him that we skip 2 verse 39, Mani Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony. Remember last week we learned about when you tell people that God has done for us, saving us from sin. And also telling them our testimony, Our God story, he told him all that I ever did that's what I was a story. Thief Jesus, read her. Probably she had a way of hiding it. Nobody could know what this woman was really dealing with, but Jesus could see her as clear as day. What she was all about. So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them and he stayed there, two days and many more believe because of his word they said to the woman, it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for, we have heard for ourselves and we know that this is indeed the savior of the world. So those people now or getting their own personal experience with Christ. I know that was very brief and shorten the story. But if you go on YouTube and just type John for John 4 and then type the name of our church or mine, and you should be able to start on chapter 4 before to really get the full details. I just give you the cliff notes version. Now, another story is John 1 verse 45251 about a man named Nathaniel Nathaniel was a Seeker. He loved God's word. He was, he's the type that pays attention to the details, he was the intellectual. Let's let's see what happened here. Philip found, Nathanael Philip was one of the Disciples of Jesus called and said to him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote Jesus of Nazareth. The son of Joseph nataniel said to him, Can anything good? Come from Nazareth to. Some people. Like they just know too much and that's why they just. Can that be safe if you ever met. Some people just know too much. They know. He has to be exactly this way. That was Nathaniel. And now, it's his Philip said to him, come and see when Jesus, or Nathaniel coming to would Human Side to him, behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit

Eufy approaches a different. How did Jesus talk to the woman at the well

Give me a drink. She needed a living water, but Nathaniel had all the knowledge. You know, what did Jesus do? Jesus gave paid him a compliment? Oh, you not legible. I know that you've been searching the scriptures and a Jesus looked at him and says, wow, be Olin Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit man, you've been really searching the scriptures and you've been searching the scriptures so much. Now you have the scripture in front of you and you've missed it.

Feel like people like when did you get lost? You don't see the forest because of the tree and the panel was just begging down, there has to be this way. That way, that way it can be from Nazareth, but Nathaniel Miss some of the details, but Jesus met him. Exactly. Where he wear. Then Nathaniel said to him, how do you know me? Jesus answered him, the whole Philip called you before Philip called you, when you were under the Fig Tree, I saw you. You see how Jesus meet him at the point of his knee, like a visit or men? If she could see me, you already know of this. This must be Messiah. The Nathaniel answered him. Rabbi you are the Son of God. You are the king of Israel. Jesus answered him because I said to you I saw you on the District 3. Do you believe you will see greater things than these and he said to him, truly, truly, I say to you, you will see Heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the son of man. Jesus met him where he was, Jesus filled the Gap that he needed the other story is Nicodemus, all of, you know, the story of Nicodemus, so we not going to read it, it's in John, chapter 3 C with Nicodemus, went to Jesus at nijee, Nicodemus was a religious man, and a wealthy, man. He came to see Jesus that night, and Jesus met him at the point of his name where Jesus told him a man, you need to be born again, get all that. Did Ronaldo of you and then see what you need to see. Now, let's look at some practical ways we can share the gospel. As we learn from Jesus five, practical ways, we can share the gospel with all of them, but that was my intention to Jesus style of Evangeline. The personal evangelism is a dialogue. It's a dialogue. Jesus was not just doing his personal evangelism. Like in a one-way Street, you want to have conversation with people? Sharing starts with caring. That's exactly what we saw Jesus did. Jesus had to go for Samara because Jesus cared for that woman. So sharing, when we going to share the gospel with somebody, don't just try to shove something down their throat. But let us share the gospel with them because we actually care for them. We actually care about that, we actually care about their eternal security. We want to share the gospel next, just for sharing it, but we want to share because we care to take a personal interest within the person that we share the gospel with. Then we need to be intentional, we need to be intentional. You saw Jesus wet after that woman. We have to be intentional. Then we need to make sharing the gospel, our day-to-day Mission member Asher. Earlier with you, some of you about d.l. Moody and the way that they are Moody was intentionally to 10 points, left them in one pocket. And then, as he goes for the day talking to people, he was moving those points back in the other pocket until he ran out. So he's going with every day that he would share the gospel with at least 10 people. So we have to make that our mission. And then we need not to be afraid to confront soon. You said, Jesus was not afraid to confront the woman at the well since he went head-on and really you could say the same for Nathaniel. Can you confronted his self righteousness? Jesus confronted it have done for Nicodemus. It was about you know, his religion could save him but Jesus terminate your morality cannot tell you just like being moral will get you to hell but your morality can that get you through Heaven? Either get, it's your faith in Jesus Christ. That will save you. Now. Are you going to become morale if you following Jesus? Absolutely. But morality alone will not save. You see in Jesus whenever possible. Give people a compliment just like Peter tells us that we do that with gentleness meekness and respect. So let's learn from Jesus, and learn those five principles. Then a second approach and sharing the gospel is a from dr. Timothy from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, relax to cemetery for Seminary to be friendly and be intentional with people. Be friendly and intentional. So he can have three steps is there first, when you meet somebody just explore, just going on exploration. Observing The Parson, see what's important to them. Ask the right questions, you know, listen more than talking. Nothing a little time. We can I share the gospel because we talk too much. Then we don't really know which Bible verse to really share with the person that, you know, that's meeting their names, Thursday, just explore this listening. See where the person is coming from, ask the right questions, listen and see what they say. Okay, now really, what you doing, you taking an interest in your learning into the person then it says the next step is to stimulate stimulate them the way you do that, okay? You've been listening, you been asking the right questions, you see where they are in life, you see what the dealing with now you can take you can I make a bridge into the conversation, you know, bring their conversation about spiritual life in the somebody was super dedicated Risperdal that they do. Talk about sports, man, I love your dedication to sports and I wonder, how did you get that way and I'm going to start telling you how they got that. Wake, man. You know, I wonder it if you would put that same dedication about following God, you know, who gave us the life that we have? You do you know, it's interesting, all those football players that we are worshipping? They don't even know us. Do you know, can I tell you about God? Do you know, Jesus, we're actually knows you. He knows every single detail about you. Don't just be a fan of football, but why don't you be a friend of Christ? See you put that bridge, bring a spiritual things, to bring that into the conversation and then you know, you share the message which I just already did. Okay, so you Explorer, is he remember? Sharing starts with caring. So take that time to explore the person. Listen to them, then you can stimulate by making a bridge into spiritual conversation and then once they want that, then you go ahead and share the gospel with them. Make sense. Forget third. One is Romans road, Romans road. And those verses you literally means to memorize them. Do the Bible verses. You want to memorize? You want to memorize those Bible verses. The first one is none is righteous you talkin to somebody hey you know what? None is righteous? No, not even one, not one of us is righteous.

Because that's the thing about life. We said we know that all of us have sinned and we fall short of the glory of God. Now, that's when you've got them an audience with the person, okay? Then now you're getting to your sharing Point. That's how you would share say, are you know what the Bible says? None of us are righteous. I know that you worried about your problems. You feel like you're not perfect. But let me remind you that Romans treat and tells us that there's none of us, right? You. So you don't have to beat yourself up because Romans 3:23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. See all of us are under the same problem. We all can identify with that. We know that we don't have it together, but the good news is that and woman 623 says the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ. Jesus, our lord. So now we talked about Need for Jesus, and in Romans 5:8, it says, but God shows his love for us. That while we were Sinners, God did what died for us? Yes, none of us is righteous, but if he even in our own righteousness, Christ is interested in us and in Romans 10:9. It says, if we confess with our mouth, that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our heart, that God raised him from the dead. We will do it. We will be safe. I would need for come and savior will be met and Romans 10:13 tells us, everyone does it. Say everyone, everyone will calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Reminding them that salvation is for everyone. Even them because the Bible says in Romans, 5:1, therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. So you tell me whatever you facing right now. You can leave at peace because if you confess your sin you receive the Lord, you can live at peace. You don't have to worry about your past sins. Do you live for Christ? Now, that makes sense. You need to memorize those one, so I got two more for you but we are out of time. So we'll pick that up next time when we meet. So but you got those three you got Jesus, personal style of evangelism, right? So this is why principles being, then being friendly and intentional from Doctor 17 and then, Romans road. And the next week, we'll tackle two more. But really the bottom line for us is that we need to remember. People need the gospel and that's the most important message that we can share with people. The most important thing that we need to do as Believers is sharing our faith. That's why Jesus died for each one of us. It was so that we would share our faith with others. See, when sharing our faith, we don't have to be perfect and sharing our faith. But we have to do what we have to practice sharing our faith. What is the repeat with me? We don't have to be perfect and sharing our faith but we have to practice sharing our faith because one conversation can have a lasting impact on. People remember that woman at the well, do you think that one conversation had a lasting impact on her? And the people that she knew. the same thing you meeting with people every day that I have problems that are dealing with all different things that are wrestling, the trying to find peace in all different things in life, trying to find significance in every other things in life, But here's the thing. The Augustine, put it this way you have made us for yourself. Oh, Lord, and our heart is restless until it's rest in you But here's the thing, people may find all success in all different aspects, areas of life where they can fill the void that they feel on the inside. But at the end of the day, people are not at rest until they find rest in God. Or until they make peace with God. Father, thank you for your grace this morning. Thank you for teaching us for putting one more tool in our bag on how to share the gospel. So father I pray for each one of us, may you help us to learn from you on how to have a intentional conversations with people. Learn Lord guy to know, to to not focus on distraction but help us. Look, got to focus on the heart of the message and father, I pray for each one of us, may you help us to truly care for people. Maybe. Just see people as just a tool to be used. Bill instead may we see people as people to be loved. The father help us to love, like you love and help each one of us. To have the boldness and to have the tools that we need to share the gospel. with others, it's in Jesus name, we pray Amen. Amen. Amen. Dragon song. Alright, let's sing one last time.

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