Being Lights Of This world

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In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God. And the Word was God, the same was in the beginning, with God, John 11-25.

Oceans with me by him. And without him was not anything made, that was made most life in the life, was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness and the Darkness. Comprehended it not.

Go in creation existed, in the beginning. That means that before the foundations of the earth that's called existed in the scripture declare that he existed as a formidable word of God. And this word itself was called to God existed in the beginning as to whether which was with him and which was himself. Amen. Lagu, some fantastic, latest creation came into existence, through this, God and nothing existed, without him, bringing it into existence. As a result, life itself came to be as a result of God, this Source of Life, the Bible declare has become became the light of men.

Bible say that this light shines in the darkness and the Darkness cannot understand it, because there is light to the word that comes with power. Illuminates. The darkness, the Bible talk about. He is evil in satanic activities. That in the wake of righteousness, to the light, was seeking out right again, strong can't eliminate evil with could not agree.

No matter what he had lighted, a candle covered it with a vessel or put it under the bed, by setting it on a Candlestick that they which ends in me. See the light We are be like, would like to condo on the table as being visible to anyone that's interested in to see the room. Lighted, as Believers, we aren't meant to be answering but rather we would show my guide and lead us in order to be hidden away from this. Well,

You are the salt of the earth in the South have lost his Saba wherewith. Shall I be sorted? It is good for nothing but to be cast out into the Troodon. Under the foot of my Matthew 5 is 13

Real liking to be sort of this world is meant to get food. It stays without the salt, the food would lose its heat blast. Supposed to be the salt of the earth to keep the earth going bad as I believe it was best to maintain this profound level of Christianity. Bearing with one another as believe, as soon as it would be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.

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