When you are in a dark place

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Go back with me to the scene is the cross
Throughout the night Jesus has been through a series of illegal trials, mocked, slapped, spit upon, and hit. In the early morning Jesus has suffered further abuse and torture.
They have even pushed down a crown of thorns upon his head. Jesus is even rejected by the crowds who once cheered him.
And now Jesus h as been sentenced to execution through crucifixion. And at 9am, they have lifted him up on a cross and placed nails in his hands and in his feet.
and for three hours passer-byers and on-lookers mock him. Even a fellow convict who was also being crucified mocked Jesus
Matthew 27:45 NLT
45 At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock.
total darkness descends when it should have been the brightest
Jesus is in a dark place - character maligned, treated unjustly, assaulted physically, exhausted mentally, they even got him financially - stole his clothes
Jesus is in a dark place - in addition to all he has suffered physically, Jesus is suffering spiritually: bearing the sins, the guilt, the punishment, of all of humanity
And those who were there naturally concluded that even if God used to be with Him, he definitely wasn’t him now . . . it seemed God had forsaken him
We cannot identify with this level of suffering, but we do and have suffered
Maybe your days have turned dark, and you are suffering physically, mentally, financially or spiritually
When you are in a dark place remember that there is a time limit on darkness
notice that the darkness lasted UNTIL three o’clock
for there is a time limit on the darkness
the darkness will only last so long
in other words, troubles don’t last always
in other words, this too shall pass
in other words, the storm is passing over
in other words, hold on just a little while longer, cause everything will be alright
with every morning that we wake up to, the Lord reminds that darkness does not last, and so the scripture says, “weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning”
There is a time limit on your darkness
Matthew 27:46 NLT
46 At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
and now at 3pm, after six hours of suffering on the cross (three of them in total darkness), Jesus cries out,” My God, My God, Why have you abandoned/forsaken/forgotten me!”
He is minutes from dying and he says, “Why have you forsaken me?”
and that’s how it feels when you have gone through something for quite some time, and half the time you couldn’t not even see your way . . . you feel forsaken
Please understand that Jesus has already been tortured and experts say that in addition crucifixion makes it hard to breath, thus making talking very difficult . . . there’s a reason why there are only 7 saying on the cross
so the fact that he gathers his energy, uses his last remaining strength to say this, and says it with a loud voice shows how important this is.
We must dig in to this, because if God will forsake Jesus, he couldn certainly forsake us
Though Jesus is feeling abandoned, and forsaken, and forgotten, he is not simply screaming out a complaint
But what Jesus is really doing here is encouraging himself!
That’s a strange way of encouraging yourself . . . give example
When Jesus says, “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me\forsaken me”, Jesus is reciting the The Word of God

When you are in a dark place, go to the Word

most of us go to our personal thoughts and musings and opinions
don’t go to the complaint department
go to friends who don’t know the Word
don’t go to that vice that your flesh is weak for
go to the Word
Read it, meditate on it
don’t stay away from church, come to church
don’t skip Bible Study, study the lesson beforehand
note: if you get the word before the dark place, you can refer back to it quickly
Jesus went to Psalms 22
with one of his last breaths, Jesus only has the strength to say the opening lyrics to a song God inspired David to write
commercial - you can get the word through a godly song too
Not only does Jesus go to the Word, but he goes to the Word that applies to his situation
Psalm 22 perfectly matches up with what Jesus is going through, for it is a prophecy concerning him
verse 6 talks about being despised and mock
verse 7 talks about people saying let God deliver him
verse 12 talks aobut bein surrounded by the enemy
verse 14 talks about my bones are out of joint (experts say this happen when you body weight pulled down)
verse 15 talks about being so very thirsty
verse 16 talks about the piercing of his hands and feet
verse 18 talks about them dividing his clothes and casting lots for them
When you are in a dark place, go to the word, for there is a word that fits your situation
but preacher how do you find the right word?
you have to go to church and get taught, learn, be discipled
and if you are in a dark place, and you are not biblically prepared, go to someone who is
Let’s look at some of the verses of Psalms 22 because if was good enough for Jesus in his dark place, it is certainly good enough for me in my dark place
Psalm 22:1–2 NLT
1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help? 2 Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night I lift my voice, but I find no relief.
in a dark place you feel forsaken by all, even by God
such agony that it causes you to groan
in a dark place you pray repeatedly but your prayers have not been answered
you have trouble sleeping, no peace . . but look at verse 3
Psalm 22:3 NLT
3 Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
Verse three reminded Jesus, reminds us, that God the Father is still on the throne

When in a dark place, remember that God is still in control.

in a dark place you might feel abandoned, feel forsaken, feel forgotten . . . God still has his hand on your situation
dark places can confuse us, but don’t be confused about this: God is still in charge!
cause it doesn’t matter what it feels like, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, God is on the throne and is concerned about me . . . look at verse 4
Psalm 22:4 NLT
4 Our ancestors trusted in you, and you rescued them.
The Scripture looks back at what God has done for others who were in trouble

When in a dark place, do a credit check on God

look in the Bible and see what God did for Joseph, David, Jehosaphat, 3 Hebrew Boys, Daniel
then look around the room and remember what God did for them
we have some incredible testimonies just in this room
and they will tell you that God has excellent credit
he delivered them, he rescued them, he saved them, brought them out, helped them
verses 6-21 give a vivid description of the suffering of Jesus
the suffering, the mocking by his enemies, his clothes being taken, the piercing of his hands and feet, his thirst
but look at verse 22 and 23
Psalm 22:22–23 NLT
22 I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your assembled people. 23 Praise the Lord, all you who fear him! Honor him, all you descendants of Jacob! Show him reverence, all you descendants of Israel!
in the middle of all this suffering is a praise!
in this dark place we find a praise

When in a dark place, still praise God!

Though Jesus is on the cross, he still has a praise
Praise God in spite of the dark place
Praise God in the midst of the dark place
praise God while you are going through a dark place, praise God!
Why praise God? There are so many reasons to praise God, but there is a special reason to praise God when in a dark place. look at verse 24
Psalm 22:24 NLT
24 For he has not ignored or belittled the suffering of the needy. He has not turned his back on them, but has listened to their cries for help.
Praise God, because God has. . . . heard . . . your . . . . prayer!
Praise God, because God will . . . answer . . . your . . . prayer!
maybe he hast not yet, but he will! So praise him in advance
God is not ignoring you, you are important to him, he has not turned his back on you, he has heard your cry!
So go ahead and praise him! Go ahead and thank him!
if I said I was going to give you $1000 next week, most of you would thank me right now!
you would thank me now . . . and thank me later when you got the money
We need to give God “now and later” praise
now lastly, let’s look at verse 25
Psalm 22:25 NLT
25 I will praise you in the great assembly. I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you.
as Jesus is encouraging himself through this song, he is reminded to fulfill his vows
I’m in a dark place, but I’ve got to do what I’ve been called to do

When in a dark place, serve God.

with all that Jesus is going through, he still has a job to complete, a charge to keep
with all that you are going through, you still have . . . .
don’t let the dark place keep you from fulfilling your calling from the Lord
since he is going to help you, since he is going to rescue you, since God is going to do his job
you must keep your focus on doing your job
Look at what Jesus said after he said, “My God, My God . . . .
John 19:28–29 NLT
28 Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips.
Jesus has now shed enough blood to pay the price for our sins, but another part of his job is fulfilling every single scripture about the Messiah
and the Old Testament said that he would be given vinegar - sour wine to drink
So Jesus focuses on his calling and says, “I thirst”
I’m going through, but i have to do my job
and after finishing his service, Jesus could say, “It is finished. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit”
i know it’s hard, but in your dark place, think on the things of the Lord
don’t let the dark place through you off track
don’t let the dark place cause you to forget you mission
serve God!
and in Jesus dark place, God did not come in at the last moment and take him off the cross, Jesus died
days began to pass
but on the 3rd day . . . that’s for next Sunday . . . . God raised him up!
The scripture said God has not forgotten about him, had not forsaken him, had heard his cry
and maybe your dark place has put you in a dead situation
and it seems like it’s all over
days have passed and it nothing has changed or improved
just know that there is a day, that God will raise you up
just know that there is a day, when everything will be alright!

So encourage yourself

Remember that if you are in a dark place, encourage yourself
Find a Word (for your situation)
Remember that God is in control
Do a credit check on God
Praise God
still serve God
maybe you will have to do like Jesus, and can only say part of a song, “Trouble in my way, I have to cry sometimes”
those who know the song will understand that you are not complaining
cause we know the other verses
trouble in my way, I have to cry sometimes
i lay awake at night, but that’s alright . . .
cause Jesus he will fix it, afterwhile
then do that credit check
stepped in the furnace, a long time ago
shadrack,, meshac, and abednego
they wasn’t worried, this I know
cause Jesus he will fix it after while
then we just repeat it and begin to praise God in advance
Jesus he will fix it, Jesus he will fixt it
he’ll do it for you, and he’ll do it for me


Fast from one item or thing from Monday at 6am until Friday morning at 9am
Fasting for the kingdom, not for yourself
Prayers for people we invite
Prayers for a celebration pleasing to him
Resurrection Sunday next Sunday, April 1st
Will have a special segment for our children
Historic greater St. James service at 12pm
pray for chambers
church family groups meeting after church
set up the school
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