Deacon Ordination Service
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A Servant Leader
A Servant Leader
Acts 6:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Romans 12:3-21; 1 Cor. 12:4-7; Eph. 4:1-3; Phil. 2:5-8
Charge to the Deacon: From Acts 6:1-6
In those days, the church was growing. in those days, the disciples was multiplying…
Back up to Acts 2: The Holy Spirit is poured out, the Gospel is being preached and the Church is born. It is growing very rapidly. (2:41) - 3000 souls were added one day. (4:4) - 5000 is mentioned here.
Doctrine is taught, there is fellowship, breaking of bread, and a community of prayer. The church folk are meeting daily and the Lord is adding to the church daily, those who are being saved.
The Apostles, the first pastors/preachers are going wide open preaching and teaching the Word of God. They are being arrested, beaten… and they are daily, in public and in individual homes teaching and preaching Jesus.
By the time chapter 6 comes around… how large is the church now? Many thousands possibly.
Now, here comes some problems: People were being overlooked. Not everyone was being served. People needed food, some folks were being neglected because the need was so great and the laborers were so few.
But what were the preachers to do…? Stop preaching? Stop the spiritual in order to take take of all the material and physical needs? The Apostles knew that their calling from God was the proclamation of the Word and of prayer. That is what they must devote themselves to.
In this moment, Godly wisdom was needed. The preaching and teaching of the Word is going to stop. Prayer is not going to be what it was. Ministry of the Word is going to slow down or come to a halt… unless something else is done.
The need is great and too much for all, we need some servant leaders who will step forward. We need some servant leaders who will come into the scene and help take care of Jesus’ Church.
“Church, find 7 men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom… Look for men with this kind of character.”
Also read 1 Timothy 3:8-13 - They must be respectful, reverent, not double-tongued, not mastered by alcohol (or drugs of any kind), not greedy for money… They must be men of faith, servant leaders of the home and of the church assembly...
Look for men who are like this, not hoping that that they would become this. It does not say, “look for the wealthiest ones, or the ones with the most clout, or let’s just give them a shot and see what they can do or become. No, this is what they are. They are already godly and they are already servants. This is what they are known as “servants.”
Now: These seven men are not actually called “deacons,” although the word “ministration” in 6:1 is diakonia in the Gk., and this word is transliterated “deacon” elsewhere in the Bible. The word simply means “servant”; in 6:2 it is translated as “serve” and in 6:4 as “ministry.”
Note that the assembly did the choosing while the apostles did the actual appointing. The apostles also, led by the Spirit, laid down the requirements which the believers gladly accepted. This is a picture of unity and harmony between spiritual leaders and the members of the flock. It is possible that this early appointment grew into the office of deacon (1 Tim. 3:8ff).
The deacons’ main task was to take care of material needs and thus relieve the apostles for their spiritual ministry. Today, the deacon assists the pastor in counsel and service, helping him get as much work done as possible.
The deacon assists the pastor and serves the church. The deacon is not the pastor’s supervisor, he is a servant to all. He shall look after the temporal needs of the people. He shall help to look after the widow and the orphan. He shall visit the sick and find needs within the church community so that all the church can be all that Christ desires for Her to be.
Deacons and pastors are to work together so that the Church can be all She can be, and be healthy. Can deacons eventually become preachers/pastors, yes, absolutely. But this is a different office, and the ministry focus is different. Every pastor is to be a servant, but not every servant is called to be preachers and teachers of the Word of God. Every person is called by God to serve in some capacity, but we all have our different callings and gifting.
But when the pastor and deacons are working together: The pastor is devoted to the Word and the spiritual shepherding of the church, and the deacons are taking care of administrative duties, maintenance, and physical needs...
The church can be a Healthy Body.
Take away God’s order and design… Have deacons and pastors not knowing who does what… Have servant leaders competing who is the greatest… And the Church will not be healthy… It will be sick and debilitated.
This is what all servant leaders do:
By the mercies of God, we lay down our lives for God and for one another. By the Spirit of God we see the worth and value that we have in Christ and we acknowledge the calling and the giftings that we have is to glorify God and edify the Church, not self.
So we, Ephesians 4:1-2, walk worthy of our calling, with lowliness, gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
What to we do? Philippians 2 - Are are to be like-minded in Christ, be of one accord, doing nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind we esteem others better than ourselves, looking after the interests of others.
This is what servants are to be. This is what deacons are. The church is growing, the work is plentiful, and Satan is at work everywhere. The pastors are torn and have so much on their plate… Will the ministry of the Word stop? Will the church become unhealthy?
Behold, men are chosen by God through the church, to be Christ’s servant-leaders.
Charge to the Church:
Church family, these men are here to serve you. They are here to love and support this church. They, like all of us, are to be held accountable… and they, like us, will give an account on the day of judgement.
They, like we, struggle with temptations, sins, pride and the rest. They have families, other jobs, and a spiritual life to nourish.
Please be careful to to be mindful of these things. Please be careful to pray for these men, who will now be up front serving… and the enemy will paint them with cross-hairs to ruin their testimony and cause problems in the church and at home.
Pray for your deacons. Talk to your deacons… not about them, behind them. Encourage your deacons, be patient with your deacons… As we all come together to serve this great God our ours.
At this time we will move into the vows:
Deacon Vows:
Do you vow to be a servant,first to Christ, then to your church as long as you are an active deacon?
2. Do you vow to be an assistant to the pastor and do all you can to support him?
3. Do you vow to be consistent in your study of God’s Word showing yourself approved and a workman unto God?
4. Do you vow to live up to the qualifications of a deacon found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13?
5. Do you vow to be a witness by sharing the Gospel to those who are unbelievers?
6. Do you vow not to neglect your family and love your wife as Christ loved the Church?
7. Do you vow to teach and encourage your church to participate and to give to missions?
8. Do you vow that you will vote to ordain only men who are truly qualified for the ministry?
Church vow:
Do you, members of this congregation, acknowledge these men as deacons in this church? (We do.)
Do you vow to encourage and pray for these men in their office, and to cooperate with them in the fulfillment of the mission of the church (We will.)
Thank you men: At this time, please sit in a chair facing the congregation.
Now at this time, after being found qualified by the deacon ordination counsel, and by the giving of the vows, I now ask that the ordained deacons and ministers who are here to please come forward to lay their hands upon these candidates. Pray over them, give them encouragement.
*Have music played softly*
Let’s sing a song together
1.Families Join with Deacons Up Front
2. Present the Deacons with Study Bibles
3. Dismiss with Prayer and Fellowship