Choosing a Side
Words & Works of Jesus • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Winners & Losers
Winners & Losers
A couple of years ago, Sara and I went to a D-backs game w/ our 2 kids who live there. They were playing the TX Rangers. We’re also Rangers’ fans from when we were in Dallas.
It was September, the last or next to last series of games before the end of the season. We had good seats. But, there were plenty of good seats to choose from b/c the D-backs and Rangers were 2 of the worst teams in the entire Major Leagues that year. No one wanted to pay to watch them. They were long out of the race for the playoffs.
The stadium was an echo chamber. We could hear the players talking on the field. There was no crowd noise b/c there was no crowd.
We were talking on the phone to our son in AR who was watching the game on TV. At one point, Sara and I whistled, he could hear us.
Nobody likes a loser. Nobody, unless you are the most diehard fan, will choose to be on the side of a loser.
When the D-Backs were winning the world series, the stadium sold out, everyone was a fan and their gear.
And, maybe this year, both teams are a lot better, and the baseball in September may have playoff implications. There will be a lot more fans in the stands.
Movies, TV shows, music, actors, and singers. We used to enjoy watching the award shows. Oscars, Emmys, Tonys, and Grammys. That is, until they became political commentaries.
We don’t go to a lot of movies. But, we’d watch to see what was winning the awards, Best picture, actors. Choose from the list of nominees or winners and go see them.
Not any more.
Even if we like the winners, we don’t like what comes w/ them.
And, I think one of the contributing factors to the demise of our country is when too many ppl started getting their political news from comedians. As if they are hard-hitting journalists! And, maybe too many journalists think they are comedians today!
Still, for the most part, everybody likes a winner. We’re on board w/ whoever it is, whatever team, whatever church is the biggest in town. We all like winners. We like to be seen w/ winners.
If someone is losing, no one is watching or wearing their gear, or admitting the attend the church that is the smallest in town.
Sometimes, early on, the one who looks like a winner, ends up being a loser. And the one who looks like a loser, ends up winning.
That year, the D-backs and Rangers looked like losers from opening day.
But, consider the movie, The Sound of Freedom. It’s based on a true story of human trafficking. It was completed and in the can in 2018. It cost $14.5 million to make. The rights to the movie were owned by Disney. They refused to release it.
Angel studios bought the rights. They are the ones who do The Chosen. They released it 4th of July weekend into 2,850 theaters.
Disney released Indiana Jones the same weekend into 4,600 theaters at the same time. The Sound of Freedom sold more tickets and made more money than Indiana Jones.
The Sound of Freedom has grossed $124 million, making it a block-buster and Indiana Jones has bombed. Indiana Jones has sold more tickets over time, but cost much more to make. Therefore, it’s a bomb.
2 weeks ago the Sound of Freedom finished 2nd behind M.I. This past weekend it finished 3rd, behind Barbie and Oppenheimer. it’s still holding its own at the box office.
Sometimes, losers look like winners at first and winners look like losers at first.
We all like to side w/ winners except when we don’t like what comes w/ them.
This is also true of Jesus. He looked like a loser at first. And once it was obvious, to the unbiased observer, He was the winner, many did not side w/ Him b/c they did not like what came w/ Him.
What about you? Jesus proved He’s the winner. And even with the cost that comes with Him, we gain so much more by siding with Him.
Jesus forces the choice. There are only 2 options. Jesus looked like a loser but ended up winning big. Others looked like they were winning, but ended up losing big. Either we choose His side and what comes with Him. Or we choose the only other option. The cost of that side is much higher.
This is recorded in 3 passages. Mt. 12:22-37; Mk. 3:20-30; and Lk. 11:14-26. We’re going to spend most of our time in the Luke passage.
It begins w/ Jesus performing another miracle. It’s described in only 1 verse. It’s almost insignificant. But its significance is not in the miracle itself, but the point it makes in the context.
This passage is an important passage in the progression of Jesus’s ministry. It is the passage where Israel, formally and finally reject Jesus. Jesus is a patient man. But he has a line, and they crossed it here.
It begins w/ Jesus telling a demon where to go. And not in a hand basket, either.
Where to Go
Where to Go
Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed. But some of them said, “By Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.” Others tested him by asking for a sign from heaven.
We may get the idea that demon possession was a common issue in c.1. But we do not know that to be the case. We don’t know how common it was. Was it more common that it is now. We know of many exorcisms today, esp. in the US.
What we do know is Jesus used these situations to illustrate important points. And this is the point of the context.
1 verse. Right to the point. Almost an afterthought. But the miracle is not the point. What it illustrates is.
Here, Luke says the demon caused the man to be mute. In the Mt passage, he adds the demon caused the man to be blind. He could not see nor speak. So, when Jesus cast the demon out, the man could then see and speak again.
The point being, w/ the demon, the man was blind, both physically and spiritually. He could not see the truth. But Jesus gave him the ability to see what he needed to see to accept Him as his Savior.
And, w/ the demon, he was unable to speak and tell ppl the truth. He didn’t know the truth. But once he was able to see the truth and accept the truth as his own, then he was able to tell the truth of his story and Jesus’s miraculous life-changing work in him.
That’s the point. Jesus give us the ability to see the truth, accept the truth, and speak the truth of what He does in our life when we do.
But, the reaction of the ppl in this case, indicate they missed the point. They challenged Jesus on Who He is and where His power came from.
The ppl in the crowd were amazed. Understand, being amazed by Jesus doesn’t get you saved by Jesus.
They could not deny the miracle. He was right there in front of them, seeing and speaking. But they could deny by what power Jesus performed it.
Up to this point, and beyond, Jesus looked like a loser. He was dirt poor. Did not own a house. No formal education or religious experience. He had one set of clothes. His father, as far as they knew, was a poor carpenter.
His opposition looked like winners. They were wealthy, had influence, highly educated, dressed to the nines, and got invited to all the A-list parties.
According to the Mark passage, even his family challenged his mental and spiritual health. They were called in and questioned his sanity. Who does he think he is. This included Mary, his mother, and James his half-brother among other half brother.
James did not become a believer until after Jesus’s resurrection. Then, he became a leader in the church, the pastor of the church in Jerusalem and wrote the letter that is in your bible under his name.
Imagine being James and his brothers. Who else has an older sibling w/ a Messiah complex? Who died and made you king? Nobody had to die. I am the King. Jesus will proving to be the King.
There have been others. All mentally, emotionally ill. Except this one who proved to be the One.
C.S. Lewis famously presented his trilemma about Jesus. He said He is either Lord, Liar, or lunatic.
You see it represented here in the c.1. Let me add another ‘L’.
He looked like a loser. It’s going to look worse before it ever looks better. He let’s them brutalize Him and crucify Him. That treatment was reserved for the worst of the worst.
They saw the miracle, marveled at it, then muttered about Him, and mandated another sign.
And the ppl there accused Him of being demonic. Representing Satan, His enemy, and demonstrating His power, not God’s power.
Technically, there are only 2 options. Only 2 sources of enough power to do what Jesus was doing that day. More sided w/ the wrong source than the right source.
Then, Jesus made His case, using 3 illustrations, of whose power he accessed and Who ultimately was behind what He was doing.
So, Who did it, really?
Who Did It?
Who Did It?
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebul. Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
He knew what they were thinking. Let that sink in. Jesus is not limited to the actions we all see. He Knows what’s going on in our minds w/out any overt actions.
They demanded a sign from heaven to prove where his power came from. Now, the man who couldn’t see nor speak was standing right there, looking at them and telling them about what happened to him.
But they denied Jesus’s power came from God. So, Jesus, in one last attempt to convince them He is God, gave them 3 examples proving he could not be demonic.
First, If Jesus’s power came from Satan and He used it against Satan, then Satan would be working against Himself and his dominion and reign will implode.
The division will cause His house to collapse and the ppl would have nothing to worry about regarding the demonic.
But, if Jesus is casting them out by the power and authority of God then they were in big trouble b/c they are rejecting and denying the work and power of the HS.
Jesus did the work w/ the knowledge and approval of the Father w/ the power of the Holy Spirit. To deny this is to deny God.
No different that a spy, or a mole in the gov’t or military giving out secrets. Or, an athlete, team member who has taken a bribe to throw a game. The team can’t win everyone is not on the same side against the opposition.
Second, The Jewish leadership had their exorcists who performed exorcisms, too. When they cast out the demons, the belief was they were working under the power and authority of God. So, what’s the difference w/ Jesus?
Then, third. Before a military can occupy enemy territory they must first overpower the enemy’s military.
Russia cannot occupy Ukraine until they defeat them militarily. It hasn’t happened, yet. So, Russia cannot safely occupy the land.
If Christ can enter Satan’s territory, then it is evident He is more powerful and has defeated Satan on that front.
He has proven to be stronger and superior in the lives of the individuals He has saved.
If He is stronger and superior to Satan, then Who is He? B/C, there is only 1 entity more powerful.
If Jesus is of Satan, then they really have nothing to worry about as the house will collapse.
But, the mansion exists in all its magnificence and rooms available to those who believe.
So, those who reject Jesus might find themselves in some trouble.
So, after making His case, He calls the question. He forces the issue. Choose your side. There are only 2.
Whoever is not w/ Jesus is against Him. You may call it Judaism, Atheism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Humanism, Universalism, or whatever-ism.
If you’re w/ Him, you’re a Christian. A follower. A disciple. A believer.
Everybody has to choose. And this is the most important decision you will ever make in your life.
At this point, if they sided w/ Jesus, it looked like they were siding w/ a loser. And He will say, if you do, then PU your cross daily.
Looking back we get it. We deserve it. We admit it. And Jesus has a habit of choosing losers like me, to prove that he is the source of winning b/c I couldn’t do it on my own.
Once the choice is made, then there are consequences. What comes w/ Jesus is life. We must give up our own life, but we get His.
He gives us a purpose, a reason to get out of bed every day. We give him the flawed ID we were born w/, that may feel like it’s the wrong Id. But then He gives us the right ID, the one He created us to be.
Everybody loves a winner if you’re okay w/ what comes w/ them.
So, if you’re okay w/ what comes w/ Jesus, then choose His side.
The Mt. passage includes a point made about the sin that cannot be forgiven.
He says, “Blasphemy against the HS”. Denying the power that the HS provides is of God.
The power of the miracles prove the Person of Jesus. And that power comes from the HS.
To deny the power of the HS is from God is to deny that Jesus can save you b/c it takes the power of the HS to make it happen.
Jesus said, you can criticize him. But you cannot deny that the HS is the source of the power that gets you to heaven. To deny it is to say He can’t. Which amounts to not having faith in Jesus to save you.
The only unforgiveable sin is unbelief.
This is the formal rejection of Jesus as Messiah by Israel. To accuse Him of being demonic, getting his power from Satan, is the ultimate and final insult.
Jesus has a long fuse. He is a patient man. But He has a line in the sand and they just crossed it. From now on, His emphasis will be on saving non-Jews.
And, He warned Israel what would happen. And it’s played out just like He said.
What’s Going to Happen?
What’s Going to Happen?
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”
This is a description of what happened to Israel over the last 2000 years.
If you cast a demon out of a person, then there is a vacuum, a void left. That person must put something back in that void.
The obvious choice is the HS. A demon cannot occupy the same space as God. So, if God is now where the demon used to be, then he cannot return.
Many in Israel accepted the message of JB to repent. They admitted their sin and apologized for it.
But of these, many did not accept the message of Jesus to then choose to believe, have faith.
So, even though they rejected sin temporarily in their lives, they did not find a permanent replacement.
So, the demonic returned more powerful than before. Evil returned in greater force. So, what’s left today is a sliver of land that once dominated the middle east. And they only have that b/c their allies won the 2nd WW.
They had such an advantage. They had the law that pointed them the Jesus. They had the prophets who warned them to return.
Then Jesus Himself showed up and offered them the opportunity to accept Him and He would establish the Kingdom right then.
But they rejected Him.
They accused Him of representing the Enemy. There is no worse insult that they could have brought against Him.
The silver lining for almost all of us though, as Paul wrote to the Romans, their rejection gave us non-Jews the opportunity for acceptance.
But we, like them, must choose which side we are on.
Jesus still may look like a loser. But you have to look past his tomb. He comes in triumphant glory the next time.
That is when it will be obvious to all who wins in the end. But by then, it will be too late for those who have not already made their choice.
As Joshua told Israel as they entered the PL, Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
See & Speak
See & Speak
If you know Jesus, then you can see the truth. You can make better decisions and talk about the truth of the power of God in your life.
You have courage and ability if only you will access them.
God does not expect perfection out of us. Not all our decisions will be the right ones or even the best ones. But we can make more better decisions b/c we can now see better what to do.
And, the ppl around us need to hear why we make the decisions we make so maybe they can too.
See the truth. Tell the truth. Tell your story about the truth.
The power that raised Jesus from the dead now resides in you. You can do what you need to do. You can say what you need to say. Believe in Jesus. And believe in the power of the HS that give you the ability to do what you need to do.
He who is in us is more powerful than he who is in the world. And when you get saved, you’ve been saved by the most powerful entity in creation.
You can do what you need to do. You can say what you need to say. What might that be?
Choose today who you will serve and who will save you.
There are only 2 choices. No matter what other ism you may be considering, they are all simply tools of the enemy to lead you away from God.
Don’t let him do it.
Choose Jesus.
He looked like loser. He tends to choose losers. But in the end, He wins, and we do too.
Who knew the D-Backs would be in the running for the playoffs and the Rangers are winning their division? It wasn’t that long ago they looked like long-term losers.
Who knew a small budget film about a huge issue that’s hard to watch would be a block-buster when the latest installment in a successful movies series would bomb?
Sometimes, losers look like winners at first and winners look like losers.
We all like to side w/ winners except when we don’t like what comes w/ them.
Jesus looked like a loser at first. And once it was obvious, to the unbiased observer, He was the winner, many did not side w/ Him b/c they did not like what came w/ Him.
What about you? Jesus proved He’s the winner. And even with the cost that comes with Him, we gain so much more by siding with Him.
Jesus forces the choice. There are only 2 options. Jesus looked like a loser but ended up winning big. Others looked like they were winning, but ended up losing big. Either we choose His side and what comes with Him. Or we choose the only other option. The cost of that side is much higher.