The Gospel Project: Disciples Live for the Kingdom
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Intro Option 2: Time-Lapse
Show time-lapse video of mustard seed growing into a flower
Ask: How much time did it take?
Ask: How did something so small make such an impact?
Ask: Can you think of anything else that is small yet it makes a big difference?
God doesn’t need popular or mighty to make difference
Any of us = grow the Kingdom
Today = God’s Kingdom
Main Point: Jesus taught that God’s kingdom is unique and valueable.
The growth of the kingdom
31 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.”
Seemingly small = huge impact
Like a mustard seed, “Bigger than us” = God’s Kingdom
Like yeast with dough, God uses us to spread Gospel
Greater size (the mustard seed)
More widespread influence (the leaven)
Small band of disciples > impact world
Yeast = unseen
“His kingdom will grow though an internal, unseen, spiritual dynamic.”
Kingdom = growing
God’s people accomplishing His purpose
Ask: How does it encourage you to know Hod uses what seems small and insignificant to grow His Kingdom?
Throughout Scripture: the week, unpopular, and sinful
Shepherd slays giant
Persecutor grows church
God uses us, too
Don’t have to be Bible scholars
Don’t have to be perfect to do great things
Ask: Have you ever felt small or insignificant? How do you underestimate God’s ability to use you in His Kingdom?
We focus on negative qualities of failures
Know the worst parts of ourselves
But because of Jesus, we are more than our weaknesses
Tempted to think God can’t use us > fix our eyes on Jesus
All things through us because of His Strength and ability (Phil 4:13)
Refuse to let use = lack of faith in God
Main Point: Jesus taught that God’s kingdom is unique and valueable.
The growth of the kingdom
The value of the kingdom
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
All comes down to this
Either hearts cherish God or don’t
We say value, but if actions don’t reflect, then lying
We make time for what we value.
Sacrifice for things we care about most
Will do anything to protect what we value, to see it succeed.
Sometimes called to sell all, but always abandons anything that stand in the way
Lives reflect what we love
Ask: How do your priorities reveal what is most valuable to you?
Spend time = priorities
Known for what we associate with; sport, art band, group of people.
Invest time into what matters most to us
If we value God’s Word, we’ll dedicate time each day to reading it.
If we value godly community, we’ll do out best to plug into our local church.
But often willing to invest more in worldly things instead
In what ways have you sacrificed in order to gain the Kingdom?
Jesus promises difficult situations
Asked us to follow and lay down desires
Sacrifice time, attention, popularity to seek His Kingdom
But worth it bc of the joy
Big Question: How can there be joy in sacrificing for the Kingdom?
The man who found the treasure went “in his joy” (Matt. 13:44) to sell everything he owned to purchase the field. He found joy in giving everything away so he could posses this treasure, which represents God’s Kingdom! But we tend to view sacrifice in a negative light. We focus on what we give up instead of what we gain. We cling tightly to our lives, finding it hard to experience joy when we have to give up something for the Lord. However, True joy comes from inheriting eternal life, not from worldly desires, possessions, and accomplishments. When we are willing to open our hands and release our grip on these things, then we can have our hands filled with what truly satisfies-things that Last. And we can experience joy in sacrifice because we gain so much more than we give away.
Main Point: Jesus taught that God’s kingdom is unique and valueable.
The growth of the kingdom
The value of the kingdom
The purity of the kingdom
47 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind. 48 When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad. 49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous 50 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Hell is a reality
Reminder of what is at stake
Ask: Does remember that Hell is a reality make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
East to forget; caught up in lives
Laziness in reaching others
Shouldn’t use scare tactics, but still important to remember
Our faith in action = God’s method for reaching them
Ask: Who are the good fish? Who are the bad fish? What does it show about God that He catches both?
24 species of fish counted in the lake of Galilee
Many were unclean
Catching = judging
“It nevertheless teaches the three-part message that God will judge all people on the last day, gather together the righteous for further service and safekeeping, and discard as worthless those who are unredeemed.”
God will judge all
Not on whether good or bad but on whether we have accepted His Son
Easy to misinterpret as own efforts
Gospel emphasis on the “little ones” and “poor,” those who have no merit of their own
God wants all to be saved.
Continues to cast net for all.
Christ Connection:
Jesus told parables to describe the nature of God’s Kingdom on earth. No earthly Kingdom is like God’s kingdom, a kingdom of exceeding value. When Jesus returns, we will experience the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom.
Head: How does knowing that God uses the seemingly small and insignificant things in this world change the way you think about your purpose?
All have purpose
Obedience matters more than we realize
Remind ourselves of Matthew 28:19-20.
Make disciples
God has placed you where He wants you.
Not only can God use us; He wants to.
Heart: Does your life reveal that you value God’s Kingdom above everything else-Above your grades, relationships, sports, dreams, and so forth? If not, what need to change?
Pulled in different directions
Chasing after your dreams
Seeking relationships, popularity, and fame
Taking priority over Jesus = misplaced commitment
God’s Kingdom outlasts.
Chasing after what is eternal will bring a reward worth any sacrifice here.
Hands: Since Hell is a reality, what steps can you take to share the good news of Jesus with unbelievers?
Sharing Gospel isn’t complicated
Step into leadership roles at schools
Stand for truth in class
Love people
Reach out to those who don’t fit in
Be kind.
Live differently, answer when people ask why.
We can make an impact for God’s kingdom in a million small ways.
Closing Challenge: Write down in your book one way that you can be a Kingdom-Seeker this week.