We Must Know to do
“We Must Know to do”
1. The Source of our Temptations (13-18)
a. Difference between trials and temptations (13)
b. We are all sinful creatures (14-16)
c. Everything that is truly good comes from God (17-18) (sin is taking good things God has given us and perverting them)
2. The Importance of Listening(19-21)
a. Be quick to hear and slow to speak and anger(19)
b. Anger of man = no Righteousness (20)
c. Get clean be saved (21) (not get clean then you are saved)
3. Listening is not Enough (22-27)
a. We must be does (22) (not talkers, not dreamers)
b. We must recognize our need for a savior (23-25) (The Law is not enough it must be seen through the person and work of Christ)
c. We must be in the World and not of it (26-27)