Genesis 1:1
Sermon Outline
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth—”
Me: Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Sound of Freedom
We: The world is tough
God: God Created Time for His Glory, God Created the Heavens and the Earth for His Glory, and God Created Us for His Glory
You: Rest in the Lord
We: Bear His Image to all we come across.
Introduce the verse
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the world around you with the seemingly only 24/7 bad news? I have and still do at times. I’ve seen Sound of Freedom twice, try watching that and not feel a bit overwhelmed by the evil of this world. There’s more slaves today than ever in history but no one seems to care and that can be just a tad bit depressing. It ain’t hard to become overwhelmed. The verse we are about to read, helped me and I know it will help you.
Read verse
Pray - Father thank you for the time we have tonight, for the food and fellowship, let it not be my words that are spoken but yours. Thank you for what you will do through this time, amen.
Main Idea - God, Who Created All Things for His Glory, Loves You.
You could read the verse as “In the beginning of time, God created all things, seen and unseen, known and unknown for His glory alone”
1. God Created Time for His Glory.
1. God Created Time for His Glory.
“In the beginning”
This means the beginning of time, and that there was a time, period, maybe place before time. Which is incredibly hard to wrap your mind around because our lives are completely dictated by time.
Illustration: Think about it our lives are basically us just going from appointment to appointment: This morning I had a dentist appointment at 8, I needed to leave my house by 7:30 which means I need to be ready by 7:20 so I need to be up and going at . Then I went to work, at 12 i got lunch, at 1 I started working again, at 5 I left to come here, and now here we are. And that is how all of our lives are, Time is just ticking away and nothing stops it.
And yet before time there was God. We can read this in Isaiah 48:12
Isaiah 48:12 (LEB)
I am he. I am the first;
also I am the last.
And then he creates time of which He is in control, while it may seem like we work against time, time works for God as Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 3:1
For everything there is an appointed time, a time for every matter under heaven:
The Lord has appointed all things, nothing happens by chance, everything works together to fulfill His plan. He is in control, no matter how out of control the world may seem, the Lord is in full control.
2. God Created the Heavens and the Earth for His Glory.
2. God Created the Heavens and the Earth for His Glory.
We move to the second half of the verse “God created the heavens and the earth”, we’ll start with:
“God created”
we create stuff by taking stuff and making something else. God created everything from nothing, absolutely nothing.
“the heavens”
meaning the billions and trillions of galaxies, stars, nebulas, and everything we see and can’t see in the night sky. and every one of those was purposefully placed, there were no “happy little accidents” like Bob Ross would say.
“and the earth”
God created the Earth, the planet that we live on and everything in and on it. All the precious gems and metals, all the birds of the air, the animals that tread the ground, the life that fills the water, all organisms whether we can see them or not, He created them.
And since God created everything, He owns everything, it is all His. Isaiah 48:13
Indeed, my hand founded the earth,
and my right hand spread out the heavens;
when I summon them, they stand in position together.
Trying to picture what that truly means, I got nothing, but the point is that because the Lord created everything, everything is his, and will do whatever is asked
John4:15 “The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or come here to draw water!””
3. God Created Us for His Glory
3. God Created Us for His Glory
Now “the earth” also means you and me, God created us! If we jumped down to verses 26-28, we get a deeper look into this
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
We are set apart from the rest of creation, nothing else was ever created in the image of God. This makes us God’s image bearers which means we are to share his character, his love, his justness, his kindness, his mercy, and his grace with all we come across.
He not only set you and I apart from the rest of creation, He made each and everyone of us uniquely with our individual personalities. He intimately knew you and me before he laid the foundations of the earth, before time itself. He knows everything about you and I, all the good things but more importantly all the bad and yet he still loves us and chose to create us.
You might be thinking “Ok so God created time and the stars and all the animals and I guess me, so what? Just because he created me doesn’t mean he loves me? And there are plenty of artists who hate a painting they made or a director who hates one of their movies, and there are even plenty of parents who don’t love their kids. But I promise you, God loves you!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
God loves you so much that he sent his ONLY Son to pay the price of our debt so that He could have a relationship with you. And Jesus loves you so much that at the beginning of time he was ready to die for you, he merely waited for the appointed time. He took on flesh and became man, and having lived a sinless life, He willingly went to the cross to die so that the debt of my sin, your sin, every sin ever would be paid in full. BUT He did not stay dead, 3 days later He rose from the grave defeating death. This was not some last second lightbulb moment where God figured out how to defeat satan, this was planned from the start of eternity, it was always the plan.
Run to the Cross
Run to the Cross
For the non believer
You need to give your life to Jesus. The Creator of the universe wants a relationship with you and for you to accept His free gift of salvation. If you want to do that or if you have questions please come and ask myself or one of the pastors in the back afterwards, we would love to talk with you.
For the believer
Be at peace and known that He who created all things, even time, is in control and holds you in the palm of His hand. Rest in him and be rejuvenated. Then we need to remember we are his image bearers and we are to go and bear his image wherever we go. Sharing the love of God to all we come across.
Let’s Pray
Father, thank you for this word that you have given us today. Let us not get bogged down in the things of life that don’t truly matter. Help us not forget that you created all things, from the expanse of the heavens to the plankton of the seas, you created all of it for your glory. You also created us in your image and knew us before the foundations of the universe were ever laid. Thank you. Help us be your image bearers wherever we go and bring glory to your name. Amen.