We Are Not Alone
Our Love of Christ is Proven by Our Obedience (v.15)
Our Love of Christ is Proven by Our Obedience (v.15)
Jesus is not proclaiming a works based religion, but re-iterating that our love for Him will lead us to keep His commandments
Obedience plays a major role in this passage
Our obedience if paralleled to Jesus’ obedience to the Father
We do not follow Jesus’ commands because we fear God’s punishment, but we follow His commands because we love Him and know our sin breaks His heart.
Who is the Helper?(v16-17)
Who is the Helper?(v16-17)
What does obedience and the Helper have in common? Why are they linked? We will need help to be obedient
Jesus knew very well that the requirement of love and keeping his commands would necessitate a resource of divine proportions and accordingly he prayed that his followers would have “another” resource.11 Gerald L. Borchert, John 12–21, vol. 25B, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2002), 122.
: Intercessor, Consoler, advocate, comforter
:Someone who is called to one’s aid
He is given to those that love Jesus
He is sent by the father
The Spirit of Truth
He is with you forever
This is in contrast to His work in the Old Testament where the spirit came up and left people
In the church age, the Spirit dwells within us
It’s not Jesus in your heart, it’s the Spirit: So stop saying “ask jesus into your heart”
Unseen by the world
You know Him
Christ’s Resurrection (18-25)
Christ’s Resurrection (18-25)
I will come to you refers to His finding the disciples after the resurrection
His resurrection is the promise of our resurrection in the future. (1 Corinthians 15).
The Resurrection is the historical fact Christianity is based up. Without it, as Paul says, we are “most miserable” but with it we have the promise of eternal life.
Because of the resurrection, we know Jesus was sent from God
We can be one with Christ
Not everyone will see Jesus in His resurrection
Only those who love Him and are loved by the Father
The Ministry of the Spirit (26-29)
The Ministry of the Spirit (26-29)
The Apostles are promised to know and remember all things (v26)
It is a promise to the apostles, not us
It is a promise to know and remember Jesus’ words and works
He will give us peace
Salom is the normal way to say goodbye
We will have peace with God because our sins are forgiven through the cross
The disciples, and us, can be at peace in this world while Jesus is gone
We can trust in His promise, because it came true
The Obedience of the Son (v30-31)
The Obedience of the Son (v30-31)
Just as Jesus requires our obedience, He is obedient to His father
As Satan and his henchmen are coming to take Jesus, He reminds the Disciples they have no claim on Him
Genesis 3- The battle between the snake and the Seed
Eph 2:1-2 “1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—”
Job 1
Jesus’ love for the father is also proven by His obedience to the Father.
There is a hierarchy within the Trinity in that they are equal in status but submissive in authority
As Jesus is preparing to leave, He is promising them they will not be alone.
He will return and then when He finally goes, He will ask the Father to send the Helper
How the Spirit Helps Us
We Are Not Alone
The Spirit Will Draw Us to Remember Christs Work and Words
We Can and Should Submit to the Will of God