Aug 6 2023 - Acts 27:1-28:10

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BHM to the city movie.

Is winning for the end of the day, but that's the day we're going to be. 27 Journey.

I think you would enjoy talking to you. If he doesn't.

Can I trust? It will be improved by you at work yet. Although, can you feel this morning?

The part is fine.


This particular passage as we've seen up to this point in that.

Hearings, he's not found to be guilty but they have to appeal to Caesar.

I'm turning around is one. That is remarkable in its the remarkable.

But this Voyage educated about actually what ancient seafaring look like at the time. It's unusually. Lengthy account. Give me evolve into.

Stories of seafaring avoids, his into a storms and shipwrecks. But it's notable in the story. What's notable is the absence of any kind of explicit gospel presentation by Paul or or actually any noted version

Every chapter of a book and what we've been telling you about the advancement of the kingdom of God, and all he's going to do anything. What is life? Or is that there's a point that you just read about where he sees a vision and he didn't communicate that. You don't see any

Consider the story is the navigation of the sea. The center of the story is the navigation of the storm. Me an Angel world to see you soon as perilous as unpredictable tumultuous, a place of danger and changeable, fuses load of the Roaring. And often to see if part of the tribulation of the end times, and Luke 21:26 beats of the need to. Trust God, all those, Steve Waters Roar and foam in the mountains, Quake, with the surgeon. Revelations, 21:1. We talked about the new Heaven and new earth coming down. We're told that the new Earth is not going to have to sit. There will no longer be any see, this might sound really sad for those of us who like the ocean. But really, it seems to be suggesting that more so that the new work will not be a place of turmoil with you.

Delhi weather forecast in better boat today but honestly the sea is still pretty careless enough to do for us. I mean, I can't tell you the number of times we were sitting on the coast

It's powerful. It's dangerous and unpredictable.

I was out there not too long ago with her family on a pontoon boat and a brain.

Guys with dark wind started blowing in blowing up like crazy. Water starts getting choppy.

And when it comes to, if you sleeping in his stories, he will tend to like throw the cargo overboard to lighten the load. If I was on one of those boats down in water,

But the view of the sea is unpredictable too. Perilous isn't really much different from too much.

I mean, we can be extremely cautious.

Make all the right things financially.

I would imagine that the majority of us, something. Yes.

What is a mean?

Family friends at church.

We need to be checked out by a concerned. He's got some kind of love.

He went from.

About Faces West Richmond.

Reply before tan wedding traffic.

Give me the wind speed of life change.

You shittin and you should be sure of that question. Even before the storm come

Bloody marvellous jonte. Breaking news.

real fishing and he said it for me if it's sure that I am The tanker drop it off chatting away like letting it go until eventually the Rope just kind of left my hands.

Gianni bini that anger.

I thought you were.

The Rocketeer.

Because what we are anchored to affect you before my life. Rapid supply, plumbing analogy. That when you squeeze a lemon, lemon juice comes out when squeeze an orange or she's comes out. When life gives us what it's going to come out.

Show me this past even though it was absent explicit gospel presentation, it's instructive Ross's Believers in my everyday life.

Everything in his actual life is kind of crazy. And then you get sewn into a little storm.

The first I want us to walk through and see what is going on in the story set. A little bit of contest to understand going toward and then what it is.

In the resulting overflows. Like, The first Pacifica Patrick wedding version, 127, and curio resume. We put see pretending to sail supports the next day we sign in and Julia Street.

Okay, in order to get from one place to the next they had to pay for passage on a commercial vessel and one of the standing trade route from a lot of money to be made on one of the ships bring it. Hopefully to catch up with one of these chips is going to be gone. I noticed here the first-person account where sent it the next day.

Who is a Macedonian Fest to be there for some reason. Phones being allowed to continue.

Numbers for tonight since the wind did not allow Google play soft kitty.

Not kidding. Favorable. Winds. Like the first leg of trip, is more difficult than it already over on Halsted, South, West, Northwest winter?

A shipwreck multiple times that adrift man's been on boats. This is the only feeling fascinated by the juice. It's flipping layers. Look again because what we know from the records in the Mediterranean it was said to be extremely dangerous.


The pork is already having a tough time, getting a boner though.

That was to make that back. Fairhaven was also Harbor. It wasn't, it wasn't a cool City to hang out.

So, they decided what happened?

And if they went to it all the time.

Where they go after burning under, the shelter of little Island, Park, caught up a lowered, the drip maker. And in this way, they were so many days latest on North Star appear in the severe storm. Raising finally all by your high school English teacher, but this is the section is a run-on sentence.

It is intended to build the drama. This is happening. This is happening. This is happening, but you should know that. This is the free dire circumstance. Navigate me to feel like you don't like the way you can imagine. She would happen in your life and all purpose, painting worth 21.

But in some cases, he's trying to draw their attention. What he said earlier. He said, if anyone would only destroy, why does it say that? God has graciously given you all? To take courage then because I believe God that it will be Just the Way You Are.

All of your license back. So then wait for daylight to come.

Something was trying to escape the ship. They had let down to skipping to see it sitting there were going to put on out anchors from the bound Horse Soldiers. Unless these men stay in the ship cannot be saved his soldiers, Cut the Rope holding his gift and Let It Rock away. So you're going to go out a way to protect myself and hopefully you guys can do whatever you do.

Call Cindy's things and it's enough that you can. You lighten the ship. I still need to bring it over there with a prank and they probably have a blast because if you're interested

encourages then we're about to get some land to get your strength and blessings. Then the Shipwreck come 39 when they left a message with the same time between right before sail to the wind, when you're at the beach, if you want to go out there really far, but not cool when you're trying to land of the above would be all right. During begin to break up on the couch. The coldest word, that is the power.

So now all has been correct.

Once they finish, or when they learned of the island called Malta, local people showed up to meet the first native tongue.

I'm in the situation but everything's not going right now.

Viper comes out.

Google people solved. It snake hanging from a New York pass, is there, Justice? That's because it was exhaustive.

But he shut the face off into the fire suffered, no harm expected that you would begin to like you.

Call here obviously is not harmed by whatever this make is, it might have not even been poisonous.

Repeat the Viper.

Adjust it as getting him away to God or something.

That was around that place was governor.

This is the story all the way through a lot happening.

Because I want to look here as we've explored this story, I want to consider very specifically. What is the anchor of light

And where we see versus 21 x 25. What is the only expression of his position before God? He says this to them, encouraging people that are on the boat because last night in football, Mike is it used it? The first thing that Paul Is Anchored, in his identity in Christ, Jesus has this outside of price today. What are these children, who created by Him? But we are separated from him.

This is the guy that I belong to. In Romans 3, 23, he told us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

it's not just a list of wrongdoings in our life at the completion of a

61 completely independently of this week. The outside of Christ in our natural straight, our Natural State. You just belonged to The 4400 influences or even if the influence of the princess power,

However, I love God made a way for us to be on today. Save his son. Jesus Christ is the punishment for our sins, on the cross. Jesus live, a perfect Simmons, wife and offered himself with you, for all the

Except pay the penalty. If his resurrection Talk of the Coliseum. That is what fault confident in that is why when we trust in Christ and he is United to him, our old self died. We are made me in our identity of the Wrath of the docket is exhausting

They were given a new identity and as far as we go along.

Emprise belonging to God not fire. The pulse Christian. But in the performance, not our performance, but it's the performance that Frank them on our behalf. That we're not only forgive him or send him your friend, it gets his righteousness.

A listing of identity in Christ. Actually reverberates, we want to fold.

In the future. He said that he still owes us.

1 points, outfit. Alright, then it is Google.

Good night.


A folder belong to.

An even greater since being priced signifies a week-long for gospel.

Immune to all the criticism.

Nancy Pelosi got to see the second thing and everything he desires.

Looking at stain acid or last night and the guy I belong to answer.

Anchor. This anchor of Paul's wife. Is rooted in his obedience to the one who identifies with the guy who he belongs to? Is 4 has an unyielding commitment to a business to God. It's not a simple task for you to action that occasionally

search god with everything you can.

Just react to circumstances. He is an unwavering commitment to follow. God's will not even call one of the other prison Epistles Philippians 1 of the passage in chapter 3 he considers everything Aloft. Mr. Passing rate instead of knowing Christ. Jesus. In the entire life, is a pursuit of Christ in his will.

it's not a perfect, I'm not saying,

That he has set his sights on me and you ain't the will of God to the best of his ability.

The office.

But I don't want to hear, I don't want you to do this to me.

I would not be safe.

Is something wrong.

Read text.

You can encourage me. You can, you can can can


Hey, ball was released from the potato bad for you. all right, I got

Do you know he's not going to go with?

It's on the beginning to the end of all the sitting here. This guy story.

Mike Herdman.

Listen to eating grapes, if it sent you.

I don't brush my shaving. Play album cover.

But ultimately,

Audubon Golf Course.

obedience here, we see God's faithfulness to him, but the other way he faced a difficult, loving this, We sort of shipwrecks story and Jonah. Where God is disappointing. Jonah to go do what he has to do in the first one? What's the water in a fish tank? Importance for us to do it. As we follow up with that, we can just stay in there. Or hide. Anything. As long as he knows he is identified with Christ. Lawson, at least trusting in God's character because I believe God that it would be just the way it was told to me.

It'll really help with. Call Sprinkler guy, 260 route.

Eliza decision.

But even if all hadn't been given this problem, promise of the save life, he knew that character in the end of this.

Cake maker. Anchor hero Falls like it sounds like an unwavering trust what he was told to go to sacrifice. Isaac to see in Hebrews that he trusted that even if he had to go to the sacrifice.

Then we jump truck and got character in the storm comes with split with ball.

Yes. It's called.

Unchanging nature of unfailing promises. You know that no matter what happens, we're safe. In history. so what happens when tall is anchored in Christ and he is trusting in the character of God in his life here, has he has a good reputation Julia Street in Ionia.

Book character in his behavior throughout his urgent. Rustin privileges.

This is actually one of the requirements of someone who looked after the church and thought, well, of me outside.

That our trust in God is an anchor for a life overflow, in a way others.

He talked about that in his epistle where he tells us to conduct yourself, honorably mode.

Paulette sympathizer. we see that everyone thinks well of I'm a bus.

Because I would rather we're trying to assert ourselves, so maybe we are defending ourselves. Maybe we're trying to front this herself.

17, francs transformative power in people, make the inconsistency, the prophecy. My wife cell.

Perhaps, these are pages from the prank.

Not only The Outsiders, take notice, and probably, this is not that much far removed from the back of why they trusted Ball. But we can see just fine his life and loves the neighbors. Look at the fastest when he talks about the prophecy, but it's necessary for you to get a patient there. Is it possible friend?

Pakistani about their life. You are who what God is following in that very moment.

admit, I bet he would probably like you said to me,

But it says that God has graciously given you all those were saying, would you trade for it? Talk to demonstrate the way he cares for the others. On the ship, encouraging them to eat himself.

Jesus tells us. that the second most important commandment is love your neighbor as

In Valatie all himself says the whole ball hits the field in one state. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Did the green not interested signs?

It's challenging situation.

Bold actions during the storm today in Statesboro.

Here's for the soul. The Arc in Hawaii. It certainly, deceived out, boring in the Overflow in God's work. You can call to ask 28 verse 7 and he goes to a man named who brings his house. And while he's there, he's suffering. He cares for others. But his neighbor, he goes to pray and lay his hands on him. And what does God do for his kills him? And what happened with the rest of the island. Y'all hear about? This is the minister and work through off. Brother and sister. How is God working through a Ministry? I can you walk up to it? Sounded it.

Call. If you need me work through because it's anchor was mighty only one true, and that would be

Whole Foods.

You're going to make the playoffs.

even when things are going to golf course,

B, b.

That's the kind of life even in the midst of the Storm Doors Down. now, what it is that we're facing in this life, And you can find other things that might seem like a. I know that I believe that.

Price of gold.

We could study for me when Love is Blind. Because we already got me.

Bring up such a brave but we might be in your family. That we might know you in class.

Show not. Do I fall in the bathroom naked? His wife.

The CD example.

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