Let Him Be (080623)

Scripture Reading & Title
Let Him Be
The Desire
What do you desire?
What motive do you have?
Are you yielded to God?
The Desire
The Difficulty
Ye know not what ye ask.
The Difficulty
The Division
When the 10 disciples heard about the request by James and John’s mother, they became indignant. They were probably sorry they had not thought of it first!
Paul also describes these dissentions as “heresies.” The Greek word hairesis refers to that self-willed opinion which opposes truth and which leads to division and to the formation of sects. The word does not denote heresies as we commonly understand the word today, meaning radical departure from the truth.
The Division
The Decision
But It shall not be so among you...
The Romans exercised authority to increase their power, minister to their pride, and gain their own ends. Such ambition is contrary to the spirit of the Lord Jesus.
Be a minister
Be a servant
Greatness in the Lord’s kingdom does not come through rulership or authority but through service (20:26–27). Their goal should be serving, not ruling. Those most highly esteemed will be those who serve, those who are humble.