Obeying Together (Baptism)
Re-introduce myself
Introduce the Series & Purpose
Paedobaptists generally accept the normativity of credobaptism but also argue that Paul establishes a typological relationship between circumcision and baptism in Colossians 2:11–12, describing baptism as a “circumcision made without hands,” which he also describes as circumcision “which is of the heart, by the Spirit” (Rom 2:28–29).
Baptism is not meant to separate us, but to bring us together more deeply
The meaning of the word
The history of the practice
The significance of the symbol
OT stories as types of baptism
Baptism is also typified by Noah’s ark and the parting of the Red Sea, images designed to highlight the judgment upon sin that we must pass through in baptism, as well as the salvation from destruction that we are given through baptism.
Symbols of Baptism
Early reflections on baptism liken it to both to tomb and to womb: in baptism the sinful nature is put to death and life in Christ is put on (cf. Gal 3:27; Rom 13:14).
It symbolizes the spiritual baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ. This symbol is not an empty one, for it is used by the Spirit to prepare for and confirm the union with Christ realized in faith.