The Trinity (2)
Why is it Important to have an accurate understanding of God?
What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
1. God is three distinct persons. Matt. 3:16-17
2. Each person is fully God.
3. There is one God. Deut. 6:4
4. God has existed from all eternity as the Trinity. John 17:5
How does this Impact us?
“I have long sought for the truth—as did my father before me—but I have not found it. I have travelled far, but I have not found it. I have found no rest in Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism; but I do find rest in what I have heard to-night. Henceforth I believe in JESUS.” This man was one of the leading officers of a sect of reformed Buddhists in Ningpo.
“What!” said he, “is it possible that for hundreds of years you have had the knowledge of these glad tidings in your possession, and yet have only now come to preach them to us? My father sought after the truth for more than twenty years, and died without finding it. Why did you not come sooner?”
Can you name three or four key passages of Scripture that tell us about the Trinity? What exactly do these passages tell us about the Trinity?
Why do all analogies fail in their ability to fully explain the Trinity? Does this mean we should try to come up with an analogy that works? Why or why not?