Confidence in the Gospel
Paul has a firm confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ
He is a debtor- His ministry of preaching the gospel was given to him by God
Woe is me if I preach not the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:16)
The love of Christ binds us into this work (2 Corinthians 5:14)
He is ready- He has full confidence that the gospel will work in Rome just as it has worked everywhere else he has gone
He is not ashamed- This is Paul’s one and only tactic when arriving in a place. He has no other message
The testimony of God (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
What gave Paul this confidence? Paul tells us that he has confidence in the gospel because it is trustworthy. He shares with us specific ways that the gospel works
For it is the Power of God
For it is the Power of God
It can bring salvation to sinful people
This has been God’s plan and promise since the beginning
It is God’s work that he accomplished through the Son on the cross
It can bring salvation to all people
Vs 13- even among you as I have seen fruit elsewhere
God brought the gospel to the Jews and through them to the gentiles (Akash is preaching this on Saturday)
The gospel has the power to save people who believe because the God they are trusting in is the all-righteous holy God in heaven. He is rich in mercy, grace and righteousness. It is not that our faith is so powerful but what we place our faith in that is great! That is His Righteousness!
For it reveals the Righteousness of God
For it reveals the Righteousness of God
From faith to faith
The faith of Abraham, David and the prophets all the way to the faith of believers in Rome
There is no time in history that people were saved by their own righteousness
From the beginning people have been trusting in God for their help and salavation
Habakkuk told the people to trust in God, that the day his salvation was coming
How long? Though it tarry, it will not tarry
This is a humbling faith, the opposite of the prideful who is not upright
Habakkuk 3:18-19 God of my salvation, His righteousness, his strength
The righteousness of God is wonderfully revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But Paul is also confident that enemies of the gospel are enemies of God not just enemies of Paul. Paul knows that he is speaking a message on behalf of God that must be received by all who hear.
For it reveals the Wrath of God
For it reveals the Wrath of God
The gospel shows that God is not silent in heaven
God is against all unrighteousness and ungodliness
The cross show us God’s feelings towards sin
Even when people do not accept the gospel the message is not void or vain but brings about results
God will bring eternal punishment on those who suppress the truth of his Son
Habakkuk brought woes on those who were suppressing the truth
Sin of Pride
Sin of Greed
Sin of Drunkenness
Sin of Idolatry