Untitled Sermon
As Christ has authority over the church, so the husband has authority over the wife. Every contemporary reader of Paul, Jew or Greek, would have understood headship in terms of authority.
How this headship is to be exercised
Lovingly and sacrificially Eph 5:25 See also Eph 5:28,33; Col 3:19; 1Pe 3:7
As Jesus Christ rules as head of the church Eph 5:25-29
Regarding his wife as part of himself Eph 5:28-29 See also 1Pe 3:7
Husbands are required by Scripture to serve their wives with a heart attitude of sacrificial love, so they dare not misuse their authority. This means that the wife is not to show blind submission or indiscriminately obey just anything a capricious husband might command. This is one area in which the analogy of the headship of Christ breaks down somewhat. When a husband abuses his wife or demands from her actions that go against God’s will, the wife must not submit. The headship of Christ is still the model for the headship of the husband, provided he consistently acts for the good of his wife
Subjection is not an issue of inferiority or superiority. The Bible makes it very clear that the Father and Son are coequal, and yet the Son is in subjection to the Father. The man and the woman are coequal, but one is to be in subjection to the other
They are to follow the example of the submission of the church to Jesus Christ