Pentecost -The New Church, Tongues, Outpouring: Peter's Address: Men -Your Moshiac (Christ)
Open in prayer.
Take a moment for silent prayer for confession of any known sin that we might walk in the filling of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to be in dependence upon God that he might be the one leading and guiding Us in the spine. We'll come back with some scripture reading and then prayer and bring us into our service.
But the fruit of the spirit is love joy. Peace, patience. Kindness goodness, faithfulness. Gentleness self-control. Against such things. There is no law for God, has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and of discipline. Therefore as those chosen of God, holy and beloved put on a heart of compassion and kindness, gentleness bearing with one another forgiving one, another just as he has you, now, for this very reason also applying all diligence in your faith. Supply moral Excellence within your moral Excellence, knowledge, and then your knowledge self-control and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance godliness or used to buy that is spiritual life and in your perseverance or in your godliness, brotherly kindness. I mean, your brotherly. Kindness Christian love for these qualities. Are yours and are increasing. They render, you neither useless nor unfruitful. In the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. So they're only father, we take these admonitions crate from scripture understand that we are to be part of the body. The body is not isolated, it is interconnected, our goal is to minister to one. Another doesn't mean everyone has to be outgoing, doesn't mean everyone has to be
Overly involved in others lives but it does mean we need an act to her life. We need active considerations of each other. We need active awareness of what's happening in the lives of others. It means we must intercede with love. We thank you for your faithfulness, for this time, that we come to, where we worship you, and in our worship. It is the touching of our minds, the aperture of our solar. We take in Bible Doctrine and true and you in turn caused that truth to live in US you cuz our souls to be changed. You transform, our thinking that we might think like you, but we might be filled with your spirit and I'm able to live as you would have us live, like you, and you cause us to be changed. To be like you we thank you for this time, it is precious Lord, it is rare. And it is our time of worship and We Praise You In Christ Jesus name. Men.
Well, here we are. Another August day August 13th and we have record-breaking weather ahead of us around this. Record-breaking to me is just all, I guess, you know, always gets up to 110 degrees. What's the big deal? Why does everyone cry all because they're from California, or Washington, or something like that. They're not used to these Southern Oregon Cycle Gear. We have actual Winters, we have actual Summers, and the wonderful joy. In my mind, living here, in southern Oregon. And there's a lot of them that I appreciate so much. I love being able to look up to the hills and see the hills. I didn't know how important that was. So I went off to college and there were no Hills to look at and I thought I just don't feel right? And I just couldn't keep going there to a place where there's no hills and mountains to look at it. Just absolutely was horrible. That would come down here and I'd look up. And there was a hills in my mind, left the song One 21 where it says, I lift my eyes up to the hills, from whence shall come by folk. My hope is in the Lord. God Alone. Who heavens and earth has made, and he will not allow. I already speak in Israel. Here, he will not allow your foot to stumble.
Or sweet. And it's a beautiful beautiful song, where the Lord is saying, look up look up to the hills and have hope because God is the maker of all and he will care for you. So I have that Joy of living here in southern Oregon. Wonderful. I also love it and when we get to this particular heat for the most part, it's pretty low humidity. Not like going out, he's not like being and down in Louisiana. Don't like being down in Houston, Texas, where they got humidity through the roof. I haven't been to those places. I've been to the east coast, and I remember being all ready to go to buy business appointments and walking out the door of the hotel and you step outside and cook it with this overwhelming, humidity in your like, why did I just take a shower when it's soon as I step outside? I'm a completely covered with humidity and I guess many people have learned to live there and just deal with it will I love this place because when it gets super hot, who gets low humidity and so that to me is a joy. I'm so appreciative of it. So other people may be griping about the heat on my thank you. Lord, thank you. It's kills guy. Can bacon this type of heat, the other type of heat, I used to go down to Southern California and, you know, every summer and hang out with my grandmother there. And my family would go down Grandma and Grandpa's place and and they had a little, what was they used to be in Orange ranch house? There was an orange Orchard there, and there was a southern architecture, ranch house that they lived in, in my Ranch House. What I mean is it's a little mini Mansion, just beautiful gorgeous walkway coming into it and it just the nicest place and they're still forestry the stuff around us. Every morning. We get to go out and take fresh oranges, come in and squeeze them and have fresh orange juice. But at night, I just could not sleep because that humidity was so high that it just Makes my brain. I couldn't handle it. Even though the temperature came down, if you measured it came up. And so I'm thankful. I'm so thankful to be here. Muscle thankful for what we're doing right now is we're going through our study of Acts chapter 2. And in Acts chapter 2, we've been peeling away. Some of the layers of what is happening is, God is setting up the New Testament Church and we have an audit section of scripture where there are probably more distortions per square inch of how different groups of come in and misinterpreted, and not paying attention to what's going on in the contacts, in the scripture and made up a whole claw. These ideas that just don't Cold water. When you're carrying water, if you've been out camping you know you often times and camping sites. You know, you have to go walking to where the water sources and get the big thing of water. And then of course, you know, as an eight year old kid, I would be off doing that or 10 year old 13, whatever going off with the great big pot to go, get some water and we bring it back and then we'd use it to wash dishes. Go back and get some more water and bring it back. We're going to heat it up and do this with it. Go get some water. We need to cook with it, or put some coffee or hot cocoa, you know, on the, on the stove. I'm so I would be the one who'd be doing that and bring it back and flopping back and forth, you know, and if you got back and you had a steady hand, you were happy to have 90% of your water by the time you got back. If you had 50%, not so good, a job and you probably ended up all stoked along the way to, but if you had something that leaked, why that would be really bad, you may have to be going fifty yards or so to get to the closest spigot. You don't bring it back to your campsite you chose the campsite for how beautiful it was or how close it was looking out over the river and the Myrtle wood trees that some of you might know where I'm talking about Myrtlewood, tree is going up in the air and just a perfect little campsite, we could set up your own little Zone and everything, but if the water is leaking out, you know you get back. If you don't have anything, will our friends who come to the book of Alex unfortunately are coming oftentimes with a lot of preconceptions about what they think ex is about. They do is they read through the book of Acts in English. And from that, they think that they have a masterful handle of what's going on. And let me tell you this,
we don't want to put down on the English translation but it is only a portion and it is just a let's say it is a foot in the door to understand what is actually there in the Greek. And in the Hebrew language, God wrote scripture in Hebrew and he wrote it in Greek and there's a purpose. And there is a reason for that. It's because these languages were designed by God in such a way as if he had his hand on history. But these languages are capable of holding an intense amount of detail. Accuracy of everything, the God wanted to communicate to his people, to what would be us in the New Testament, Church, the body of Christ. Put all believers across all time. When we've had the writings of scripture have been given incredibly explicit details to allow them to reorient to God's thinking from their thinking. And you see the English doesn't do it in the same way the English gets us partway. There we have problems in that translators, come in. And they want to put their Pet theological points in place. Much of what we deal with. In the English New Testament, much of what you hear me, dispelling is not being the way we want to understand it. A lot of those latinized terms that come from a Catholic theological background and then they are imposed on to the English text. Do you know Lord of those words, the tion words. Who won the end in tion. So we have justification and sanctification and on and on and on I was quite a few words actually predestination all of these or theological terms that come in through the Latin language. And then we find the Wickliffe himself writing in the 1300 prior to our King James Version. Bible is putting these words into his translation and what did the King James version Scholars, do when they put together their translation, they went with The Defector they went with what was out there. They started grabbing and using the very thing that was already in place and just kind of cleaning it up polishing it all. Well let's change out this word of that work here or I think we need to go this Direction with this to get this idea cross. That word is too old English funny. So in the soil, in the time of King James and we have a people who are looking back a couple hundred years, the same, that's too old English. Let's clean that up to our Modern English. And then here, we are all these hundreds of years later after the King James version comes out and we're looking back at it going. The most of those words have changed along the way to Another thing we need to keep in mind is that there is an enemy of our souls. Satan, The Deceiver. But he is a deceiver and he is a fee. We are told that he is the prince of this age and that he is the prince of the world. That is he is the ruler over the world at this time, he because Mandy fall today. If you have a mortgage and you default on the mortgage, then eventually you end up losing your control. Over that property. It will go through the bankruptcy process for my bankruptcy, but the repossession process, they will take your default and they will turn it into a legal statement that says, well you have made your payment so it's not yours will Adam and Eve took their title deed for all of creation and they defaulted on it by soon. And when that happened, God said, you will not work here, but it is no longer completely yours or is another who has inherited it, and that would be Satan himself by default who stepped in took over the management. When we call this Cosmos, diabolicus Cosmos diabolicus just means the world of Satan. That system all around us which we are not a part of that born-again Believers. And yet we're in the midst of it is like being foreigners in a foreign land and we have this system wrapped all around us that is designed to do a couple of things. Number one is designed to make you an inefficient unaware Christian, who knows, nothing of who you are, nothing of who God has called you to be. There wants to keep you blind of all of the roles responsibilities in the power that God has made available to you and entrusted you with so Satan. Goal is to neutralize every believer. Every Christian every Pastor everyone out there. neutralize destroy the ministry, take away your
Beginning this to stop, you from becoming aware of who you are and functioning as a Christian. The next step after that is once you are aware of who you are, is to run interference in your life. So that you don't live, like, who you are and that he wants to destroy your reputation, your interaction with others, your relationships excetera. So that is his goal with Believers. And then his goal with unbelievers is to keep them blind dead. Blenders over the Ohio so that they might not see and recognize the truth of the gospel. And so what we have is Satan involved in so much, frankly of the Theology of the church.
But do not be possible. Will because every Distortion every point at which we walk a little bit away from the Purity and the clarity of the Gospel. The purity of the clarity of scripture every point in which we walk away. Ends up creating blindness for other. So those people who are going out who may have a church, for example, some of our dear friends who are in the calvinist, reformed movement, the lordship Salvation movement, they have a gospel that is teaching people that it's about works. They tell them, it's about faith. They say this is about your faith but then they take and they redefine what faith is. Instead of being the scriptural understanding, they made it into something else. I mean, really clear about this say means to believe. Are you under the illusion? That faith is a special thing that happens that allows you to have a relationship with God and belief is something that we believe or we don't believe I'm at they are separate. ID is it's not true. faith means believe when we looked at our scriptures and we read through like one of the passages in 2nd Peter that I read through talking about your face. It's literally the same exact word and the Greek fistus or one of the forms there ever, could be a bird, make a b, a b could be the noun, but it's the same idea that is that which you believe you see? Faith is not a separate different instrument than belief. It is belief. The issue is what you are believing. You see I if I ever trusted in the true gospel, which is the idea that the Lord Jesus Christ, did it all. He paid the price.
he provided the Restitution the Judgment of the atonement for my sins. That means he got here in in place of me and took the Judgment everything needed for God to be Vindicated. But his wrath would be poured out on simple man. But instead of being poured out on The Sinner, Man, Who is us? He poured it out on the Center. Bend who is Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. As that perfect man took on all the Judgment of God for all sin for all men. Time for all time. and if I trust that, that happened for me personally, Through Jesus Christ at that moment that I trust in that or believe in that. I am saved by God. He saves me. I don't save myself. There's nothing I can do to save myself, but I am saved. Because God sees that I believe in the work of Jesus Christ that they You see, but we created special term. We gone through the reformation. And so we have this whole people trying to break away from the Catholic church, trying to stay up with terms that are separating them from the Catholic church and that's understandable and much of what they did was good. But they also created the opportunity for false misleading understandings about who and what the gospel is, what faith is all about. And then we have the post-mortem is to come along and primarily through the teaching of Soren Kierkegaard. Soren Kierkegaard was a philosopher and a theologian, and he came not only did he say belief and Faith are different, but he say that's being a blind Leap Forward. Meaning, you don't know but you're just jumping out there and if you get it right, then you got it, right? And Matt is Faith and what we find is the modern world soak that up like it is like an olive in a Martini, you know, the world really wants this idea. And if you have been paying attention, if you've been watching, you'll see that the number one presentation of what Christians are, which is no different than any other religion out there. Is that you have faith. That is you taking a blind Leap Forward. And it does No matter what you believe, they are saying it just matters.
Were you believe in a specific thing? That is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may have turned it into the idea that you just believe.
Who is her Destiny been beat over the head on it and you go out and you have a conversation with someone. And they say, well, I don't really care what you believe. I'm just glad that you believe and I have my own beliefs as well until they have used it as a way of trying to distinguish themselves. That's why I bring this up, because if we aren't able to speak to me, this This is part of what is going on in the book of Acts, part of what Peter is going to be doing here, they're going to be talking about in a little bit. And so I wanted to prep this, our study with this understanding. If you do not understand the specifics about what is being believed, then you end up in this Multicultural morass, it is a swamp that is pulling you down. That cannot be escaped from because you are allowing other people to have presuppositions that are satanic. They come from the cosmic system. They are based on his desire to keep the Christians in efficient and the unbelievers blind. That is what is happening. Okay, so believe then or Fay is about a thing and as some of us were raised I was as a child. My dad said over and over. He said David he says they has an object That is there something specific that you believe Faith doesn't exist by itself? Faith has an object and he says I'm the object is the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep that in mind, that's a principle to Doctrine and should be top of your mind, top of your head. Whenever you're talking to any individual, they should be a Guiding Light through your thinking that the Lord Jesus Christ. Is the object of our faith. Bellwether, as I was explaining the last baby last Sunday and went there mention as well. I was interacting with the gentleman on the Internet or use the term, loosely gentleman. He was a Christian thinker but he had a lot of a Beretta theology meeting. He was misunderstanding, much a scripture and imposing his own views on and he says, there is nowhere in scripture where it said that Jesus must die and be resurrected and that you have to believe that in order to be saved. Hey, man. He pulled out a passage and Christian is where Paul says that you just must believe that believe in Jesus Christ. And I said, yes, but you don't get it at all because it isn't. Jesus first name twice last name. It is your shoe which means God Saves Motion in the Hebrew. The massage is the Fulfillment of everything written in the Old Testament about the Messiah, including Isaiah 53. The says, You must come. He must suffer. You must be rejected by his people. He will be disfigured more than any man in the history of the world. Hebrews. Quite Specific and intriguing there and that he will be resurrected to a new life. This is the machine so you can just say believe in Jesus Christ and walk away. That's a westernized way in which we have learned to take the translation of the English text and we inject into it, a western Viewpoint that is not possible to hold by the person who wrote that text or the people who are reading the texts at that time. You see, Mishawaka was understood, everyone knew who and what the machine was, no, they had different ideas. They had different use, some of the individuals wanted to know the second Advent as we understand it version, the meshiaak to deliver who comes and liberates Israel from their oppressors and brings them into a rulership of the kingdom. And so throughout Jesus ministry, we have people stepping up and asking him about the king, even his own disciples seem confused on the subject and they kept coming back to that. What about the kingdom? What about the kingdom? Lord over and over again and they would ask him EBay right up to the time immediately before his crucifixion, or saying, what about the kingdom, and he comments on the temple. And he says, every one of these Stones is going to be overturned. Why he goes back to Matthew chapter 12 and 13, we see that we have the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Messiah, as the meshiaak Israel has rejected him. The leaders of Israel have rejected him. That is the context of Isaiah. But excuse me of Acts chapter 2, we have a crucified Risen, Lord is upon him. It just weeks later on the day of Pentecost Charles who wrote the day of worship the day of first fruits of Summer, all the Jews from around the world have come into Jerusalem to worship as they have been instructed.
This brings us into where we were at last week when we found the Peter declare that everything that the man of Jerusalem, that is the Jewish man who are in Jerusalem gathered from every corner of the world and obedience to the Divine, decree, for every man to come and worship in person in Jerusalem, for Shavuot among three. Ellipses. There were three that every man was commanded to calm and be involved in a shovel up is one of them. Shovel alter as we know it in English, the Feast of P