Spiritual Maturity
Contrast of human maturity as increasing independence with spiritual maturity as increasing dependence upon God
I An Edict to Obey
II An Example to Observe
III An End to Obtain
Seeing His Face
One day missionary Amy Carmichael, who devoted her life to rescuing girls who had been dedicated to a life of slavery and shame in Indian Hindu Temples, took some of her children to see a goldsmith refining gold in the ancient manner of the Orient. The man sat beside a small charcoal fire. On top of the coals lay a common red curved roof-tile, and another tile over it like a lid. This was his homemade crucible. The man had a mixture of salt, tamarind fruit, and burnt brick dust which he called his “medicine” for the purifying of the gold. He dropped a lump of ore into the blistering mixture and let the fire “eat it.” After awhile, the man lifted the gold out with a pair of tongs, let it cool, and studied it. Then he replaced the gold in the crucible and blew the fire hotter than it was before. This process went on and on, the fire growing hotter and hotter. “[The gold] could not bear it so hot at first,” explained the goldsmith, “but it can bear it now; what would have destroyed it helped it.”
As the children watched the gold being purified in the fire, someone asked the man, “How do you know when the gold is purified?”
The man’s answer: “When I can see my face in it [the liquid gold in the crucible], then it is pure.”
When the Great Refiner sees his own image reflected in us, He has brought us to purity and maturity.