August 9, 2023
Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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John 5
John 5
I remember being on the floor of our family room (now known as the craft room) weeping. While I don’t remember the specific trigger, I remember being overwhelmed with an emptiness and sadness I didn’t understand.
Cindy didn’t know what to do. She did what she does best. She took steps to care for me - even when I could not articulate what I needed.
I remember being in the passenger seat of our Astro Van headed from Winston into Roseburg. Again, I don’t remember the triggering incident. What I do remember is being fully consumed with anxiety - such that I expressed a desire to end my life.
That event was the final straw. After years of living with crippling depression - at times leading me to ask God to let me die; and anxiety that often literally left me physically unable to move a muscle, I was not given a choice. I would get help.
I made an appointment with a psychologist. After some conversation she administered a test. Her conclusions startled me.
Moderate Depression/Anxiety
Her recommendation: see my family doctor asap. After an exam my dr - a wonderful Christian dr - suggested I start a medication.
I said No. As a pastor, as a Christian I knew God would heal me if I prayed more, read my Bible more diligently, exercised more spiritual discipline.
My doctor listened and asked me on question: If I diagnosed you as a diabetic and prescribed insulin would you take it?
Of course.
Then why, if there were some obvious chemical imbalances in my brain, would i refuse medication?
Finally after a difficult summer of various attempts to find a Rx that worked, my doctor and I agreed on a regimen of medication and other practices we will get to in a bit that (still to this day) enables me to function.
Does it take away all anxiety? No.
Am I never depressed? Far from it.
Turn now to John 5 and listen to vs 1-9
This pool, near the NE corner of Jersualem was well known as a place where miraculous healings would occur - see vs 3 - 4
“Within these lay a large number of the sick—blind, lame, and paralyzed [—waiting for the moving of the water, because an angel would go down into the pool from time to time and stir up the water. Then the first one who got in after the water was stirred up recovered from whatever ailment he had].” (John 5:3–5, HCSB)
There was quite a crowd. Jesus singled out one man - no reason given. All we are told is that this individual had been in this broken condition for 38 years. All we know about his condition is that he could not make it to the pool unaided.
38 years of being crippled by a disease that meant he couldn’t work, he couldn’t care for a family, he couldn’t participate in whatever normal life would have been like.
Think about that. For 38 years this man had sought a healing based on an event that might or might not happen.
This makes Jesus’ question all the more odd.
John 5:6 (HCSB)
When Jesus saw him lying there and knew he had already been there a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to get well?”
Seriously. Can you imagine walking into an urgent care/emergency waiting room and asking - are you here because you want to get well?
But don’t overlook the man’s response… ‘it’s not my fault.’
“My story is that I’m lying here because no one is here to help me get into the pool. Someone always gets there first.”
Perhaps this man said it with a tone that hinted Jesus might be the one who would lift him into the water next time the angel stirred the water.
Jesus simply replies:
John 5:8 (HCSB)
“Get up,” Jesus told him, “pick up your mat and walk!”
Instantly the man got well, picked up his mat, and started to walk. Now that day was the Sabbath,
The area around the pool was inhabited by sick and dying humans. (Be honest - hanging out in direct sunlight with no visible shade or relief is unpleasant: and hospitals, nursing homes…kind of creep us out.)
Listening to the hurts, pains, the ‘snap crackle and pop’ of people experiencing lameness, other forms of brokenness would be seriously discouraging.
Day after day. When the waters were stirred and one was healed think of the excuses shared among those remained.
I’m not quick enough
No one is willing to help me
Everyone puts their own needs ahead of mind
If my family would show up - I’d be able to get well.
And on and on the excuses would go.
Have you figured out that the places we avoid are often the very places Jesus shows up!
(one of the accusations levelled against Jesus is that he hung out with ‘sinners,’ - imagine that!)
Notice as well, Jesus isn’t put off by what others consider appropriate.
Religiously observant Jews didn’t visit places where disease was rampant. Touching someone with a disease meant undergoing a ‘cleansing’ according to the OT law.
Just as with the woman at the well it is Jesus who initiates the conversation.
‘In the beginning’ God spoke - initiating all we are experiencing tonight.
“Get up,” Jesus told him, “pick up your mat and walk!”
Jesus’ next words must have been startling. How many times had he been to physicians, healers, others trying to help and they said ‘Get up?’
And every other time - no matter how hard the man tried, he just couldn’t stand.
What was going through his mind?
So, like multiple times before, he struggled to get up - but this time…this time was different.
Pause here - 38 years of no physical therapy, 38 years of being unable to walk
How weak those muscles must have been. It takes about 200 muscles to walk.
200 muscles that had been unused for 38 years.
Yet, at Jesus’ word ‘at once’ the man’s muscle tone was restored and he rose from his bed.
Jesus instructed him to take his mat/his bed. Why? (vs 9)
Simply: the man would not be returning! He would not need that spot at the pool again. He wouldn’t need to lie there any longer.
I’ve read this part of John’s gospel multiple times. And every time the same question comes: Why aren’t I healed?
Jesus spoke a few words and this man at once was restored - muscles unused for 38 years began to function; walking - which he hadn’t done for 38 years - became normal once again.
There are a few threads in this account and my story - and maybe you can find one or two of these threads to open your life to the presence of Jesus.
The unlimited presence of God
The unlimited presence of God
Last night we looked at a couple of phrases from David’s song of wonder we call Psalm 139.
Read with me these verses:
Psalm 139:7–12 (HCSB)
Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits, even there Your hand will lead me; Your right hand will hold on to me. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night” — even the darkness is not dark to You. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You.
It was no surprise to God I was where I was. My family and others may have been surprised - but God knew.
God knows where are - not just physically but spiritually.
As Cindy shared last night, God is truly present - eagerly seeking to deepen a relationship with you.
What DO you want?
What DO you want?
The question Jesus posed, ‘Do you want to get well’
The lame man thought what he needed was someone to pick him up and assist him into the pool.
Jesus offered so much more.
With a simple command Jesus did more than the stirred up waters could ever do.
What DO you want from your experience this week?
How will you respond?
How will you respond?
Pick up your bed/mat and walk.
Sounds simple. But for one who hadn’t walked for 38 years it must have sounded absurd.
When I saw the doctor and we talked about strategies for getting well, he asked me what I really wanted.
Did I want to get well?
There were some thing’s I’d have to do.
Jesus commanded the man to get up, take up his bed/mat, and walk.
- listen carefully
- listen carefully
For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.
As we read and examine God’s Word He is speaking…are we listening?
- take the first step
- take the first step
The man had to exert effort - I had to take steps - develop a pattern of journaling, develop and share with a dedicated support group, exercise physically and develop healthier patterns of eating and living.
What is your first step?
Now what?
learn to walk again -
daily time reading God’s Word
regular times of conversation with God - prayer
study God’s Word with other believers - youth group, Sunday School,
regular worship
find a mentor - someone more mature that can guide you -