The Journey of Faith

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Luke 17:11–19 NASB95
11 While He was on the way to Jerusalem, He was passing between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As He entered a village, ten leprous men who stood at a distance met Him; 13 and they raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” 14 When He saw them, He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they were going, they were cleansed. 15 Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice, 16 and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan. 17 Then Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are they? 18 “Was no one found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?” 19 And He said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has made you well.”
Intro: This past July was my wife’s family reunion held here in KC. One of the evening’s activities was at our house. And as people started rolling in, I got a call from one my uncles who’s from Atlanta, and he said, Ron, your house isn’t toward St Louis is it? Where are you coming from? From Blue Springs and put your address in GPS and it’s directing me that way. I said naw, turn that off and let me guide you where you need to go. You need to come west on 70, then take 291 south, shift to 470 west, get off here and so forth.
I thought about it and directional dilemma resembles life itself. Life is a journey, which is moving toward a final destination. Whether we recognize it or not, we depend on a source or sources to guide and move us through this journey. My encouragement is that as we journey through this life, we make it a journey of Faith in GOD.
And I believe no matter where you are in life, there are 4 stages of the journey of Faith, which could occur at your beginning or in the middle, and my plan is to show them from this passage.
Faith Calling (present)
Jesus’ ministry was climaxing as he was making his final journey toward Jerusalem. As he’s traveling and teaching his disciples along the way, they come to the border of Samaria on the South and Galilee on the North where a village of lepers stood. Leprosy was a horrible and highly contagious skin disease, that consisted of boils, scabs, bright or white spots, and full diagnosed symptoms included the hair changing from black to white or yellow and the flesh becoming raw. There was no cure humans could come up with. And if it remained or got worse after so many days, one was pronounced unclean. In Num 5:2, every leper was banished from normal Israel society. Over time, leper quarantines formed since they couldn’t be around society. They would be in pain, sores smelled, bad appearance, estranged from family, and in poverty, making it a desperate life condition. Holding them back!!
There’s no doubt these 10 men had heard about Jesus and his power to heal over the past 3 years, so when they realize its him, desperate circumstances call for desperate cries!! They don’t send a letter or mention specifics, they just cry out for his mercy and compassion on their lives.
Application: I need all of us to understand that IF we are on a Faith Journey, that journey started with desperation. That being sin. All the symptoms of leprosy mirror the descriptions of ungodliness in scripture. Sin brings nothing but pain, sin stinks, shameful appearance, separates us from GOD and many people, and spiritually broke.
Application: Furthermore, there are present trials and struggles that resemble leprosy, because we find ourselves being held back. Whichever one is or has held us back from walking straight paths toward GOD, there is a dire need for his mercy. The only way we will beg for his mercy is knowing we have no power to escape where we are!!!
Jesus then responds to their plea for mercy different than how he has with many. In Luke 5, another leper asked for his help, Jesus touched him. Others he spoke healing from a distance. Jesus’ response here says this, “you’re asking for my mercy which implies you believe I have the power. I’m going to call you to your first test of Faith in me and my Father. Go and show!!”
How is this a test? Lev 13 details the law for lepers. Priest were to diagnose them, and again the fact they were in a leper quarantine confirms they’ve had no improvement. To go to the priest seeing their condition is the same seems ridiculous.
Application: When Jesus responds to our cries for mercy, His word often commands actions that seem ridiculous. In 2 Kings, Naaman felt the same about his leprosy. Elisha told him to dip 7 times in the Jordan river. He responded, aren’t there better bodies of water. Called to Faith in Christ demands action, and actions that might not make sense to us.
Faith and Action (present)
The next step of faith acting according to the command, and it is seen in these words, “As they were going”. The result of their obedient faith, that they were fully cured of their physical disease. Which was transformational.
Application: This means transformation comes for us, when we have faith to move as if the cure was already our present condition! You have to make a move on faith, even when all the changes you’re seeking are not yet. Hebrews 11:1 says Faith is the assurance of what you hope for, and the conviction of what you don’t see. Whatever is holding you back, you will not get away from it, there will be no significant change, until you have enough faith in the word and power of GOD to put you in motion!!
Faith and Gratitude (past and present)
But there’s yet another stop in this faith journey that relates to the past. There was one man that looked closely at the present and significant change in his condition, and his faith made him stop and turn back. But his purpose wasn’t to go back and live in his past, it was to thank GOD for what he did in his past.
Application: This faith journey should bring us to a great sense of gratitude, where we appreciate GOD. But understand, that appreciation will not come if we can’t see GOD in our past. Many ruminate on how they were treated, their mistakes, regretful, and they miss all the blessings along the way. The faith perspective of the past, is to acknowledge all the times and places that he healed me.
We can see deeper the divine expectation of gratitude in one’s faith journey from Jesus’ frustration, because says I thought there were 10 cleansed, where are the other 9, was only this foreigner who recognized GOD has blessed his life although he was down and out. Where are the 9 Jews who grew up learning about the power of GOD?
Application: As I studied this, I questioned this as well, after all they had enough faith to be in motion like this Samaritan. And the insight hit me. Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 13, that some hear the word and believe, but their faith is short lived!! Why, because the cares of the world and the deception of having money suffocate the life of the word. So many don’t have a healthy view of their past and can’t see GOD’s mercy. When we do, we will never stop thanking GOD!
Faith and Progress (future)
Alright, the last milestone on this faith journey in this passage, is seen in Jesus last statement to this man. I find it to be the biggest encouragement. He tells him stand up and go. Why Jesus, because the level and maturation of trust in GOD through Jesus has delivered him. When Jesus tells the ten, go and show, that means go until you arrive to show the priest one time. But here he tells the man stand and go. The go here is in present tense, which means it is a continuation of movement. Also, when they were cleansed, it means a one time cleaning, in other words, the leprosy could return. But when Jesus says you are made well, it is a continual status of wellness and deliverance. In other words, continue on your journey of faith, because that’s what has caused this status of saved.
Application: If you want to make future progress, it has to be by faith. For next year’s roadblocks, keep moving. If my faith has grown to see GOD and appreciate him, whatever the future holds, I will face it by faith.
Conclusion: We are all on life’s journey. My question is, is it also a faith journey? That being one where you trust in GOD and Jesus to live and do all that you do. You might have a leprous status, that being what Jesus says In Sin. You maybe in a stuck circumstance. Will you recognize you don’t have the power, and need GOD. GOD is inviting you to trust in him. That belief needs to lead you to move in obedience, bringing transformation. And as your faith grows, gratitude should as you review your past and recognize GOD. And then we should be moving forward, making progress.
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