SH 8.13.2023

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Christ Defines Mission Defines The Church

But this hasn’t necessarily been the case.


The Gospels
Jesus is our primary model of mission and the gospels the primary texts - prescriptive for life, mission, discipleship. We sink or swim with Jesus.
Jesus must be comprehended first through his national and religious history not our concerns.


Genesis 12:2-3 ““I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.””
Matthew 5-7
Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
Renewal, redemption of all things. Romans 8:18-25
Bless the nations
Care for the least, last, lost (poor)
Make disciples
God’s plan for redeeming the world has and always will involve his people and that includes us.
We struggle to accept our place in God’s plan of redemption for fear of developing a salvation by works. Ensuring God’s sovereignty the way we do has downplayed the vital part God has set for humanity in the redemption of the world.
Our formula - all of God and we are nothing.
Not Hebrew thinking but Greek thinking (questionable theology)
Diminished the value of the investment he has made in human freedom and the preciousness of his image that he has placed in the human being.
We partner with God in the redemption of the world. In God’s economy, we have an eternal impact.
We extend the kingdom of God in daily affairs and activities and actions done in the authority of Jesus.


The Crisis Today
Cultural distance/gap that didn’t exist in NT times.
Not to be confused with cultural dominance. Christianity was never meant to dominate the culture.
It was integrated into it. Posture of humility. Had great influence for that posture.
Christendom (from the 11th century until recently) - the favored/dominant religion of the empire. We think this is a good thing. Is syncretism. We’ve lost our posture, our flavor.
Christianity went from being a dynamic, revolutionary, social and spiritual movement to a religious institution with structures, and a pastor/teacher dominant form.
As Christendom began to fade:
Attractional Church Assumption: people come to us to hear the gospel.
Works people in a close connection/relationship with the church.
The many more farther away, no significant connection or relationship with people in the church. Why?
The Great Extraction: Once people become socialized in the church, within 3-5 years, have no significant relationships outside of it. Current models extract people from their contexts keeping us distant. Why discipleship has not been going well.
Post-Christendom: Our Present reality
Expecting people to hear the gospel on our terms, asking them to jump cultures Violates our biblical mandate as a sent people and has led to a declining church.

Incarnation: Returning to the Way of Jesus

God lived among us. (Eugene Peterson: He moved into the neighborhood).

Missional-incarnational church

Temple: where people were in God’s presence. Heaven come to earth.
We are his temple. We are partners in his incarnation - in us people are to experience and be in the presence of Jesus and heaven come to earth.
Jesus sent by God to do what he say God doing
We are sent to do what Jesus did and even greater things.
If we assume God is involved in the slums of India, we should be as well. If he is deeply involved in the mess of history and doesn’t shirk from a deep involvement in human affairs, then neither should we.
Eph 2:10 - we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works…Our creational purpose. Our actions are part of God’s plan for us. Our spirituality has everything to do with our good works. It’s time to reclaim them.
Prayer, worship out of a life of missional action; where we live among people.
Understanding the church as the delivery method of the gospel adapting itself to always be able to deliver the message.
Always outward looking, changing, faithful to the word of God.
The church was designed for advance, not defense.
We’ve been in a defensive posture for a long time.


While People of no faith are interested in spiritual conversations.
Less than 1/3 of Americans trust the church
What is our responsibility in this?
Less than 1/3 will attend a church if invited
Despite this
We still think of and operate the church in a Christendom way despite living in a post-christendom world.
Organizational Insanity - doing the same things we’ve been doing but better.
Problems of the church can’t be resolved by the same kind of thinking that created them.
Why we entered into our discernment process
All of these things were our reality
Rediscovering Jesus defining of his mission which defines us.
God is doing a new old thing
Resturctured/a new form/position to do that.
Tension between this and our institutional commitments and values
Outdated financial model
Honoring one while moving into the new

APEST to Equip The Church to Take Hold of its Purpose Once Again

Grace (v. 7)

“Christ himself gave:” Jesus possesses these gifts/roles and gives them to the church (all of us) as they are essential for a healthy church.
We are gifted with all of them in different degrees. Left hand/right hand.

Purpose of the Gifts:

Equip the Saints (13-15) OR Teaching Them to Obey

Equip saints. katartismos is not found anywhere else in the NT.
Building the Team - Healing and Restoration
Setting broken bones
joining, fastening, bringing things/people together
Restoration of people who have fallen
Reconciling those who are in conflict
Bringing Order
Athletic Training - getting into condition
Getting team members (believers) fit/into shape to fulfill their roles/positions on the team (in the body)

The Outcome of The Work of These Gifts: Maturity (14)

Immaturity is characterize by instability in the face of pressure.
Maturity is living the truth in love and the way of life that mirrors Jesus’ character. NOT JUST IDEAS not just speaking it. Doing it.
The joining together/unity, maturity, and growth of the church - what God designed it to be - depends on the exercise of these gifts.
When the church isn’t doing this, it will not increase.

The Gifts are Catalytic People (11)

Gifted people to it to equip the rest of the body for serving Christ’s mission.

What Will We Be Equipped to Be/Do to Make Disciples

Mission Driven Church Network through QC 501c

EFCER/Malone Type Relationship

Hand over to others

Repurpose the Property

Possibly a Replant

Stay As is

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