First John Chapter 5: 18-21 We know 3 times. – counted with
First John Chapter 5: 18-21 We know 3 times. – counted with
Verse 18.
We know everyone born of God does not keep sinning. (Jesus victory over sin)
Verse 19.
We know we are from God – and this world is in the power of the evil one. (Jesus’ victory over the devil)
Verse 20-21.
We Know the Son of God Jesus Christ has come – to show us the father and that we have eternal life in Him. (Jesus Victory over death).
Verse 18.
We know everyone born of God does not keep sinning. (Jesus victory over sin).
Verse 18: We know that people born of God, that they will not keep sinning.
John is teaching against the people that falsely teach that they can to whatever they want, because Jesus covers it the law/rugels does not apply to me. (A fancy word is antinomianism). If we have new life in Jesus we should not want to sin, but instead follow and enjoy Gods rugles – How God made it all to work.
But he also greatly encourages the believers that they will be able to concur sin, and defeat it in Christ. There is no sin strong enough to defeat Jesus Christ. Jesus has defeated sin, he gave himself up, and coved sin in his blood, we can if we believe in Jesus, be set free from sin and join Jesus in his vitory over sin… It might take a while, til Jesus comes back to be refined but it is great news as also for us as we fight against sin put sin to death by the Holy Spirt, the victory is won, we will not keep sinning. Juhuu… Jesus’ victory is final, and it can work in us also, sin will stop.
How does that work; by Jesus’ victory over Satan, John writes that it is because Jesus protects his reader and us, and the evil one can’t touch us. Let’s dwell on that for a moment, - Jesus protects us, and the evil one has no power over us he is defeated by Jesus, we are protected by Jesus.
What great encouragement, that born of God, Jesus protects us against the evil one, and helps us not to sin, we are protects so well that the enemy can’t touch us.
Verse 19.
We know that we are from God, Again John points to the readers identity, we know, you know that you are born again and come from God, why is that important? And why is it important that they know that Jesus have victory over sin and Satan? That Jesus protects us?
Because the whole, world lies in the power of the evil one. PPT. I needed some help to understand that, I think this makes it clearer, - because if Jesus has victory over sin, satan, can protects us, then how can the world be in the power of the evil one, - well in darkness and sin, and not in Jesus Christ, people are still in the grips of the evil one, blind lost.
The first part of 19 is so important as the previous verses that Satan does not have victory only tempory power over the blinded people. But for John’ readers this is an encouragement that they are not under the power of satan but, from God, born of Jesus and God, by the Spirts awakening. And that is what John writes in verse 20.
And we know the Son of God has come, and has victory over our blindness, and that gives understanding, that Jesus let us know who God is, the true one, not only that we are in him who is true, God and in his son Jesus Christ, Who, is true God and eternal life.
John as we have found out in the bible study, sometimes uses language that can be a bit like a code, poetic, grammatically challenging, John might have had a personality that wrote like that, as he was guide by the Holy Spirt. But how would I even write this passage? How will I explain, how the 3-1 God´s plan of salvation, works out by each one does their part, but always together, not separated, but one God working.
The son of God – Jesus Christ comes to give understanding, = that we might know him who is true (God the father, the Spirt), we are in who is true, God/father, and we are in God the father because we are in his Son Jesus Christ = And Jesus Christ is true God, and eternal life.
Understanding, (Do you know God)
Of who is true God, (Do you live for and only worship God)
And eternal life. (Nothing ells its life… it leads to death).
21. We know we should keep our self from idols – because Jesus as shown us the only true God.
Keep you self from Idols. – there is no life in them. There is eternal life in Jesus. Idols I that time physical idols and pictures. – You become like them, with no understanding and no life.
Today, well as many commentators say, an Idol is anything/one that we trust instead of God, for many it is our self, wife, children, job, money status. – But As physical idols, none of them are God and cant bring life to us, we will only destroy people if we treat them as God. No the best and only way not to break the first commandment is to only have God as our God, and not others, - we can set our self and others free, knowing Jesus who is the true God has showen us who God is and we can enjoy worshiping and trusting him, for all, because he is worthy and he as power over the evil one, and has shown us that in the Gospel, explain.
Enjoy God, worship Jesus by the Holy Spirt as He reminds us about who Jesus is and what Jesus taught, and love as Christ loved us… - It can’t be done no, but it is done in Christ, and yes to slow yes, but we are getting there, can we see progress and fruit, if not take another good look at Jesus, ask questions, ask God let me see your glory and worthiness, in Christ Jesus. Let me see and have eternal life now in Jesus Christ.
This is an invitation from God, for me, well for all who would come.
Reminder… to be encouraged… challenged, loved by Jesus.