The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. What we celebrate and believe today
We believe that Mother Mary was Assumed to haven with body and soul.
We celebrate our mother, and we celebrate the work of her Son our savior, the fac that he conceives her without original sin.
And many people around us is asking why we believe it, we will tell why we believe it, and you will tell they why you believe it. If you could have created your mother how you will created, would you allow you mother be stain by the sin, no of course, will you allow your mother die of course not, would you allow you mother be corrupted in the cemetery, but you cannot do it.
But Jesus is God, he can make it, and made it, because he loves his mother, he did not allow Satan to stain his mother with the corruption of the original sin, she did not allow the body of his Mother be corrupted in the ground because he loves his mother.
And we can prove this with the bible and the holy tradition.
In the Bible we have witnesses that God have made it.
Enoc, “Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” First Maccabees 2:58 adds, “Elijah because of great zeal for the Law was taken up into heaven. ” 2 Kings 2,11
2. Mary the Arch of the new covenant.
The book of revelation says that Jhon saw the arch of the New Arch of the Covenant in the heaven. Revelation 12.
Now thing for a moment was inside of the Arch of the Covenant, The word of God, and Mana, and the Stik of Aron.
You cannot that the old Ark of the Covenant his in haven, but this Ach contain only symbols because the Word of God is Jesus, the true bread of heaven is Jesus and the true high priest is Jesus, all of this was carrying in the womb of Mary so Mary is the true arc of the New Covenant, if Jhon tell us that the old was in the heaven and the old is only a figure, would no God bring to heaven the Arch of the Covenant.
Would Jesus allow that his mother be waiting thousands of years in the tomb, no.
Look in the tradition, you have the thumbs of all the apostles, but you will never find a tradition that speak about the bounds of Mary. Why because among them was clearly that Mary was no in the tomb.
1. The signal from Haven
In the Pope was in great trouble he must proclaim to all the Church that Mary in heaven in soul and body. He was asking for a signal to confirm this, he prays day and night. No one knows about this worry of him. Some days before a family from France visit him, one of the Childs wants to see alone the Pope he approaches to the pope and say to him. Mother Mary says that you must no worry she is in haven with his body, the Pope was full of joy.
Was born an cured, was always sick
So Mary is the Arch the new covenant and she is now with Christ.
If some person asks you, why do you believe that Mother Mary is in heaven, you have to say that the Bible teach clearly that the arch of covenant is in heaven, and Mary is the new Arch of the covenant, so she must be in heaven.
2. We have not only and advocate in the heaven.
Jesus is the only mediator between God and man, and Mary is begin between us and Christ.
Mary is begging mercy for you to his son Jesus Christ.
You not only have a Father in heaven you have your mother.
Waiting for you, make Mary Mother of your Life.
“Amad a Dios y a la Santísima Virgen. Ofrecedles todos vuestros sufrimientos. Y así recobraréis la paz del alma. Gille
The intersection for Mario Restrepo
Think also in our own death.
Human beings are so hard-hearted, that the whole world can die and we don't feel anything."
People sit and watch TV in the house and they see a bomb explode here and there and it ended up here and ended up there, but they don't feel anything; they are impressed, but they feel no pain and suddenly thank God that it was not them or their relatives.
In the death of a relative, you receive a very great grace, because you have the opportunity to reflect on the relationship you have with God, also to reflect on your own death, because if there is something that we have hidden, each one of us, the greatest secret we have, is that we are going to die.