01-64 When You Should Swear
Genesis 21:22-34
A Farmer drove his team of mules into town and was very late returning home.
“What took you so long?” asked his wife.
“Well,” the farmer explained, “on the way I had to pick up the preacher, and from there on, these mules of ours didn’t understand one word I said.”
1. The Request
2. The Vow
3. The Conflict
4. The Covenant
Beer-Sheba is located approximately halfway between the Mediterranean and Dead Seas, 70 miles southeast of Tel Aviv/Joppa, 75 miles southwest of Jerusalem, and just over 20 miles southwest of Hebron. It lies at the intersection of two routes: a route from the Judaean Hill Country to Sinai and Egypt, and a route from Arabia to the Mediterranean.
5. The Memorial
Abraham’s first stopping place in Canaan (Shechem) was by a tree (12:6). Later he built an altar by a tree at Mamre (13:18). He lived near trees (14:13), and entertained Yahweh under a tree (18:1). Now he plants a tree.