Just One Person

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Just One Person

Out of all the horrific stories surrounding the tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami in the south Asian area, comes a miraculous report from a small village in India. I heard of this first hand from one who has relatives in this village, and then discovered written reports verifying its accuracy.

The report says that an individual by the name of Vijayakumar, a former resident of a small town in India, currently resides in Singapore. The entire population of Nallavadu, India, was saved from the destruction of the tsunami by a single phone call from Vijayakumar in Singapore, Indonesia!

The village is part of a project run by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation and Vijayakumar, one of the foundation’s former volunteers, now works in Singapore.

Vijayakumar saw a tsunami warning in Singapore and immediately phoned the village’s research centre, setting off a local alert.

A warning was repeatedly announced over the village’s public address system and a siren sounded allowing people time to move away from the danger area before the waves hit.

As a result, not one of Nallavadu’s 3,600 residents was killed while the surrounding area suffered massive loss of life.

One phone call resulted in saving 3,600 people. The simple act of making one phone call resulted in an entire village being spared of the death that engulfed all those surrounding it.

Have you ever thought about that one person that you need to speak to about Jesus? Perhaps you have hesitated, thinking that your singular witness could not possible mean too much. My pastor friend, have you hesitated in considering planting new churches, because you thought “what difference could just one more church mean?”

One new church? Let me testify that the Milltown Community Church, the new church we planted in just this past year with Pastor Bruce Cox, already has more than doubled in attendance. Those who came with the Cox’s from WILMINGTON first assembly are now outnumbered by those who have joined this new church from the Milltown area!

Witness to just one person? Someone led Billy Graham to the Lord! I am sure that they didn’t realize at the time the impact of what “just that one witness” would have upon the world!

Let’s reach out to someone – today. As the phone company used to advertise, “Reach out, reach out and touch someone!” Just one phone call!

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