The Blessed and Blameless Believer!
Psalm 119 Delighting in God's Word • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 43:06
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· 33 viewsGod's Word is a source of blessing to those who walk diligently in it.
The Psalmist begins by observing those who are blessed. He concludes that happiness is possible, and identifies those who are happy or blessed and he takes certain measures to insure that he is among the blessed.
In the first three verses, the challenge is addressed to the reader. Beginning with verse four, the message is addressed to the Lord. The first three verses are in the third person plural and concerns the observation of others. Then beginning with verse four, he moves to the first person singular and speaks about his own personal desires and struggles. You will find over and over again the truth that blessedness is the result of a correct heart attitude towards God’s Word.
The 119th Psalm is devoted to the Word of God.
That is what we desperately need in our day. We need a hunger for the Word of God. We need a passion for it; we need to cherish God’s Word and make it the emphasis and priority of our lives and services. Many today are focused on everything but the Bible. Our churches seem more concerned with programs, activities, or entertainment than the Word of God. God’s Word is the only thing that will remain when the world has been consumed with fire. It is steadfast and sure in an ever-changing world. We must build our lives upon the Word of God. God reveals Himself, His purposes, His will, and His ways in His Word. So, we seek Him in His Word.
Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.”
Seeking God means much more than just reading the Bible. It means listening to what He says in His Word and truly hearing His voice. It means having a whole hearted surrender to Him and wanting to delight Him, and please Him, and obey Him.
As we begin our study this morning of Psalm 119, let’s take a moment to seek His face and praise and worship Him because of His Word.
Reverence — Who is God? / Identify and celebrate God’s praiseworthy attributes
His instruction and ways are perfect (v. 1)
He is worthy to be sought after with our whole heart (v. 2)
God’s commands guard and protect us (vs. 4-6)
His rules are righteous (v. 7)
He does not forsake us (v. 8)
Prayer Prompt: I praise You this morning because I have learned from Your Word that You are ....
Summary: God’s Word is the source of blessing to those who walk diligently in it.
This morning I want to examine three characteristics of a Blessed and Blameless Believer!
I. He Is a Devoted Believer (119:1-3)
I. He Is a Devoted Believer (119:1-3)
A. He Is Blameless
A. He Is Blameless
Psalm 119:1 “How happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk according to the Lord’s instruction!”
Many writers acknowledge that to be happy is a universal goal of men and women. The only people who do not want to be happy are abnormal. Apart from being instructed by God, human beings do not know how to achieve true happiness.
They think they will be happy if they
can earn enough money,
be respected by those with whom they work,
acquire enough power to do whatever they like
or to be free from all restraints,
or discover someone who will love them without conditions.
But these pursuits do not ensure happiness, and sin always warps and destroys even the best achievements.
How can a person find happiness? The Bible tells us that the path to a happy life—the Bible’s word for it is “blessedness”—is conforming to the law of God.
Remember that song we just sang moments ago? “I was drifting along on life’s sea, and I could not find any comfort or peace. I was living my life so aimlessly, my soul it was lost.” The Psalmist realized that he was not just wandering along aimlessly in life. He wasn’t adrift on an endless sea without hope. He acknowledged that he was in the way, and that he walked according to the Word of God.
I’m glad to be walking in the way this morning and I hope you are as well. We may not like to admit it but everyone we know including some family members aren’t in the way. Not everyone is saved and on their way to heaven.
Matthew 7:14 “How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.
“Blameless” means those who have integrity. Integrity is the opposite of duplicity and hypocrisy, which is the pretense to be something that we are not. It does not imply sinless perfection, but rather a lifestyle (way) that is in each area growing and conforming to God’s Word. The more we are in the Word, the more we become like Jesus, and the more we become like Jesus, the more blameless or holy we become.
Johnny Hunt said, “ Happiness is the overflow of joy. Joy is the source; happiness is the stream. God always weds happiness (blessedness) with holiness.
B. He is Undivided
B. He is Undivided
Psalm 119:2 “Happy are those who keep his decrees and seek him with all their heart.”
“Heart” in this verse refers to the inner being of a person. It encompasses the emotional, mental, and volitional aspects of our inmost being.
Jeremiah 24:7 “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God because they will return to me with all their heart.”
Proverbs 2:1-6 “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding; furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Matthew 22:37-38 “He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command.”
The word “decrees” indicates those things to which God witnesses. It is His witness concerning His person, purposes, and pronouncements. It carries the thought that God has solemnly declared His will on matters of faith and morals.
Friends, the Word of God will put your life together. If your life or your home or anything else is falling apart, then turn to the Word of God.
The psalmist realized there was blessing in remaining committed to God. He knew that those who followed the Lord and received His blessing sought Him with their whole heart. They were completely sold out to the Lord and desired Him above everything else. We need those in our day who will seek the Lord with all their heart. A lot of people want to be affiliated with the Lord. They certainly desire to receive His blessings and they want His guidance and protection in their lives, but many are unwilling to really sell out unto the Lord. Many will serve the Lord as long as it is convenient or comfortable. We must be willing to seek God with all of our being. He must be the ultimate desire of our hearts.
C. He is Unwilling to Surrender
C. He is Unwilling to Surrender
Psalm 119:3 “They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways.”
He is unwilling to surrender in sense of allowing any rival loves to come into his life and become more important than God and His Word.
The word “ways” suggests a course of conduct marked out by God’s Word, a road traveled as a way of life; a course of action mapped out by God’s Word. It speaks of the habitual responses that one develops from having pursued these paths.
Those who walk in the way with God, walk in a way that pleases Him. Our lives are no longer dictated and consumed by the pleasures of the flesh. We no longer walk in the ways of the world, but according to the ways of God. That does not imply that we live above sin, but rather that we no longer live condemned by that sin. Our lives have been changed by the power of God and we now walk in fellowship with Him. Isn’t it good to know that we can walk with God, in His forgiveness, and be counted worthy because of what Christ did for us? I am not able to live above sin, but my sin was forever judged on the cross of Calvary.
II. He Is a Diligent Believer (119:4-6)
II. He Is a Diligent Believer (119:4-6)
These next three verses reveal the passion and perception the Psalmist has for the Word of God.
A. He Knows His Duty
A. He Knows His Duty
Psalm 119:4 “You have commanded that your precepts be diligently kept.”
He knew that studying and obeying the Word of God was not an option for the believer. It wasn’t something he could take or leave. He knew that God had commanded all believers to keep the precepts of God’s Word. It was literally to dictate and direct their lives.
That truth hasn’t changed and it never will. We are commanded to keep the precepts of God’s Word. We are to live our lives according to the Scriptures. It is to dictate and direct the path that we walk as Christians.
Have you ever heard someone say, “I know what the Bible says, but …?” That statement should never come from the mouth or the heart of a believer.
B. He Desires To Be Obedient
B. He Desires To Be Obedient
Psalm 119:5 “If only my ways were committed to keeping your statutes!”
Sometimes when we read about characters in the Bible like this Psalmist, we get the idea that they are always blameless, and upright, and obedient, and that is the reason that they are happy or blessed. But just as in this case, we often find they are much like we are. The desire is there, but the obedience not always so much.
The word translated “statutes” here means something that is engraved or cut. It is a definitive standard set forth in a manner that is intended to last. The fixed nature of God’s Word and will is important; He doesn’t change with the wind or the times like we often do. That is why we can trust our Bibles. The Scriptures are etched in stone. They are dependable in every generation.
The Psalmist wants to keep God’s Word. He is a godly man, but he is also very aware of how ungodly he still is. He knows how quickly he can change and wander away. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy grace, Lord, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee:
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart Lord, take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
C. He Makes a Decision
C. He Makes a Decision
Psalm 119:6 “Then I would not be ashamed when I think about all your commands.”
Shame is a painful feeling of having lost respect of others because of improper behavior, dishonor, or disgrace; something that is unfortunate or outrageous.
What he is saying here is that “When I think about or have respect for all Your commandments, Your law, Your Words; the Word of God, then the necessary decision that comes from that is to be obedient to what ever You command Lord.”
When you make that decision to be obedient to His Word and seek Him, the result of that decision is freedom from shame.
A lot of folks are struggling with their lives because they have not been living according to God’s Word. Their lives have been dictated by the desires of the flesh, resulting in sin, and ultimately shame. The believer cannot sin and get by with it. We may choose to engage in sin, but the Holy Spirit will deal with us regarding that sin. The only way for a believer to enjoy life is to be in fellowship with the Lord. That will never happen if we are not living according to the Word!
III. He Is a Deepening Believer (119:7-8)
III. He Is a Deepening Believer (119:7-8)
You will notice that the sin of verse six is converted to praise and worship in verse seven. This is not about having talent, ability, or even education. It is a matter of having a heart for God’s Word.
A. He Understands Knowing God’s Word Leads To Praise
A. He Understands Knowing God’s Word Leads To Praise
Psalm 119:7 “I will praise you with an upright heart when I learn your righteous judgments.”
The Psalmist made a conscious decision to worship and praise the Lord. He worshipped God because he was compelled to. God had revealed Himself to the Psalmist through His righteous judgments, His Word, and his only option was to praise and worship the God he loved. He had considered and thought about the goodness of God and knowing His Word, and it brought about a deepening desire to praise God.
We also need that passion and commitment to worship and praise the Lord. We ought to be determined that every time we gather together in His house we will praise and worship Him. Our worship should not be dictated by or hindered by anything. It ought to be our desire that if nothing else ever happens when we meet here on Sunday mornings, we will have worshipped our Lord with all our heart.
We have not met here this morning to honor men or praise them. We have not met here to be seen or heard. We have met here to praise the Lord! I can’t help but think of the first few words of another great Hymn of our faith. “Brethren we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God.” Folks, that’s why we are here and the more we know His Word, the more praise will stem from our hearts.
B. He Understands Obeying God’s Word Leads To Protection
B. He Understands Obeying God’s Word Leads To Protection
Psalm 119:8 “I will keep your statutes; never abandon me.”
One decision that we must make is to know the Word of God. The second decision we must make is to keep it, obey it. The first decision is no good without the second one.
The Psalmist’s hearts desire was to keep the statutes of God. He wanted to live according to God’s Word. He wanted every part of his life to be controlled and governed by the Word of God.
What do our lives reveal this morning? If we were to be honest with ourselves before the Lord, do we desire to keep His statutes? Are we really concerned with being obedient to the Lord?
He couldn’t imagine life without the Lord. He had no desire to live apart from the Lord’s grace and guidance. He pleaded with the Lord to remain near to him and not leave Him. He wasn’t concerned that the Lord might somehow abandon him in the matter of salvation. What he is asking is for God to stick by him in his determination to live according to God’d Law, His Word.
Psalm 119:8 (NKJV) — 8 I will keep Your statutes; Oh, do not forsake me utterly!
That word utterly means completely. David’s sin severed communion with God and he found himself forsaken, but not completely. Peter denied the Lord and felt forsaken from His presence, but not utterly or completely.
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the Lord your God is the one who will go with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.””
Hebrews 13:5 “..., for he himself has said, I will never leave you or abandon you.”
We are promised that our Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. What a promise we have in His Word. I want to live so that I can sense His presence and discern His will for my life. The Lord will not utterly forsake us, but we can allow sin to hinder our fellowship and His guidance in our lives. Where do our lives stand with the Lord this morning? Do we hunger after His Word as the psalmist did? Do we desire to live according to His Word and seek His will for our lives? Do you enjoy the fellowship that you desire with Jesus? Is He the priority of life or just a small part? I trust that you will be obedient to His call today. If He has spoken to your heart, please come. If you have never been saved and the Lord is calling, I urge you to come to Him in salvation.