Dad's Funeral Service: God is our Good Father!

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Welcome! Thank you all for coming and supporting our family in this time. Death is never easy.
I’m 33 years old now. And if you would have asked me back when I was 29 how I thought my thirties would go. I would have never guessed like this. It’s been a long 3 years filled with some beautiful moments but also full of some dark/painful moments . I also would have never guessed that I would lose both of my parents in a little under 3 years. As I sit here reflecting on how it’s been 3 weeks since we got the wellness check call back of your passing.
I know I wasn’t the easiest kid. I know that we are all flawed. This is something I had wrote awhile back. I wanted to share it with you while you were still here but I guess I was to much of a coward or to fixated on fighting to try to help you see there were reasons to still live.I wanted to share it with you so you could know that despite all this I still loved you and longed to be your son. And that how God loves you and can redeem all broken things.
There is little boy in me desperately looking for his father.
God called me to forgive the man who was never much of a father in the way a young boy needed. One who never showed loved or defended his son. One who when he did decide to show love and affection it wasn’t to his family but to his bottle. You worked hard! no one doubts that. You provided for us as a family finically, roof over our heads, and food. But i needed you to provide you heart. ( I can say this now that i have grown and given my life to Christ)
It’s hard to forgive someone you never really knew. It’s hard to forgive someone when the little boy in you was still longing for a father and hurt that he never had one.
I fought You on forgiving him. Why does he deserve my forgiveness? What difference would it make? He would still go on loving his bottle more and I would still be angry and hurt. Then you reminded me it wasn't for his sake…but my own. So I finally caved and felt the burdens of hurt, abandonment, fear, anger, hate, let down and sadness be lifted. But then you called me to be reconciled?!?! How? Why? I’m a grown man now full of my own pride trying to be my own man, husband and father to my own children. I don’t need a relationship with a man I never knew and who seemingly didn’t want to know me. Yet deep down the little boy in me still longed for a relationship with his father and to hear him say he loved me and was proud of me. It hurts to admit this because it’s a reminder of what I lacked and makes me feel weak.
But God you made a way for reconciliation as you always seem to do. Not my ideal way, but none the less Your way. While mom was sick is when a true relationship began to take shape. Through the many ups and downs with my moms health me and my father began to talk more regularly. It was during this time you said you loved me and for the first time in my life it felt like you meant it. It took me on an emotional roller coaster of hearing something I’ve longed to hear and on the other side that I’m a grown man just now hearing and feeling this way was infuriating.
As mom passed I truly began to see you as a broken man not simply just a man that broke me and left me with many scars today. I have had to remind myself of this daily and suck up my pride to connect with you daily to make sure you’re ok. There were moments of hope even if they were just a sliver it was still hope none the less. Hope that you would finally get the help needed so you could finally live a life of freedom. But every time that hope seemed to slip away or be a naive hope at best.
But if I’m being honest it’s taken its toll on me… emotionally and mentally. I’m fighting to continue to see you in a positive light yet I keep coming back to how I’m watching a man who has given up and is withering away.Now I’m being flooded with the same feelings and emotions that little boy used to feel. You once again are choosing your true love…that bottle over you children. I want to help you. I wish I could take your addiction away from you. But you want it and want to stay the same as you always have …. And I guess that’s true for me as well….
As I’m still a helpless little boy looking for his father..
I know there were very real moments for you wanting to lay down your burdens and break free from the chains that had held you down for so long. I also know you had a relationship with God Himself and i will always hold dear to my heart seeing you show emotion and praying by moms bedside.
You are free now dad. I pray you finally have found the peace you so desperately needed this side of eternity. You will be missed dearly by your children and grandchildren. I will miss seeing you, i will miss our daily calls just checking in to make sure you were ok, i will miss the dumb rambling voicemails, i will miss you dad. I do have a ton of regrets and feel we missed out on so much father son time that i desperately wish we could have had.I do want you to know I love you. And I pray you know that and felt it with the visits and the almost daily phone calls. I Love you dad and i look forward to seeing you again one day healed and whole.
PSALM 103 Section:
None of us are perfect and we all hurt those around us we love sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. and because of that our parents are not perfect and we cant fault them for their flaws.. But where our parents may have lacked God doesn’t and is faithful and is loving. He is our Good Father!
Read Psalm 103
This beautiful psalm serves as a testament to the enduring love, mercy, and grace of our Heavenly Father. It is a reminder of the countless blessings we receive and the reasons we have to praise and glorify the Creator of all things in every season of life, in times of joy, and in times of pain and grief.
Psalm 103 begins with a call to bless the Lord with all that is within us, acknowledging the depth of our being as we direct our hearts, minds, and souls toward God. This psalm encourages us to remember all the benefits we have received from the Lord.
In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the blessings that surround us – the breath we take, the grace we experience, and the forgiveness we are granted. Verse 2-5 lists some of these blessings: healing, redemption, love, and renewal. Let us be reminded that God is the source of all good things and His love is unwavering.
The psalmist also emphasizes the attributes of God, describing Him as a loving Father who is merciful, compassionate, and slow to anger. In a world filled with uncertainty and hardship, it is reassuring to know that God's character is one of steadfast love. The metaphor of a father's compassion towards his children is powerful, reminding us of the caring nature of our Heavenly Father.
Lets explore the profound truth that God is our Good Father. This concept is at the heart of our faith, offering us a glimpse into the nature of our Heavenly Father's love, care, and guidance. Just as Jesus taught us to address God as "Our Father," let us delve into the depths of what it means to have God as our Good Father.
Unconditional Love: A good father loves his children unconditionally. No matter our faults, failures, or shortcomings, our Heavenly Father's love for us remains unwavering. In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus beautifully illustrates this truth. Despite our wandering, God's love waits for us, ready to embrace us when we return. Let us be comforted by the knowledge that we are loved beyond measure.
Provision and Care: Just as an earthly father provides for his children's needs, our Heavenly Father cares for us. He knows our needs before we even ask, and He is faithful to provide. Look around at the world – the beauty of creation, the intricacies of life – all of it is a testament to His care. As Jesus said, if God takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, how much more will He care for us, His beloved children?
Guidance and Wisdom: A good father guides his children, offering them wisdom and direction. Our Heavenly Father is the ultimate source of wisdom, and He desires to lead us along the paths of righteousness. When we seek His guidance through prayer and studying His Word, we can trust that He will show us the way forward.
Discipline and Correction: Just as a loving father corrects his children for their benefit, our Good Father also disciplines us. Hebrews 12:6 reminds us, "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." God's correction is motivated by love and a desire for our growth and maturity.
Security and Refuge: In times of trouble and uncertainty, we can find security in the arms of our Heavenly Father. Psalm 46:1 reassures us, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." When the storms of life rage around us, we have a Father who is a shelter and a source of strength.
Eternal Inheritance: Our earthly fathers may leave behind material inheritances, but our Good Father bestows upon us an eternal inheritance. Through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, we become heirs of the Kingdom of God. This inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading (1 Peter 1:4).
As we reflect on the profound truth that God is our Good Father, let us approach Him with childlike faith and trust. Let us cast our anxieties, pain, grief upon Him, knowing that He cares for us. Let us embrace His guidance and correction, recognizing that He desires what is best for us. And let us rejoice in the eternal inheritance He has prepared for us.
May the reality of God's fatherly love fill our hearts with gratitude and awe. Let us strive to emulate His love and care in our own lives, becoming reflections of His goodness to the world around us. Remember, you are a cherished child of the Most High God – loved, cared for, guided, and destined for an eternal inheritance. May we live in the light of this truth each day
The psalmist acknowledges the transient nature of our lives. Our days are like grass – here today and gone tomorrow. In the midst of life's fleetingness, we are invited to contemplate the eternal nature of God's love. His love endures forever, providing us with a rock-solid foundation to build our lives upon.
As we continue through the psalm, we encounter verses 10-12, which highlight the concept of God's forgiveness. Our sins and transgressions are likened to the distance between the heavens and the earth. However, God's forgiveness transcends this vast expanse. He removes our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. What a profound image of the immeasurable nature of His forgiveness! It's a reminder that God's grace is boundless, offering us a chance to start anew.
Psalm 103 is a song of gratitude and praise, an invitation to remember the goodness of our Creator. It encourages us to reflect on His blessings, to trust in His steadfast love, and to recognize the depth of His forgiveness. May we internalize the message of this psalm, allowing it to shape our hearts, guide our actions, and deepen our relationship with the One who is truly deserving of all our praise. Let us bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within us bless His holy name! Amen.
JOHN 3:16-17 Section:
John 3:16-17. These verses encapsulate the essence of the Gospel, reminding us of the incredible love of God and His purpose for sending His Son into the world. Let us open our hearts and minds to the wisdom and grace contained in these words.
The Depth of God's Love: These verses begin with a declaration of the immeasurable love of God. "For God so loved the world..." The world, with all its beauty and brokenness, is the object of God's affection. His love extends beyond boundaries, embracing every nation, every person, and every generation. This love is not based on our merits or actions, but on the nature of God Himself. It's a love that surpasses human understanding.
The Gift of His Son: The manifestation of God's love is seen in the giving of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. This gift is the pinnacle of God's grace and mercy. In Christ's incarnation, life, death, and resurrection, we witness the depth of God's commitment to our redemption. Jesus willingly laid down His life to bridge the gap between humanity and God, making the way for reconciliation and eternal life.
The Promise of Eternal Life: "Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The essence of the Gospel message is beautifully summarized in this statement. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are granted the gift of eternal life. The consequences of sin and separation from God are overcome by Christ's sacrifice. Through Him, we find forgiveness, restoration, and the promise of everlasting fellowship with our Creator.
The Purpose of Jesus' Coming: These verses clarify the purpose of Jesus' arrival on Earth. God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but to save it. The incarnation of Christ was an act of divine rescue, a demonstration of God's redemptive plan. Jesus' mission was not to bring judgment, but to offer salvation to all who would believe in Him. The light of Christ exposes our need for Him, inviting us to turn from darkness to light.
As we reflect on these verses, let us be reminded of the incredible love story that unfolded through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God's plan for salvation is rooted in His unchanging love for humanity, a love that seeks to reconcile us with Him and grant us eternal life.
May these verses inspire us to respond with faith, gratitude, and a desire to share this message of hope with others. Let us embrace the gift of salvation and live as those who have been transformed by the power of God's love.
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