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Texto del sermón en cursiva y negrita y Juan 3:16 y v. 20.

título 2

Texto con bosquejo.


Jesus transfigured

A. When our girls had infections they were always given a pink antibiotic, amoxil
1. Instructions were given on how to take it. Did they ever say, take the whole bottle at once?
2. spoonful by spoonful the medicine was given
3. Too much at once would be harmful, their bodies would be unable to take it.

B. Jesus came to the world and chose 12 disciples. Began to teach them.
1. He didn't try to teach them all the truth, all at once.
a. "I'm the Son of God." "I'll suffer and die and so will you."
b. to use the language of John 16:12, they would not have been able to "bear" this.
2. Little by little he revealed himself to them by his miracles and teaching

C. That's the way it is to us today.
1. We become Christians and admire Christ
2. But there's so much we don't grasp - His purity, holiness, power
3. Little by little through study, prayer, imitation we come to know Him more

D. Today, a spoonful of medicine which will help us cure spiritual ills, know Jesus better

E. This teaching was given on top of a mountain. Do you like mountains?
1. I've liked going up mountain from childhood. World seems little, air fresh, closer to the clouds, seem closer to God.
F. Look in Matthew 17 and as you look, let's think of the context
1. Events took place near Cesarea Philippi - far north of Israel, foot of Mt. Hermon
a. Mt. Hermon, often snow covered peak seen from most of Israel. 10115 feet high
2. Two important events in chapter 16 that help us interpret what we are going to read..
a. Peter's confession of Jesus - "though art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
i. Marvel and admiration of Peter and the others
b. then sobering reminder of what this meant
i. Jesus was going to be killed and rise the third day (vs. 21)
ii. Peter tried to belittle this prediction. he was told, "get thee behind me Satan"
iii. Jesus then tried to prepare them for their own suffering,
iiii. But they were going to see the kingdom.
3. In this time of thought and contemplation, the events ocurred which we want to study.

I. Analyzing the text
A. Vs. 1 -
1. the three most intimate friends of Jesus - Peter, James and John
a. not wrong to have special friends even though we love all brethren.
2. High mountain - perhaps Mount Tabor or Mt. Hermon

B. Vs. 2 He was transfigured!
1. "His face shone like the son."
1. not some reflected light from outside
2. light shining from within, revealing His deity, holiness, power
3. Affected His clothing

C. Vs. 3 - Moses and Elijah - probably representing the law and the prophets
1. How did the disciples recognize them? Doesn't say
2. Luke 9:31 says they were speaking "of His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem"
a. That was the topic of discussion the previous week.
3. I believe this transfiguration was to console and fortify the apostles in the face of this impending death.

D. Vs. 4 Peter spoke
1. Three tabernacles - three "shrines" made out of branches
2. He thought he was honoring Jesus, perhaps hoping he would hear again..."blessed are you, Simon Barjonah."
3. But something different happened.

E. Vs. 5 A cloud... often symbolizes the presence of God
1. The voice, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, Hear Him!"
2. He is more than Moses and Elijah, their time has passed, now time for my Son!

F. Vs. 6,7 - They were greatly frightened! And yet Jesus said, "do not be afraid."
1. We sometimes need the lessons which frighten us so much!
a. The events of September 11, death of loved ones, storms
b. Yet Jesus says, "arise and do not be afraid!"
c. He is in control!

G. Vs. 8 - After the cloud, no more Moses and Elijah, no more bright face, vision has passed
1. All returns to normal, breeze, distant view
2. But the three apostles stayed the same? They were changed!
3. Interesting that when Peter, as an old man, wanted to mention something specific that he saw with his own eyes, what did he mention? walk on water? raising of Lazarus?
4. Read 2 Peter 1:16-18
a. Although he was old man, writing perhaps 30 years later, events of that day were as fresh in his mind as if they were the previous day.
b. He had learned a great lesson about the power and holiness of Jesus.

H. Vs. 9 - Not time to tell everyone yet
1. Often not time for us to tell people everything they need to know.
2. Work to prepare them, so that they can receive little by little all of the medicine.

II. Applications
A. We must be very careful and discrete when talking of the things of God
1. Peter was impulsive - talked about what he didn't know.
a. Luke said he talked, "not knowing what he said." 9:33
2. So often we speak, when we should be silent.
3. Texts
a. Ecclesiastes 5:2, "Do not be rash with your mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few."
b. Proverbs 17:28 "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive."
4. There are times when it is best to be silent
a. Exactly how did God create the earth? How did Noah get all those animals in the ark? etc.
i. theories often are speculative and don't hold much water.
b. Events of September 11
i. "God allowed this because of this, this and this...."
c. Speculation - "Edom is the United States," "The twin towers are in the Bible," etc.
d. Same mistake as Peter!
5. When it is time to talk we must speak only, "as the oracles of God" (1 Peter 4:11)
a. Speak of what we know.
b. If it is interpretation, let it be known that it is interpretation.

B. Let's listen to Christ for our authority, not Moses and Elijah
1. Hebrews 1:1,2
2. We can learn from Moses and Elijah and how God dealt with them (Rom. 15:4)
a. But they are not our authority today!
3. Many haven't learned that lesson today.
a. Want to bind some (not all, just what is convenient for them) of Moses and Elijah.
b. sabbath, tithing, instrumental music, etc.
4. God says that now our only authority should be His son! Let's listen to Him!

C. The importance of worshipping God and treating men as men!
1. Peter fell into a common trap - giving too much importance to men, good men.
a. men sometimes worthy of honor? yes! But authority? worship?
2. Too many elevate men too much!
a. The Roman church - "clergy" deserve more spiritual authority.
i. Current crisis in Catholic church (abuse of young boys) shows that "clergy" just men, sometimes reprobates.
b. Protestantism - I saw a "church" newspaper at Bible Society with ads for churches
i. All had pictures of "pastor" with their title: "Bishop," "Reverend," Doctor.
c. Among brethren, careful - "Whatever Foy Wallace says..." "Whatever this paper says..."
3. Jesus Christ is the only one deserving of such authority!

D. Realizing that the brightness of the light in Jesus is supernatural and will never be extinguished!
1. Yes, He was going to die, but there was a supernatural light in Him, that would never be extinguished! I believe that this is the most important lesson Jesus had for them!
2. Would the three apostles have remembered this event as they saw the life go out of that face on the cross? as they saw Jesus buried?
3. They certainly would have remembered when they saw it come back to life!
4. That light was so bright that it shines through the centuries to us today!
a. Atheists and agnostics have tried to belittle it, dismiss it.
b. They're gone, and the light of Jesus shines brighter and brighter!
5. The more you examine Christ, the more that light will shine in your life! The more you will see that it is supernatural. Couldn't just come from any Jewish carpenter. Had to come from the Creator Himself.

A. Are you letting that light shine in your life? Does it give you hope? purpose?

B. How to let it shine in? You've got to go up the mountain! (symbolically speaking)
1. You've got to leave the world behind (repent) climb up to higher ground, closer to God
2. Let that light penetrate your heart, your being, your soul.

C. Might someone today be willing to do that?
1. John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of light."
2. You must repent, leave world behind, be baptized for remission of sins. (Acts 2:38)
3. Let us help you.

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