Men's Monthly Study: Pursuing Piety
What is piety?
What is piety?
The quality of being religious or reverent.
(Holiness, godliness, godly)
Why do we need to study piety?
In the N.T. occurs primarily in the Pastoral Epistles (1,2 Timothy and Titus) and in 2 Peter.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (Characteristics of the Last Days)
(unholy, having a form of godliness- religion, devout)
Reason: Times in which we live
Isaiah 43:1,7 (Created for God’s glory)
Acts 17:24-28 (Paul in Athens)
How does sinful humanity reveal its inherent desire for worship?
Reason: Piety / Godliness is our created purpose
Deuteronomy 32:44-47 (Final instructions)
Mark 8:36-38 (Jesus speaks of His coming death)
Reason: Piety / Godliness is eternal work
2 Timothy 2: 3-7 (Analogy: Believer - soldier, athlete, farmer)
Philippians 2:12-13 (Divine Sovereignty / Human Responsibility)
Reason: Piety / Godliness is a work attainable only by the
grace of God
Puritans & Piety (Works of Swinnock / Watson)
1 Timothy 4:7-10 (Pastoral Epistle / A Good Servant)
What does this text tell us about godliness?
Action: Train (present active imperative), discipline, root for the word gymnasium
Subject: Yourself (4:16)
Object / Goal: Godliness (worship & obedience to God)
Definition of godliness:
“Worshiping God in the inward motions of the heart and the outward actions of life.”
Based on the above, what does godliness or piety cover?
Spiritual forefathers taught that every believer is to make religion and godliness their business.
Matthew 6:33-36 (Sermon on the Mount)
(Precede / Permeate all of our actions)
Philippians 3:10-11 (I want to know Christ…)
(To be pursued with zeal)
Psalm 69:7-9 (Psalm of David
John 2:13-17 (Clearing of the Temple)
Two aspects of godliness:
Personal godliness
Corporate godliness
How should a study on piety affect you and others?
Psalm 42:1,2 (Godliness results in peace, strength, comfort but it does not begin there.)