The Star. The King, The Savior
Roman puppet over Israel
Not of Kingly blood
Killed his favorite wife and sons because he was paranoid of loosing the throne
Jesus the coming King
Jesus the coming King
Bethlehem is the birth place of David.
This is again revealing that Jesus is the heir of David
Jesus’ coming was prophesied from Three places. Shows how God set up this crazy story
The Star confirms Jesus as the Messiah.
This is consistent with Matthew’s focus throughout the book.
Matthew will narrate some wild claims from Jesus later. These first few chapters are integral to the story as they show that Jesus is who he says he is.
The Magi come to worship the new King. Naturally, they went to the current ruling authorities to see him, but Herod had no idea.
Herod had to call the Jewish leaders together. They must not have been looking for the sign.
The Magi brought gifts. they wanted to pay homage. Thats what you do to kings. you worship them.
Jesus, the coming Savior
Jesus, the coming Savior
He is a savior like Moses
Birth and exile like Moses
quote from Hosea set up a new Exodus that the Messiah will save his people from
Don’t Miss the King!
Don’t Miss the King!
Come to the King.
Come to the Savior
Worship him