Leaders Meeting
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Thank you
1 Corinthians 11:1 (NIV)
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
I cant think of a better definition of what it means to be a youth leader than this verse.
If we boil everything down that we will talk about, really if we can get this part right, you will be an effective youth leader.
This is one of at least 3 different times Paul tells people to follow him, however each time he points out the fact that he is following Christ.
Being a youth leader is a high calling, and an important one.
Taken from the One Hope Global Youth Culture U.S. Report
51% of U.S. teens, ages 13 to 19, identify as Christians, but only 8% display beliefs and behaviors that are consistent with being committed to their faith.
So our task is large, and there is no way that we will be able to fulfill this task and this calling without first following the example of Jesus.
This year we will have struggles, we will have difficult students, we will have great times, but I encourage you to make 1 Corinthians 11:1 the theme for you as a youth leader this year.
Disney Charades
toy story
beauty and the beast
Thank you again for being willing to take time out of your days to pour into the youth here.
I cannot meet the needs of all of our students
I do my best to not make this ministry about me, because without you ministry doesnt happen.
Small Group Assignments
Small Group Assignments
M. S. Boys: Attic - Me
M.S. Girls: Tony’s Office - Heather & Kylie
Fresh & Soph Boys: Lobby sanct side - Kevin
Fresh & Soph Girls: Youth Lounge - Hannah
Junior & Sen Boys: Conf Room - Jim
Jun & Sen Girls: Harvest Hope - Julie & Jenna
4 Voices video
4 Voices video
Was there anything that stood out in that video?
The studentsthat we have will be going through issues that we may not ever even know. So it is important that we continue to use these 4 voices effectively
Be involved with students on Wednesday nights
Small group questions are a guide
be there for the students, but have healthy boundaries
We want to know if something is going on
Be an example: on social media, football games, work etc
shocking stories
shocking stories
You may be shocked to hear some of the stories that our teenagers have gone through, but we cannot act like it.
Mandatory reporter
Mandatory reporter
As a youth leader you are a mandatory reporter.
I had to make 1 call last year.
Wed Night
Wed Night
youth lounge
nail painting
Kick off party
Kick off party
Wheel barrow races
dizzy bat relay
Beach Ball relay
hoola hoop pass