Hell: God Giving You What You Want
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
“Then he will say to those on his left”
Judgment. Their is a holy standard set in God’s word. Being holy is more than following rules, being holy is worship we follow these rules as an act of worship. We follow these standards out of a changed heart, not as a way to mask the true nature of our heart. If you have not surrendered to the lordship of Christ you will be on his left.
“Depart from me”
This is not just a walking away from the church doors, this is an eternal departure of God’s grace. It is departure from all that is good. See right now if you are saved or not saved we all experience God’s common grace. Scripture tells us all good things come from God. So if you experience something good that is a gift from God that you don’t deserve because you ahve acted in a way contrary to God’s standard and live a life of being unappreciative.
What things will not be in hell”
Friendship: Companionship is a gift of God, their will be no partying it up with your friends
Rest: Rest is a part of God’s good creation, rest will be nonexistent in hell
Celebration: Their will be nothing worth celebration
Hugs/affection: As your world is burning around you their will be no mamma or grandmas arms to run to. Comfort will never come.
“you cursed”
This brings us to what is in hell
Your pomp is brought down to Sheol,
the sound of your harps;
maggots are laid as a bed beneath you,
and worms are your covers.
Pain physically and spiritually
So the angel swung his sickle across the earth and gathered the grape harvest of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
God’s grace is absent from Hell, but his wrath is not.
Do y’all know how a wine press in that time worked?
“into the eternal fire”
Eternal means that their will be no end. Our existence here is fleeting but our eternal presence is not fleeting
“prepared for the devil and his angels”
Many of you may be saying you do not want to believe in the glory of God because you have not seen enough proof.
The devil and his demons were once angels in heaven and choose to reject the glory of God.
It is not a matte rof evidence. God has revealed himself to you clearly it is a matter of pride.
Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. God desires we all get saved, but he gives you a choice, you choose Him or you choose Hell