Note, this is a message specifically for Zerubbabel, “the promises given in the following verses find their fulfillment in a royal rather than a priestly figure.”
Richard A. Taylor and E. Ray Clendenen, Haggai, Malachi, vol. 21A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004), 192.
How many want someone who will shake the heaves and the earth; will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms out of love for you?
God will stand by those whom He chooses
Five things God will do for those whom God chooses:
++Shake the heavens and the earth (vv. 20-21)
++Overthrow the kings and kingdoms of the earth (v. 22)
++Take His people out (v. 23)
++Make His people His Regent (v. 23)
++Choose (v. 23)
God will shake the heavens and the earth; He will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms, God will call His chosen out from His wrath to stand by His side.