Prove it-Week 2

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I can’t wait to open God’s word with you guys tonight as we dive into Week 2 of Prove it, the series where we are journeying through 1,2,3 John discovering what it looks like to be a TRUE believer in Jesus. Tonight we are going to read about a clear call to trust in Jesus. God reveals who He is, that He sent His Son Jesus to die for us, and John tells us clearly how we can receive salvation and repent of our sin.
Turn off all of the lights. Have one lamp that is plugged up to shine on the word to read it. Read 1 John 1:5-2:2. Turn on all the lights.
So, why does the world need a Savior? Why do we need an Advocate? Why does there need to be a right payment for us to have a relationship with God? The answer is sin. Humanity has a sin problem. It’s the most fundamental problem, and it affects EVERYONE. Sin isn’t a popular subject. People go to great lengths to hide it, rationalize it, or deny it. But these verses inform us that anyone who denies their sin is calling God a LIAR. They challenge God’s Word and question His character. By saying you don’t sin is saying it’s not serious and Jesus died for no reason.
The Word of God today is informing us of the reality of sin, the severity of sin, and the great news that there is a way out of a hopeless future and a way into a relationship with God that changes EVERYTHING. That brings us to our first point:

What does God say about Himself? (1:5)

God is LIGHT.
This is the introduction into one of the main themes of 1 John that “God is light.” John says that this is the message that he heard from Jesus Himself and is telling to us. God is light. This truth highlights who God is and who we are without Him. The word “light” occurs over 275 times in the Bible (95 times in the New Testament). So it’s a popular theme. Sometimes it points to God’s holiness, moral purity, and goodness. Other times the focus is on truth and revelation.
John 1:4 says, “Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.” And in John 8:12 Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”
God is LIFE.
The statement “God is light” means God has as His very nature and being the source of life. In our God there is light that leads to life. There is not the slightest hint of darkness and death. In the LIGHT of God is the fullness of the LIFE of God, and there is no lack of life in Him AT ALL.
God who is light and gives life has come to us as the light of the world in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the message we have to be passionate about to share with the world. Because without God’s forgiveness our sin makes us an enemy of God.

What does God say about Sin? (1:6-10)

It’s important to know what God thinks of our sin as well. If sin isn’t a big deal, then why do we need a Savior? If God doesn’t care that much about our sin then everyone gets into heaven just for being themselves. But that’s not what the Word says. Get this: John uses the word “sin” 9 times (If you see REPETITION, pay ATTENTION). To think correctly about Jesus, you have to think correctly about sin. When we see sin for what it is you will immediately see your need, and everyone’s need, for Jesus.
Sin is DARKNESS and leads to DEATH
In a real sense, the essence of sin is our attempting to take the place of God. We want to be in charge. We want to establish the rules that we play by. We want to provide our own definitions of what is right and what is wrong. However, John isn’t interested in human opinions on the matter of sin. John is telling us “Let’s hear God’s mind on the matter.”
God takes sin very seriously. John says if we say we have fellowship with God (who is light) but we walk in darkness (sin and death). The word walk is in the present tense which means a continuous and consistent pattern of life. So, in essence, if we say to others “I know God,” but our beliefs and behavior contradict our words, we are lying to ourselves and others about Jesus.
Without a Savior we will live in darkness and death FOREVER.
The only way to walk in the light is to be transformed by the one who is light. Death and darkness cannot become light and life without something outside of itself. Without someone to save us we have no way to change. We have no way to have hope. We have no way to have freedom. There is no way without someone outside of US to save US.
Sin is in EVERYONE.
John is very pointed to say “we” talking to everyone including himself that ALL of us have a sin problem. All of us apart from Jesus are hopeless. All of us are part of the darkness. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All means all and that’s all all means!
Charles Spurgeon “ The idea of having no sin is a delusion; you are altogether deceived if you say so; the truth is not in you, and you have not seen things in the true light; you must have shut your eyes to the high requirements of the law, you must be a stranger to your own heart, you must be blind to your own conduct every day, and you must have forgotten to search your thoughts and to weigh your motives, or you would have detected the presence of sin. He who cannot find water in the seas is not more foolish than the man who cannot perceive sin in his members. As the salt flavors every drop of the Atlantic, so does sin affect every atom of our nature.”
Recognition of sin is the FIRST step to salvation.
John addresses our ability to “sweep sin under the rug” if you will when he says “If we say we have no sin, we deceive OURSELVES, and the truth is not in us.” If you deny sin, you deny God, Jesus, and God’s Word. If we deny that we sin we are telling God that he is a liar, we say that Jesus came to die for no reason, and all of Scripture has no validity.
Shane Pruitt says something really insightful “self-help doesn’t solve spiritual problems. If ‘self’ is the problem, then ‘self’ can’t be the solution. You need Someone outside of ‘self’ to save and change you. His name is Jesus.
Confession of sin is the SECOND step to salvation.
John is pretty blunt that realization that you’re a sinner is important but it doesn’t stop there. CONFESSING you’re a sinner in need of a Savior is just as important. This is where the head goes to the heart and the heart to Christ. God doesn’t want us to simply KNOW we are sinners but to KNOW we are sinners and BELIEVE we need a savior. And because you BELIEVE you will receive grace, forgiveness, and a place in the family and kingdom of God.
Confessing our sin as Christians is IMPORTANT.
As a son or daughter of God, we don’t want to sin, we know that sin is what made Jesus die on the cross, and we tread lightly now knowing that sin leads to death and we no longer want a part in death, the flesh, and Satan’s schemes. We fight a spiritual war and part of that war is the war against our own flesh. So when we do sin and God reveals it to us or we do it knowing it’s wrong, it grieves our hearts and it’s really easy to do what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden in Genesis and HIDE.
This is where understanding the nature and character of God is so important. So many Christians live their lives thinking God is disappointed in them because of the sin they continue carrying around spiritual baggage because they are afraid God hates them because they have sinned again. John is telling us here that that’s not true. God is kind and loving and he is WANTS us to be open and honest with Him about our sin. He desires the confession because it does something in our hearts toward God. V. 9 says that God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us! We have to realize and understand that confession shouldn’t be embarrassing. Confession shows off the mercy of God, the power of God, and the love of God. It not only does that but reveals what we believe about our God and our confidence that He desires to commune with us and He wants NOTHING to stand in the way of that! That’s why He sent Jesus!

What does God say about Jesus? (2:1-2)

Jesus is God’s SON.
Last week we mentioned that Jesus is either a Liar, a lunatic, a legend, or Lord. We all have to face the decision about what we are going to do about this Jewish Rabbi from Nazareth.
Jesus is our ADVOCATE.
John has made it clear that in this life we cannot be sinless, but he does believe we can sin LESS because we are now in intimate fellowship with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
We still sin until we are glorified. What do we do when we sin? We already said that we confess our sins to the Father. But we also RUN to our Savior because He is the ADVOCATE to the Father. This means that He is our HELPER when we sin.
He is the cleanser of sin, the forgiver of sin, and the helper when we do sin!
Trusting in Jesus as your savior is the only way to be SAVED.
John tells us why Jesus is able to be our advocate. He is our “propitiation” or an “atonement” for our sins. Most of y’all are probably wondering what in the world that means! The word carries the idea of satisfaction. Jesus Christ, by His bloody sacrifice on the cross, satisfied God’s holiness and turned away His righteous wrath from those that deserved it. The wrath we deserved was poured out on Jesus. The judgment that should have been experienced by us was experienced by Jesus. The hell that should have been experienced by sinners was experienced by Jesus.
The good news is this “He is the propitiation for our sins, and NOT for ours ONLY but also for the sins of the whole world.” What does that mean? No on is beyond the reach of the gospel. NO ONE. Jesus is the only way, and anyone can call on Him. So why don’t you call on him today?


Based on what John says here, there is no other religion, good works, good intentions, or anything else that will give you eternal life. So, that means that the only way to meet the conditions to have a relationship with God, receive forgiveness of your sins, and have eternal salvation is this: the confession of our sins through believing in Jesus as Lord.
Christians who confess their sins need not fear disqualification from a relationship with God, because Jesus is now your Advocate who appears before the Father on your behalf.
Again, like last week the good news of Jesus and salvation in Him means we have no choice but to go and tell. God is the only one who can save, and He saves through God’s people sharing the message of His Son Jesus. So, tonight you are sent out into your schools, homes, jobs, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. to tell others about the goodness of God.
We will end with two quotes by a guy named John Falconer and C.T. Studd “I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light.” “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” Guys, if you have salvation then you have the light of life. You have the power of the gospel that God has given us to make an impact for the Kingdom. Let’s leave here ready to go tomorrow. You are loved and you are sent!
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