James 5 - Conclusion
As we have previously seen, James is writing to a Jewish Christian audience and has established the idea that although christians are saved by their faith, good works are an evidence of true faith.
In other words, those who have faith will produce good works because of their love for God. James uses Abraham as his primary example of this reality. Abraham put his faith into practice through his works. It was evident Abraham had faith because of the way he was willing to sacrifice Isaac who was the son who God promised would carry out Abrahams line. Abraham showed faith in being willing even though God had only called Abraham to test his faith. God told Abraham revealed to Abraham that this was a test and stopped him from sacrificing Isaac. The Lord provided a ram for the offering and God saw that Abraham had genuine faith. Abraham trusted God completely. His works were evidence of his faith.
This idea of works being evidence of faith is what James is primarily concerned about in this book.
James 5:1–6 (NIV)
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.
Biblical Content (1-6):
As we progress through the book of James we not come to chapter five, where James starts by condemning the landowners who have taken advantage of the poor and have disobeyed the commandments found in Lev. 19:13 and Lev. 19:18.
Leviticus 19:13 (NIV)
“ ‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.
“ ‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.
Leviticus 19:18 (NIV)
“ ‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
James has harsh words against these landowners because of the way they took advantage on the poor to become wealthy. This is why James tells these rich people that they should weep and wail because judgment from the Lord will come upon them. What they have will not last. James uses imagery to convey his point.
Their clothes will be eaten by moths, their precious metals have rusted, and their flesh will be eaten by fire. These are harsh words, but are words that describe the upcoming divine judgment for their sin. This judgment is taking place because of their progression of sin. They first hoarded their wealth by stealing from the vulnerable workers, which led to self-indulgence.
Now the word self-indulgence comes from σπᾰτᾰλάω (spatalao). This word means to live softly or to spoil ones self. These landowners had spoiled themselves and were content with their worldly possessions. These rich oppressors hoarded worldly possessions that will not last.
This self-indulgence led to murder. This indicates that these rich landowners were even willing to kill in order to protect their riches even though they were riches that would vanish. When James says that they condemned the innocent one, he is implying that they murdered the innocent by using the judicial courts. In other words they killed them by using a corrupt justice system. However, this evil has not gone unnoticed. God will judge these evil rich people. This is why James is writing his warning to these rich oppressors.
Biblical Intent (1-6):
Now this leads us to a great question: how does this apply to us? Well first we need to realize that as Christians we should not envy the riches of the world.
Don’t envy the riches of the world.
Don’t envy the riches of the world.
The Bible is pretty clear that storing up treasures here on this earth is pointless and meaningless. Look at Matthew 6:19.
Matthew 6:19 (NIV)
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
Jesus is the one teaching in Matt. 6. He is teaching that giving a command to his followers to not store up earthly treasures. To do so is to lack wisdom since these earthly treasures will not last. King Solomon also spoke about the dangers of hoarding earthly wealth. Look at what Solomon says in Eccles. 2:26.
Ecclesiastes 2:26 (NIV)
To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
Solomon is making the point that those who gather up earthly possessions will end up giving what they collected up. There possessions will not last. However, those who please God will have wisdom, knowledge, and even joy. This sounds also similar to what Jesus says a verse after Matt. 6:19. Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 6:20.
Matthew 6:20 (NIV)
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Jesus transitions from what he says in verse 19 to what he says in verse 20. Do not store up earthly treasures but instead store up treasures in heaven.
Why would someone want buy into something that will not last when you can have something that lasts forever?
Now to help you think about what this is like, I want you to think about lifetime warranties. If you were given the option to buy a car that have a lifetime warranty and regular car with a 2 year warranty at the same price, you would buy the car with a lifetime warranty? Why would you buy the car with a lifetime warranty? Well because its going to last you forever. If it breaks down, you will be able to replace it with no extra cost. However, if you bought the car with a two year warranty. Once it breaks after the two years. The warranty is useless and its going to either cost you a lot of money to fix it or its going to be worthless and you will have to try and buy a new car. Now there are not actual cars with a lifetime warranty, so sorry to burst the bubble, but this helps us think about the difference between earthly treasures and treasures in heaven.
Treasures in heaven in heaven will last forever, while earthly treasures will last at most until death, and to make things worse, if you lose your life you will not be able to buy a new one like you can buy a new car. That is why Solomon says that earthly possessions are meaningless and are like chasing after the wind because it is impossible to chase wind.
This is why it is important for believers to not envy the riches of the world, but to instead remain satisfied with God’s blessing.
Do remain satisfied with God’s blessings.
Do remain satisfied with God’s blessings.
Certainly everything we own is a blessing that comes from the Lord. As believers God will provide all our needs and sometimes he even blesses us with our wants. However, we are in no position to complain to God about our desires. We have received the greatest gift of all which is our salvation through the work of Christ! We deserve nothing. We do not even deserve salvation. Yet, God loves us and blesses us even with things we do not deserve. Therefore, we must not become complacent and should enjoy life. As Christians we should bring glory to God by working hard and by being a witness to who God is.
James 5:7–12 (NIV)
Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned.
Biblical Content (7-12):
James calls his fellow believers to be patient for the Lord. He gives them a image of a farmer who waits for the the rains that come in the fall and spring which will help his farm produce crops. James calls his fellow christians to be patient like this farmer. Now the fact that, James is calling these believers to be patient leads us to the question: what are they waiting for?
The idea of being patient in this text is the idea of being patient with others specifically with the rich oppressors he previously mentions. He says that they should be an example of patience in the face of suffering. In other words, James is talking about persecution in this text. The prophets likewise faced persecution for their faith and persevered through it. Therefore, James is calling these believers to be patient with the people in the world and to persevere through hardships.
In between these idea of patient and perseverance lies a warning. James also gives a warning about falling into conflict with one another. James explains that if they grumble against one another they will be judged. This is because they are not persevering and are not being patient. Instead, they should be patient with others especially those who persecute them as they wait the return of Christ.
Biblical Intent (7-12):
As we contemplate what James is saying we must first realize that, while we do not face the exact same persecution that the believers in James’ time faced, we can still experience hardships and trials. We can experience hurt from this unbelieving world. Moreover, we will be hated by the world when we strive to live holy lives.
As Jesus prayed his High Priestly prayer, He prayed not only for his disciples but for all who would one day believe in Him. In his prayer, he prayed this in John 17:14.
John 17:14 (NIV)
I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.
Jesus clearly says that those truly who believe in Him and follow him will be hated by the world. Therefore, again while we may not experience the same sort of persecution as the believers in James day, we will at times be hated by the world. You may be mistreated by people in this world because of your faith, and if that happens, that is okay. However, if this happens don’t be impatient with the Lord.
Don’t be impatient with the Lord.
Don’t be impatient with the Lord.
Like the believers during James’s time, be patient through suffering and persevere through this life. Know that perseverance will only mature you as a believer and will help you grow as a witness of Christ. Therefore, remain faithful to God through trials.
Do remain faithful to God through trials.
Do remain faithful to God through trials.
As you face hardships in life do not fall into sin. Do not hold grudges against others. Unfaithfulness only forfeits your witness. One of the biggest hurdles you may face is the fear of man. Are you going to crack because of peer pressure? Are you going to gossip about others because others gossip? Are you going to look pictures you shouldn't look at because others do it? Are you going to sin because your friends sin? When we fear mankind rather than God we end up sinning in different ways.
James was calling believers to persevere over the challenges that were brought on by their rich oppressors. While we may not experience what these early jewish christians faced, we certainly will face trials because of the world. Therefore, as Christians we must be patient with others and not fear what people do to us. We must place God as God and make Him the Lord of our lives if we want to live God honoring lives. We must get to a place where we simply do not care what the world thinks of us or what it will do to us.
James 5:13–20 (NIV)
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.
My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
Biblical Content (13-20):
In this final section of the book of James, James offers some advice for how to respond to God in prayer for different situations. He says that believes should pray in all these different situations. They should pray for their troubles, for their sickness, and even for their sin. Verses 13 through 18 give an explanation of how to respond to these certain issues. They should pray in certain situations and praise in others! This reality is no different from ours today. Likewise there are times where we need to pray and praise for the situations that are happening in pour lives.
Yet, this is not how the book concludes. James finishes his letter by giving a conclusion. James wraps up his letter by providing an application to what he has written. He is calling those who have wandered from the truth back to the truth through repentance. Moreover, James says the one who does help those who wander from the truth and lead them back to the truth not only cover sin but also save that person from death.
Now when it says covered, this is referring to forgiveness and when it says death this is referring to a Christ-less eternity not mere physical death.
Biblical Intent (13-20):
Now in these final two verses, it is important that when we see the word sinner, James is not speaking about sinning believers, but those who have literally abandoned the truth of God’s Word. They have literally abandoned biblical principle. This text is not describing a believer who may have may be struggling with a certain sin but someone who has completely walk away from the Lord.
James is saying that it is the church’s responsibility to work at bringing that person back to the faith and the truth of God’s Word.
So how can this apply to us? Well first we must recognize that we must not wander from the truth.
Don’t wander from the truth.
Don’t wander from the truth.
It is so important that we stay faithful to the Lord in all things. When we do make a mistake or do fall into sin. We need to repent and turn back to God in obedience. As Christians we are disciples or followers of Jesus. We are not perfect or without sin, but as believers we are called to be holy. We are called live like Christ and not like the world. Therefore, we must be faithful to the Word of God, the Bible, which is truth!
As James has clearly stated all throughout this book, we are not saved by works, but our works are evidence of our faith. Therefore, obedience to the law cannot save us, but if you are saved, you should follow Jesus and obey His commands. The best way for you to do this is to read God’s Word for yourself and to remain intent in learning the truth found in God’s Word!
Do remain intent to learn the truth in God’s Word.
Do remain intent to learn the truth in God’s Word.
As you grow in your faith, you will need to grow in your love for God’s Word. My question for you guys today is, do you have a set time where you read God’s Word? Or do you just read it when you can? Moreover, do you just live like a christians on Wednesday’s and Sunday's when you are at church or do you live out your faith everyday? As Christians we have to put God’s Word into practice. If we do not know His Word how can we say we know Him?
This is my dog Mellie. When Erica and I got Mellie, we wanted to know what kind of dog she was, so we got a DNA test done for her. A couple weeks later we got the results… We were both excited to see what kind of Dog she was. We both were convinced that she was a pug and beagle mix, which is called a Puggle. Puggle is an awesome name.
So we got the paperwork and we opened the booklet and we saw that she definitely had pug in her. So we flipped to the next page and… it said that she was a mix between a pug and a chihuahua… So she is not a puggle… She is a chug.
I know, I know, chug is a horrible name. But we love her and she is a good dog. Yet, the reason i bring her up, Is because when i say we love our dog, we have put a lot of energy and time into training her and playing with her. We may have gotten her fro free, but she has cost us a lot of money. Now if we said we loved our dog but didn't take care of her or didn’t give our dog any attention, could we say we love our dog? The answer is no.
Just saying i love my dog does not prove anything. Moreover, If I say I love Erica, but could care less about who she is, I would be a horrible husband and would be guilty of lying. If that is what I did, I could not say I love her.
So do you do the same thing with God? Do you say you love Him, but then neglect getting to know Him in His Word? Do you say you love Him but you blatantly go out and sin knowing what you are doing is wrong?
See as we close, I want you to see that the book of James is concerned with faith. James is clarifying that true faith brings true action. Christians are not merely talkers of God’s Word but are doers of God’s Word. The people that love God are not the people that could care less about the church and about God’s Word. Instead, those that love God are those that follow Him in obedience and love others.
The call is not to be perfect, but to be attentive. You cannot save yourself from your sin, only Jesus can do that, but if you truly believe that, follow Him faithfully!