Kids' CLUB: Ephesians 2:8-9
Introduction: Blessings of being saved review. We’re all sinners who deserve God’s wrath, forever punishment in hell away from God (review sin definition). But God chose to show mercy (rich) out of His love (great) to demonstrate His grace (surpassing) to rescue!
Transition: Tonight, we’re going to learn that God Alone Rescues! And there are 2 things that I want for us to understand about how God Alone Rescues (how many?).
Salvation by Grace through Faith is God’s gift.
Define Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
Getting something good that you don’t deserve (illustration: personal)
The example of God’s grace is Christ’s perfect life, death, and victorious resurrection to save
We deserve God’s wrath because of sin but, instead, He gives salvation from sin to those who receive it by faith
Define Faith (Ephesians 2:8)
You believe something to be true (illustration: child; silly> serious)
What the Bible tells us is true because it came from God and God is always true: Jesus never did anything wrong, died on the cross for our sin, was buried for 3 days and was raised never to die again!
Application - receive through faith God’s gracious gift of salvation
Transition: God is the only One that can rescue us from sin. We might be tempted to think we can save ourselves, however …
There’s no way that we could save ourselves or earn it
Ek (Ephesians 2:8)
Salvation can’t come from within you or originate from you (illustration: personal)
Because being sinners, we do what God hates and we need someone to rescue us
Define Works (Ephesians 2:9)
Paul: religious works of Judaism (illustration: can’t go to church enough, read your Bible enough, pray enough, love your sibling enough)
Works can’t save because they can’t erase our sin! (illustration: dry erase board doesn’t erase [well])
Define Boast (Ephesians 2:9)
You take the credit for something that you shouldn’t or can’t (illustration: child).
We can’t take the credit because we were dead in sin and could do nothing to save ourselves!
Application - reject any attempt to work to earn God’s gracious salvation because you just can’t!
Conclusion: God alone rescues, therefore believe in what Jesus has done to save you and don’t rely on yourself.