Remove The Grave Clothes
In this setting we find Mary, Martha and Lazarus in Bethany a town approximately 2 miles from where they were in Judea. They were sisters and brothers who a very close relationship with Jesus. Lazarus was very sick with an unknown disease. A disease that would eventually cause his death. v.12 Jesus confirms his death. The summary of this passage of scripture is the friendship they had, Jesus waiting fours day after knowing Lazarus’ sickness 2 days prior. Eventually deciding to go raise Lazurus from the death. The disciples with Jesus objecting because of their concern for his safety. Jesus’ reply to their concern in vs. 9-11 12 hours Jesus refers to has to do with how much daylight there was in the summer. The light of this world He spoke is a metaphor commonly used in Judaism for God’s providence and guidance. In John 8:12 Jesus says this Read John 8:12 on Spark Bible.