The Unity and Diversity of Gifts in the Church

The Church of Corinth; Struggling to be in the world but not of the world • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 44:50
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Seeking peace in conflict- unity. Not being fighters or flee-ing
Church, family workplace of believers should seek peace and unity among one another
Paul's message to the believers in Corinth is a message of unity. As he discusses these gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit, he wants to emphasize that while the gifts are distinct to each person in Christ, those diversified, this should not lead to disunity.
1. Unified Confession (v 1-3)
1. Unified Confession (v 1-3)
“No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.”
2. Unified Mission (4-6a)
2. Unified Mission (4-6a)
4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.
Paul will spend the majority of his time in this chapter making his argument that while the spirit of God gives individuals, unique gifts, those gifts should not divide the church into factions or competing teams, but instead we should be unified under our confession of faith, in the spirit of Christ in us. We should NOT act like kids at Christmas, who are secretly gazing over across the room to see what the siblings got in their wrapped gifts, filling up with covetous thoughts about the other’s prize as been better than theirs.
Instead, we need to acknowledge that these gifts come from God, they come to each believer in Christ, they are for the good of the church, and they all work harmoniously together to bring God glory in the body. Paul begins his argument this way in verse 4. Notice the pattern that we see with these parallel verses.
First, Paul wants us to see that with the diverse gifts that are given, they all come from a unified Godhead. It is not difficult to see the Trinity stamped upon these verses. Paul is calling the church to look to our Trinitarian God and see Father, Son and Spirit as unified in their mission in this world. We know that the Bible teaches us that the Godhead is unified in their mission of redemption.
We understand from scripture that the father for ordained the plan of redemption that would be carried out.
23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.
Often times in the New Testament when the day in God is used, it was referring to the first person of the Godhead, the father. This is the case in Acts 2, where we can attest that yes, Father, Son and Spirit, were all in agreement, in one mind and will to carry out the plan of redemption through the Son and yet it was the plan designed by the Father. This is why Jesus can say in John 17:18
18 “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.
Secondly, we know the the Son was faithful to come into the world, put on human flesh, live a perfect life, and carry out the plan of redemption by dying upon the cross and rising from the dead.
4 “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.
Thirdly, we know that the Spirit gives life to those whom are called to salvation.
6 who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Just as the Spirit is unified in their mission to bringing redemption to sinners, so that serve with distinct roles in that mission of the cross. This is Paul’s example for the church in Corinth so they may see the unified God head, working together to bring about gifts in believers. These believers are to likewise be unified even when their gifts are different from others.
Looking at verses four through six, we should not interpret this as the distinct roles of the Godhead in getting gifts and the function of those gifts but instead that the unity is at work to gift the church with gifting in the Spirit.
The distinctions that are noteworthy here are the words:
Varieties of gifts Varieties of service Varieties of effect
He notes that while all believers get gifts from the Spirit, those gifts are used in a varieties of different ministries or areas of service. A gift of administration or help may be used in children’s ministry, counseling ministry, prison ministry. The variety of gifts in the church is layered upon the variety of ministries where that gift can be used. But also he makes the point that the effect that God brings about is also varying. God will produce a varying effect when gifts are used in the church in varying areas of service. One preacher may have different effects that another preacher. This does not mean the Godhead is at work. Instead, the diversity of gifts, ministry and effect only prove Paul’s point- the unity and work of the Godhead is always the foundation to remember and focus upon. It is the Northstar to our unity as a church body when we know the Godhead plays well together.
3. Unified Distribution (6b-7)
3. Unified Distribution (6b-7)
6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. 7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
Paul also states that the gifts of the spirit come as a unified distribution. At the end of her six we were told that gifts come in all persons. Of course, Paul means either that all believers are giving gifts and therefore should not feel like some are left out or neglected. The fact that all believers are gifted by the Holy Spirit with unique gifts, shows the importance of each individual member, which Paul will make clear in the verses that follow in verse 12. This means that individuals do not have gifts of lesser importance or value to the church.
This means that with all believers receiving gifts from the spirit, those gifts are meant to be used and not wasted. Paul states that each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good. The phrase common good there actually could be translated for profit or for profitability. That does not mean that the gifts of the spirit given to believers are intended to be profitable for their individual gain or damage but instead, they are to be profitable for the church.
The Spirit has given us these gifts and so much of the church body across the evangelical landscape does not serve the church and use their gifts appropriately. They are like unused tools, sitting in a garage, still in the box they were purchased in. Its truly despicable to waste such a gift.
Why is it wasted? The devil has done a splendid job of confusing the church to think that the body of Christ is to be served by the leadership while they sit back with their cocktails at the church poolside relaxing! But Scripture teaches something different entirely.
11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
Notice first that he has gifted and equipped those leaders like pastors and teachers, or in the early church, apostles and prophets, to instruct the people in the word so that they would be equipped. Equipped for what you may ask? Verse 12 states equipping the Saints for the work of the DIACONOS. This is the same word that is mentioned in verse 2012 when Paul says there is a variety of services or DIAKONOI and of course this same word is used for the office of deacon. The trickle down effect, then is that some are gifted for equipping the Saints, for the work of ministry while the Saints themselves, the church body is gifted by the Holy Spirit individual gifts for ministry in the church. This means that everyone is working and serving for a common goal of the spread of the gospel in the glory and fame of our great God.
Can you imagine the expenses that go into purchasing and training to learn an instrument intended for the orchestra? Let’s say a trumpet since that is what I attempted to learn in middle school. The cost of lessons, the cost of recitals, the upkeep of the instrument. All this effort and sacrifice is gone into the preparation for making beautiful music.
But imagine with me when the time come to perform, in the harmonious unity with the other members of the orchestra, before an anxious and excited crowd, the exercise of that piece of the melodic whole is mute. When the trumpets was supposed to kick in, it was missing, for the musician never picked up instrument, never pressed it firmly against his lips to make a sound. All that time, effort and energy to make the music was wasted when one part of the whole refused to play their part.
4. Unified Diversification (8-11)
4. Unified Diversification (8-11)
8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.
Finally, Paul gives the list in verses eight through 11 of the gifts. He mentions gifts, particularly in relationship to the Corinthian church. This is not an exhaustive list of the gifts. As we have seen already, there are other lists found in Romans chapter 12, as well as Ephesians chapter 4 and first Peter. There are nine gifts listed here that we will look at together the two most prominent in these chapters will be prophecy and tongues. There seems to be some pattern here that Paul uses to list them although that pattern is debated among scholars. One example seems to be the following:
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge Continuing Speech Gifts
Faith Gateway Gift
Gifts of healing
Miracles Completed Ceased Wonder Gifts
Distinguishing of spirits Continuing Speech Gifts
Interpretation of tongues Ceased Wonder Gifts
The categories of the gifts is not important but instead Paul wants identify gifts to the church to show that the Spirit gives the church a diversity of gifts and yet challenge the church to remain unified in that diversity.
Words of Wisdom and Words of Knowledge
The first two gifts in v8 are entitled “words of wisdom and knowledge.” The terms wisdom and knowledge has been used consistently throughout this letter to the Corinthians and therefore we must find their meaning in the context that Paul has already used them. So we must then go back to chapter 1 of Corinthians to see you and understand how Paul used to these terms.
21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
Paul establishes in chapter 1 that there is a distinction between true wisdom found in God in the message of the gospel versus the wisdom of the world. That only looks at the cross as a means of salvation as foolishness. Therefore in chapter 2 then, Paul states,
6 Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; 7 but we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory; 8 the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;
You're here you have the same terms, wisdom, and knowledge (which your Bible may translate as understanding)
and Paul is making the distinction that the world does not have the wisdom of God, nor do they understand because they like the spirit of God in them. This is why the gospel is offensive to them, and foolishness in their minds. So the terms that Paul uses regarding wisdom and knowledge center around the gospel and the message of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection for sinners.
When we didn't get to chapter 12, we cannot subtract these meetings when Paul states that spiritual gifts of words of wisdom and knowledge. With this mean, Stan, is that words of wisdom spoken, have to do with messages, communicated that center on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is given to us in God's wisdom, likewise, the gift of knowledge. Likewise, the gift of knowledge that has the understanding of the gospel message by the spirit, and the proper interpretation of the word of God. In some ways, all believers have this gift in some measure because the Spirit gives us understanding and knowledge of the Bible, and we then apply is in wisdom for daily life. But the distinction from the gifting of all believers with these is the word “word” which implies communication. We must understand that the gifts of word of wisdom and word of knowledge is the gifting to communicate well that message of what we have learned and what we have applied in relationship to the gospel and the cross. Preachers, teachers, biblical counselor of the word of God have an accelerated application of this gift as they discern the word of God, and communicated rightly to the people. But even those without those leadership titles could exercise that gift.
There are some that take these gifts, out of context and state that words of knowledge and words of wisdom, are supernatural illumination's by the spirit, regarding personal words from the Lord to individual people. You might be familiar with this if you've ever heard someone say "the Lord wants me to tell…” This gift is not some special message from the Lord that must be given to others. This type of thinking is subjective and unable to be authenticated by work of the Lord. These charismatic preachers want to falsify words from the Lord and deceive others by dramatizing from miraculous work of the Spirit. These deceivers simply have taken these words out of context and sought to profit from twisting God’s holy word.
This gift is not referencing saving faith although saving faith is the foundation of the spiritual gift of faith. You can’t be gifted with the gift of faith for the church without first being gifted with saving faith to be grafted to the church. The spiritual gift of faith is a gift of accelerated faith for unique challenges in the Christian life. The gift of faith is a shot of spiritual adenine to your trust in Christ through difficult situations and life. You have met in the church who seem to be like Peter on the boat with Jesus, stepping out into what seems like impossible situations. God gives these gifts to missionaries and mommas and daddies. God give faith to spouses who have the task of long term care for sick loved ones.
This faith is not rooted in ignorance or blind courage. This faith is the spirit energizing and cementing the faithful words of God on the Christian’s heart. Those with the gift of faith are saturated with the word of God in their lives.
20 And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
Jesus is of course speaking in hyperbole about faith, because there would be spiritual purpose to move mountains. But this does illustrate that God can do impossible things through those whom he has gifted faith to believe in Him.
This gift of faith is a gateway gift to many other gifts as well. The gift of faith overlaps the gift of mercy or the gift of compassion. A person trusting the Lord may give great amounts of wealth away to the poor or surrender to some life-altering call to ministry where he will communicate a “word of wisdom and word of knowledge” as a preacher of the gospel.
It is also a gateway gift to the next few gifts that are mentioned. These gifts, unlike faith, words of knowledge and wisdom, are temporary gifts as understand them. What I mean is that they had a temporary purpose in the history of the church, but they are no longer needed nor are they in use. We will spend a great amount of time talking about these in the future, but let’s look at them briefly.
Wonder: Gifts of healings and miracles
Obviously, the gift of faith comes to overlap the gift of healings and miracles. When the Lord Jesus and the apostles were given the power to perform such miracles, it was always to authenticate the message they were to speak. This is true with the other two time periods of miracles in the Bible. If you survey all of Scripture, you will find three primary time periods of miraculous events :
1- Moses and Joshua
2. Elijah and Elisha
3 Jesus and the Apostles
In all of these time periods, God allowed the expression of his miracles through His servants and His Son so that the message that was being proclaimed would be authenticated. This is why when you study the whole of church history, you don’t see such a movement of miracles. The reason is because the revelation of God and the canon of Scripture is complete. No new revelation is being given and therefore no new miracles and healings are needed to authenticate the message.
Speech: Prophecy and Discerning Spirits
These next two gifts of prophecy and discerning spirits are what I would call again continuing speech gifts. So we disagree because the general consensus in scripture is that prophets spoke revelation from God. I do not deny that and yet with the concluding and completion of scripture, the role of prophecy simply focuses on the proclamation of the completed revelation of God. This does not mean that I consider myself a profit because I proclaim such a message. This is, this is because with the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, he became the last and final profit to declare the word of God to the world. Therefore the gift of prophecy is the communication and proclamation of Jesus, as the living Word and the trees and revelation of God that has been given to man.
Again, we will look at this in great detail in later chapters, but look with me at first Corinthians 14, as Paul tells us, the purpose of prophecy in the Church.
3 But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation.
What else could this be? The Paul is referencing as the gift of prophecy if not, for the proclamation of the already completed revelation of God that is for the edification exhortation and consolation of the church. The revelation of God is the truth and sustenance that believers need for spiritual growth, and a transformation into the likeness of Christ.
Williams Perkins writes,
“Preaching the Word is prophesying in the name and on behalf of Christ. Through preaching those who hear are called into the state of grace, and preserved in it. God has 'given us the ministry of reconciliation ... Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God' (2 Cor. 5:18, 20)”
Paul says something similar in 1 Corinthians 14:24–25
24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.
I understand this to mean that the unbeliever hears the prophetic word of the preacher, the revelation of the Lord Jesus, not some new word from God, and therefore He is led to repentance and faith in Christ. The alternative of new prophesy and revelation only leads to a distrust in the written and authoritative word of God.
Discerning Spirits also is paired with prophecy because it is the gift of discerning spirits whereby the believer is gifted with discernment in such a way that they can discover and know when someone is wayward in their communication of the word of God. They can smell the wolf from a far off and warn the sheep of the danger.
Tongues and its interpretation
Finally, we come to tongues and its interpretation. Again these are concepts and ideas that I will dive deeper into in the coming sermons but generally, I believe that tongues are NOT private prayer languages or angelic babbling and chanting in some unknown gibberish. Instead, I follow the proof of these things from Acts 2 when at Pentecost, the gift of the Spirit gave the apostles the gift of tongues to speak the gospel in earthly languages, unknown to them, so that those in Jerusalem in that day could hear and believe.
Paul listed these gifts last in this list, not because they are of less importance, but because it was one of the major abuses in the Corinthian church and so he will return to address it.
While we can be amazed at these gifts and be enamored to discover their meaning, let us not miss Paul’s point that these gifts are to buildup the church and sadly, we have seen evidence where they tear it down instead. Paul is calling for unity and the misunderstanding of these gifts have only led to the abuses in the church and confusion to the world.
As we study through these things, let us make sure as a body of believers that unity reflect the God in whom we serve, that gifts are a blessing and not curse for the church, and that we must celebrate those diversity of gifts knowing that they have been given unique to believers so that Christ might grow up his church in maturity.