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Devoted to Prayer
Acts 1:12-14
olympic athlete
Michael Phelps
28 Olympic medals (23 gold)
swim meets
not just finals but 3 heats
set 39 world records in career
training regimen
never skipped a day of training
even on Sundays and birthdays
swam 8 miles/day
3 days of weights
recovering with ice baths
needed 8K-10K calories
clear what Michael Phelps was devoted to
what are you devoted to?
what would people say you are devoted to?
what would God say you are devoted to?
growing business
making money
moving up in the company
improving golf game
climbing social ladder
kiddos little league
local church???
what is FCC devoted to?
what would people say FCC is devoted to?
what would God say FCC is devoted to?
would prayer make the top 3? top 5? top 10?
would prayer even make the list?
we have a lot to learn from the early church
if we set out to be a Great Commission church,
where should we start???
empowered: devoted to prayer
Luke 24:49
And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.
Acts 1:4-5
Jesus commanded the early church to wait for the HS,
then Jesus ascended to heaven
a Sabbath day’s journey
upper room
pic from Israel
any tie to last supper?
how long did they wait?
HS came at Pentecost (Feast of Weeks)
the answer = 7-10 days
long time for a popcorn society
what did they do for 7-10 days?
yet they prayed while they waited
Jesus commanded them to wait
and they prayed while they waited
I find that interesting
what would you do if you were commanded to wait?
teacher steps out of room for a minute
chaos ensues
The early church was devoted to prayer
7-10 days…7-10 days
what to pray after 7-10 minutes
takes devotion to pray 7-10 days
devoting themselves—ESV
continually devoting themselves—NASB
busying themselves (BDAG)
no time wasted with Solitaire or thumb-scrolling through FB
to prayer
hallmark of early church
no effective witness w/o HS
way to spiritual empowerment = wait in prayer
and unified through prayer
common goal
take Great Commission (MAKE DISCIPLES) seriously
All these
11 apostles (1:13)
women (including Mary, mother of Jesus)
his brothers
Jesus had 1/2 brothers
Joses, Judas, and Simon (Mark 6:3)
didn’t believe He was anything special (John 7:5)
UNTIL the resurrection
James—later leader of church in Jerusalem
author of James
author of Judas
120 disciples (1:15)
blue collar & white collar
men & women
respectable vs. sketchy
loyalists vs. traitors
this group had no business being together
except for JESUS
with one accord—ESV
with one mind—NASB
1 purpose (BDAG)
unanimous (LN)
getting any group (much less this group) to agree unanimously
closer we get to clear commands/doctrines in Scripture
greater unanimity should be
seems they ALL agreed
to pray AND what to pray about
1. pray expectantly for coming of the HS
2. pray for empowerment to make disciples (be witnesses)
Acts 1:8
FCC should MUST be devoted to prayer
takes devotion to pray 7-10 days
distractions take away from devotion to prayer
people can get distracted
technology has to be put in its place
churches can get distracted
good things get in the way of great things
get too busy doing ministry to pray
you don’t get any busier than Jesus
and He carved out time to pray
21st century > 1st century
praying??? seems inefficient
opportunity cost
every minute in prayer means you are relying more on God
temptation is to pray last
Martin Luther
“I've got so much work to do today, I'd better spend two hours in prayer instead of one.”
1st century > 21st century
early church prayed
modern church strategizes
“Where there is little prayer, there is little power. Conversely, where there is much prayer, there is much power. Unfortunately, many people are excellent organizers, good promoters, and brilliant strategists, but few are powerful prayer warriors. Thus in effect, we have totally reversed the practice and priority of the early church. We do everything else far more than we pray, while the New Testament church prayed far more than they did anything else! Consequently, the early church rapidly evangelized their world, while our baptism ratios have been in an alarming fifty year decline.” Gregory Frizzell
prayer is powerful, but prayer is costly
Oswald Chambers
“Prayer does not equip us for greater works —
prayer is the greater work.”
do you devote yourself to prayer?
is your Life Class or Life Group devoted to prayer?
elders, are you devoted to prayer?
deacons, are you devoted to prayer?
deaconesses, are you devoted to prayer?
teachers, are you devoted to prayer?
FCC member, are you devoted to prayer?
do you plead for the souls of men and women to be saved?
do you ask for opportunities to tell people about Jesus?
do you pray for HS to empower you to make disciples?
and unified through prayer
getting 120 to agree on direction
getting twice that many people to agree on direction???
lots of people = lots of agendas
seek the Lord = one agenda
prayer is how God gets us aligned with His agenda
headed in same direction
God aligned the hearts of the early church through prayer
I believe this is how God gets 200+ people pointed the same direction
but what is the target???
if we want to make disciples
if we fail to make disciples, we fail
success is defined in Great Commission
we don’t have to guess at what to pray for
pray the promises
prayer of dissonance
what we are experiencing is not what You promised
Acts 4:29-31
engine room of the church
“What can we do without your prayers? They link us with the omnipotence of God. Like the lightning rod, they pierce the clouds and bring down the mighty and mysterious power from on high…The Lord give me a dozen importunate pleaders and lovers of souls, and by his grace we will shake all London from end-to-end.”
you must realize what you are called to
your focus
your purpose
make disciples
you must realize you are unable to do what you are called to
and this drives you to your knees
“The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own.” HB Charles
I can’t, but He can
prayer is the primary way you become a personal evangelist
there is no effective witness without the HS
otherwise Jesus would not have told them to wait to be clothed by the HS
He would have just sent them on their mission
prayer is the primary way you make disciples
because you cannot do it
no matter how smart
no matter how much you know of the Bible
no matter how inadequate
we are needy people
and needy people pray to an all-powerful God
early church knew they were needy
modern church tends to think we are not
does FCC align more with the early church or modern church?
puddle of tears
when is the last time you had a prayer time like that?
Great Commission Prayer
Sunday, October 1, 5p
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