Hearing God Today

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This is not the sermon I originally wrote…
Does God still speak today? Paradoxes of our faith: speaking, healing, all things are possible… The God we see in the Bible and the God we experience (or don’t experience) today seem like different Gods.
Is it possible for you to hear from God? Is it possible for you to have a conversational relationship with God?

Does God still speak to us today?

Reasons people say no
“The Bible is sufficient.” // Yes, it is. But that doesn’t mean God no longer speaks. Notes and cards from Corinne…
“God wouldn’t speak to me. Who am I?” // See Psalm 8:3-4.
“People who claim to hear from God are dangerous.” // Just because some people use “God told me so” to justify their bad behavior doesn’t mean that God no longer speaks. It would be a shame to reject what is genuine simply because counterfeits exist.
“I’ve never heard God speak.”
Three Considerations
We were created for friendship with God. (John 15:15)
Jesus said we would hear his voice. (John 10:27)
The entire Bible is about a God who speaks to humans.
Given who God is and what is revealed about him in the Bible and in Jesus, we should be surprised if God does NOT speak to us today.

Why don’t I hear from God?

What if God says something I don’t want to hear?
What if I act on what I hear but it wasn’t from God and I look like a fool?
Did you know the most often repeated command in Scripture is “Do not be afraid?”
Do I trust God enough to do what he says?
Unconfessed sin… unforgiveness (Matt 5:23-24)… wrong motives
To what use would I put a word from the Lord?
Who do I need to forgive?
What do I need to confess and how do I need to repent?
We’re too busy.
Our phones are the most effective tool in human history for keeping us from hearing God.
God generally does not compete for our attention.
Am I willing to quiet myself and make room for God?

How does God speak?

Primary objective way: The preaching and teaching of the Bible. (Acts 2:42)
Primary subjective way: The “low whisper” in your thoughts. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

How do I know if it’s God speaking?

Does it sound like something he’d say? Learn to recognize his voice by reading what he’s already spoken in the Bible. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
April 4, 2022 — “You should not be so in love with Jesus that nothing else matters. But be so in love with Jesus that everything else matters exactly how much it should matter.”
On sabbatical — “You don’t need a PhD to have opportunities. I am your opportunity. You don’t make things happen. I make things happen.” (Prov 3:5-6)
Can I ask a friend to pray with me about it? Be in community with other disciples.
Which direction does it call me? God’s words always lead to life in Jesus.
Romans 8:1… God NEVER speaks condemnation to his children.
Gal 5:16, 19-23… Does what you heard fit with the fruit of the Spirit or the works of the flesh?

Practice Hearing God

What is the most important thing you want to say to me right now?
2. What is one thing I need to do this week?
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