Why I believe the BIble #2

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Why I believe the Bible #2

Why I believe the Bible #2
2 Peter 1:16-21
September 3, 2023
In order to get into the message today we need to remember where we have been. Two weeks ago we started a new sermon series on “Why I believe the Bible” and I started that message with a list of common and difficult objections to the Word of God. If you remember, some of them were very difficult to get our minds around. Before we begin with this message, let’s do a little review.
We talked about:
Our usual go-to answers to why we believe the Bible (How I was taught and personal experience) does very little to answer true objections. We talked about the fact that objections are not new, and the Word has always been under attack. Scientific method vs evidence method, Science is valuable, but a better tool for understanding a historical document is the evidence-based method. Remember that the evidence method is 1. Is it reliable, 2. Does it have cooroborative sources, and 3. Does it have internal (3 continents, 40+ authors over 1500 years, three languages) and external sources (25,000 archaeological digs)? Truth does not become less true because someone misuses it or redefines it. (hypocrites) The Bible is our best source to defend itself because it is a collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses. That last line is where we take up today. But first I want us to review Dr. Voddie Baucham’s quote:
“I choose to believe the Bible because it is a collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report to us supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of certain prophecies and claim that their writings are divine rather than human origin.”
If you missed that message, or you want to revisit it, please check out the link on your sermon guide under “referenced material”. Please remember, I am referencing giants who have walked before me. They are referenced on the backs of your sermon guide as well. The main one we will be talking about in this message is by Dr. Mikael Kruger.
Today’s key objection will take the entire sermon. I hit a couple last time. But today’s is big enough, we will use the entire message to drive this truth home.
Key objections: The Bible was written a long time ago. It is just a bunch of books thrown together by the winning side. It can’t be relied on.
This objection is a hard one to answer when you say “Well I was always raised that way, or it worked for me.” We must be ready to answer this not just for the critic that we encounter, but in our own minds. Today my intent is
2 Cor 10:3-63 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,”
In order for all of us to get on the same page, we have to agree on some definitions. What do I mean by God’s Word? Canon. No, not the big gun, but the canon of scripture. If we do not agree on this definition, we will get off on the wrong foot and we wont understand what God is saying.
IMAGE: Tape measure: story with Dad. I would have to cut that stupid board over and over again because I never got it right the first time. “Measure twice, cut once”. “Why not just use more nails, dad?”
1. Definition of Cannon. ( 2 Pet 1:19-20)
The word is not in the text. This word is not used in the Bible and is similar to other “church” words like: Trinity, Rapture etc. The topic is there, the word is not. So why do we use this word to describe the Bible? It is the very best word that sums up the definition, reliability, reason, and most importantly, the application of the Bible.
Britannica does a decent job getting the history and accuracy of the word: “The term canon from a Hebrew-greek word meaning cane or measuring rod passed into Christian usage meaning norm or rule of faith.”
Why is it so important that we know the definition of the word? As Michael Kruger says; “Whoever owns the definition sets the rules of the debate.” If I can change the definition of the word, I can make anything canon. So, we need to go past Britannica to understand the word. There are three definitions Bible scholars use for canon that I want us to know with their pros and cons for each.
a. Canon is fixed: This definition says that when the binding went on the book, it was sealed. When the manuscripts were compiled, it was fixed and is now canon. This definition says that when the dust settled, the books selected were it and nothing else made it into the binding.
PRO: This definition reminds us believers that the canon took time and didn’t just happen as a knee-jerk like Dan Brown (Davinci code) said. The Bible came together over the course of careful time and consideration.
CON: This definition gives the impression that the church was in the dark fumbling around for like 400 years before the decision to accept the NT was made. If you stay with this definition, it is easy to fall for the objection “the CHURCH created canon as a reaction” and makes it have a date of 4th or 5th century. History does NOT support that!
b. Canon’s functional definition: This definition says that when the canon started ACTING like canon, it became canon. In other words, “when you first start seeing the books of the NT used by Christians, is when “canon” became canon. If we go with this definition, we have a much different date! That puts us late 2nd century (150 to 200 years after Christ).
PRO: There were 22 of the 27 books being fully authenticated as scripture in the 2nd century. This means Christians were well aware of these scriptures BEFORE any church council met on them and before the “church” could decide on them. In short, people were using it and being transformed by them.
CON: Neither this or the previous account for the most important part of Scripture. That is the third and most valuable definition.
c. Canon is supernatural: Ask yourself this, “Was scripture special before it was labeled canon?” Was God’s Word special, authoritative or life-changing before it was recognized as scripture? This final definition is one of the most important. The book God gave the church was recognized by GOD as canon. In other words, you can say there is canon when God recognized the church. That would put the date in the 1st century.
All three of these definitions have to be used to understand the definition of canon because we MUST have it right. It is so important that three definitions are required to get it right. It was fixed, functional, and supernatural (life-altering and recognized by God). The application of these definitions helps us understand that since it was fixed (took time to seal), functional and life-changing proves that we have an approved scripture.
BB Warfield wrote “The authoritative canon was completed when the last authoritative book was given to the apostles”.
Now that we know what canon is, and we have a decent understanding of how it works, we need to look at the natural conclusion of that understanding, its reliability.
2. There is reliability in canon.
When I use the word “reliable” what does that mean? What would make the Bible reliable in your mind? For me, the date is very important.
Analogy: Heidi, where is the catchup, it’s in your hand…
How can you trust a book/historical account if it was written off hear-say and hundreds of years after the event? The Word of God is the only ancient manuscript that shuts down this objection and I want you all to pay close attention to the PROOF as to how.
We settled in the definition that canon is NOT recognized in the 4th and 5th centuries. It was recognized well before that. But when did we get our NT?
Many Christians think that the early church father Irenaes, (the Bishop of Lions in France) was the first one to recognize the NT in AD 180 because he listed and “recognized” 22 of the 27 NT books. He recognized the four gospels (M,M,L, J and Paul’s 13, Jude, Rev 1, 2, John).
But, Irenaous was not alone. Mauratariun Fragmin was actually a LIST of approved books. The word “list” took on a meaning like Canon. This list was published in AD 180 and contained Irenaeus’s list with only one or two variations.
During that same time, Theophalius, Bishop of Antoch wrote about the “list” of books as approved: 4 Gospels, Pauls 13, ½ John and Rev. (22 of the 27).
Now, here are some names that some of you may recognize and this is important write down.
Clement of Alexandria – who was the Mentor of Origian (widely recognized for being a very accurate historian and true genius wrote about the “List” as the 4 Gospels Paul 13, Hebrews, Acts and ect. NOTICE what was not included: any of the gnostic gospels like Thomas, Mary and the others. When you read Clement’s writings, it was said that his tone was that these were “common knowledge” and had already been approved. Guys, this was AD 180!
Can we go further back?
Justin Martyr wrote in early 2nd Century (AD 150) with the exact same list as Clement of Alexandria, but he actually tells us:
“on a day called Sunday all who live in the Cities and country gather together to one place, and the “memoirs” of the apostles (M, M, L and J) or the writing of the prophets (OT) are to be read as long as time permits or when the reader has ceased, the president (pastor) verbally instructs or extort the readings of the scriptures”
Can we go further back?
Bishop of Papius (AD 125) is very important! He quotes his authority for recognizing M, M, L, and John from a very important source. He claimed that he got his list from “the Elder”. Guess who “the Elder” is! The evidence is very strong to suggest that “the Elder” was an old man on an island. None other than the one we have been reading since January, the Apostle John.
We can even go back further. Ignatius (AD 90-100), same 22 of the 27 books. Policarp, Bishop of Smerna (AD 90) same books as Ignatious.
But, all of this is important and helps. But, it is not really needed for me. Remember what I said, “I believe the Bible because it is a COLLECTION of books. Meaning, I don’t need other writers, other opinions. If I am looking for historical evidence, why would I look for younger books when I can look at the MOST accurate ones? It seems so obvious to the believer but missed by the skeptic. What book in human history actually gets more accurate in response to the massive amount of scrutiny? No writing gets more accurate as time goes on! But God’s Word does.
Remember the analogy that I used, the skeptic is like the hammer banging against the anvil (Word of God) and expecting it to move. The hammer wears out, the anvil is never changed.
Look at 2 Peter 1:19-20
“And we have the prophetic WORD more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention…”
Look at that use of words!
The “WORD” = (speech in progress) (sermo,), (a) a word, an utterance, speech, discourse, saying, frequently of God through his messengers; the gen. expresses either this origin or the subject of the word[1]
The idea of a sermon is NOT new and Peter is Preaching the WORD to Confirm!
The word “confirmed” = βέβαιος, firm, stedfast, enduring.[2]
Peter is saying, pay attention to the fact that he is writing and referring to scripture.
“as to a lamp shinning in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scriptures comes from someone’s own interpretation”.
Peter was saying that his writings qualified as Scripture and that Paul’s writings were equally valid as scripture! Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:
14 Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. 15 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. 2016. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
Peter is going back to the ultimate source. God’s sovereign will was revealed in His written Word. “The emphasis is on the sovereignty of God in revealing Himself in His Word.” Reform Study Bible.
Peter recognized Paul’s writings as scripture. You know this is a big deal because these two actually locked horns on some issues. But, further proof for me is that the Bible does not hold anything back. The application is simple. This collection of books you have in your lap is reliable for the child of God. I can be trusted from the date it was breathed out to today.
But, we have to ask another question. Why? We have the when, but why?
3. A proper understanding of Canon will overwhelm the believer.
Vs 19
“19 And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts[4]”
God, IN His mercy, gave us the canon of the OT and the NT. But, why the NT? The OT was complete. The gospel message was there. It was a complete and approved collection of books, no need to add to it. Matter of fact, God did not even need to provide that! He did not even need to provide all those history lessons and historical accounts, genealogies, poems, proverbs and blessings.
The Jews of the 1st century were looking for something to complete the story. You see, the OT ended like the first Avengers movie where Thanos is seen smiling at the fact that Earth was ready to be taken over. Just as Marvel left the audience wanting more, the human race was left at the end of the OT with a hope for the second covenant. They were left with the hope that God would finish the story of salvation (new covenant).
The OT, historically ended with Chronicles. Chronicles start with a genealogy. Guess how Matthew starts his gospel. With a genealogy. Matthew wrote his gospel to the Jews. The Jews were looking for the second half of the story. They were looking for the promised answer to redemption. God, IN HIS MERCY, offers us the OT to set the stage for what He is planning in the New Covenant, the answer to the sin nature in the OT. God, IN HIS mercy, gives us the written WORD. God graciously gave his Second Revelation. This second revelation is what was to reveal the salvation story. The reason is boiled down to one name, CHRIST.
The canon, the scripture, the law of the prophets, the prophecies, the Hebrew poems, the proverbs, the history ALL point to what God recorded in His Word. The reason is the answer to the problem of sin. Through HIS providence He provides His Word.
Providence means: “foreseeing careand guidance of God or nature over the creatures of the earth.”
Through the providence of God caring for His children He provided the Word saying:
“pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, (our souls) until the day dawns (spiritual light) and the morning star rises in your hearts.”
See His mercy! See His reason He took such steps to provide you His Word both physically, Christ (LOGOS) and scripturally in His written Word. Again, I ask, did He have to? No! But He chooses to because of such love by a heavenly Father. Now, who are we to take it for granted? Christ is the reason for the canon and that should have an immediate effect for the child of God.
Hey believer, how humbled are you now? How amazed are you now that God cared that much for you and me to do this? Instead of leaving us guessing, wondering, and looking for answers, IN His Grace He gave us His Word!
It is one thing to convince you in the mind what canon is, God’s Scripture and that it is reliable and with a purpose. It is one thing to show you intellectually. But seriously, that will only go so far. You and I MUST understand that if the canon is what it claims to be and shows the purpose for it to be in our hands, we have a serious issue. It REQUIRES us to respond. If you are a believer, and if I did my job, I fired you up. I gave you solid evidence to substantiate your stance on the statement I want us all to memorize:
“I believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents…”
And here we are, do you see the unimaginable mercy of God to give the child of God the living Word that we can stand on the promises and see what is expected of us. God’s Word is Grace on display from the beginning of time.
This is important because we must recognize that truth is NOT subjective. God canonized it, sealed it, and preserved it. Intellectually, you can try and argue with it but after today, history stands in the way. The historical accuracy, the proof upon proof stands in the way of any objection you can provide. At some point you have to come away wondering why God went to such great lengths to get you the actual Words that save your soul. Did you catch that? God wrote down in these pages the answer to sin, shame and guilt. It is found in one name. John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.[6]
That statement came from the subject of the entire collection. The One that each of the 66 books point to said, “I AM THE WAY”. How long before these words sink in? How long before the weight of the evidence pierces the heart, the soul, the mind, the will.
Look, I have never done an alter call and never will. As the famous preacher Martin Loyd-Jones says “…it is wrong, surely, to put direct pressure on the will.” I will not ask, tell you, raise a hand, say a scripted prayer or walk an aisle. I never want you to look back on today and say, “look what I did, I must be saved, I said a prayer, I raised a hand”. I want your Spirit to recognize your salvation is from above not our efforts.
I will tell you, beg you and instruct you, open your mind to the facts, then your heart to the truth, Christ is the ONLY way forgiveness of your sin debt. A debt too steep to pay on your own. Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and you will be saved. If you want to talk afterwards, I am here all day! Come and talk to me.
Now, believers, it’s your turn. I choose to believe the Bible because it is a collection of historical documents. We can completely trust in God’s grace to provide His Word for the child of God. He went to great lengths to mercifully provide a canon that has purpose and is completely reliable. If it has a purpose and is 100% reliable, then we have a problem. We can choose to live by its precepts unto salvation or ignore God’s voice and welcome the justified wrath it promises. Both are outlined and described in these pages. As believers, we can’t say, yea me and Jesus are buds but I don’t read His Word. Those two statements are COMPLETELY opposed. If you call yourself a Christ follower, then follow Him and stop pretending.
Matthew 4:4 “It is written,
“ ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” [7]
Just like you can’t live without food, if you are a believer, you can’t live without His bread. Don’t try it, it’s catastrophic to your soul.
I choose to believe the Bible because it is the Canon of God. It is reliably preserved and offered to the child of God for all generations. Through His mercy calls His children to live by and recognize the promises written in these pages. The ultimate promise of His Son unto salvation is recorded throughout all eternity for the believer.
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