I Share My Mission With You

Trust the Promise  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Trust the Promises. God is always reaching out to us, inviting us into deeper relationship with himself, with each other, and the world he so loves. To help us step forward in faith, God offers us promises. Last week: Mary and Joseph — “I Understand You.” God understands what we go through because in Christ God became human.
This week the promise is: “I Share My Mission with You.” The story that helps us appreciate this promise is drawn from Matthew 4:18-22. It is the story of Jesus issuing a call to his first disciples and their response to that call.
These would-be disciples — Andrew and Simon, James and John — have already met Jesus. In the gospel of John, we are told that John the Baptist pointed Jesus out as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, one greater than John the Baptist himself — expected Messiah.” These men had then started listening to Jesus, but there had not yet been a full start to Jesus’ ministry or a specific call to them.
In todays’ reading, Andrew and Simon, James and John, are in their usual occupation of fishing. Waiting and wondering when things with Jesus were going to kick into high gear, and what that might mean for them.
Then it happens.


Matthew 4:18–22 ESV
While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.


When I was in seminary. I had to do internship. Princeton. Plainsboro Pres. Mentor. Give a first sermon. Christ the King Sunday.
Who am I to do this? Just a kid. Just in seminary.

Ancient Problem

Today’s Scripture we meet Simon and Andrew and James and John.
Spiritually expectant men. That is why they had been listening to John the Baptist.
They have met Jesus. He welcomed them to get to know him: “Come and see.” Meeting with him regularly? Certainly heard his message: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Kof God meant many things
rescue from Rome. Establishment of purified religion. Justice and peace. Forgiveness of sins and reward of the righteous.
They sense that he is going to get moving soon, but day-to-day life is still the norm.
Casting nets, the day job. FOR they were fishermen. Professionals.
They have their businesses. A livelihood. Families.
Simon and Andrew. Fishing. Casting. Working.
James and John. With their father. Mending nets. Other employees, according to other gospels.
Wives, children, communities and staff that depend on them.
Jesus as the Messiah, to whom they are getting closer and closer, presents a real challenge to them. Crisis.
If he goes public, if he takes on Rome, if he goes itinerary, if he bids me to follow him…what will I do? What can I do?
Probably having conversations with each other, with parents, spouses. Tell these imaginative stories.
He may be the Messiah…but YOU are a fisherman! And besides that, what about our business, stability, family, community.
You are right. Who am I really kidding. I am just a fisherman.

Current Problem

Jesus rose from the dead and through his spirit is active in the world.
we have gotten to know him. His teachings. How he brings the kingdom of God.
Even more, I believe most of us are because we want to be a part of what Jesus is doing in the world. We want to serve. And if we are serving, we probably want to serve more and even better.
Knowing Jesus is not just beliefs, its a relationship of getting to know him, and sensing that he is calling us to get involved.
YET a nagging pieces of the puzzle. Who am I to be part of Jesus mission? and How can I be part of it?
May feel tied down. Parent. Kids. “I don’t even have time to take care of myself spiritually…let alone take on a ministry!”
Always working. Making ends meet. Aiming for the next rung up. I like to volunteer, or go to seminary, but I can’t just drop what I’m doing.
too young. No skills. Not sure what to do with life, but what some position and security.
Retired, sick. Best days are behind me, the skills/knowledge I have don’t seem relevant anymore..
don’t know Bible, how to pray, how to evangelize.
I think this tensive spot, though sometimes uncomfortable, is good for us. It means we care. It means we are being called. It means we are scanning the seashore of our life, looking for Jesus to show up and call us into service...
Yet, Jesus comes along the seashore.


When Jesus comes, he offers a call that surprised them.
He does not say: No more fishing. He does not say: you will no longer be fishermen.
He says — follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
He says, you are fishermen, and I am calling you — fishermen — into a new kind of fishing.
Transposition. Musical illustration. Same song at a higher key.

Ancient Solution

Exactly what they needed to hear!
James and John and Simon and Andrew suddenly make the decision.
Didn’t go back home to double check. Did not discuss with their father.
Not insensitive. Rather just knowing that this was the key. That all would know it.
Did not abandon their dependents. Women followed with Jesus. Later we learned that Peter travelled with his wife.
Left the nets, the boats. They followed him.
Started a new chapter of life. One kind of fisherman. Literal. Now a new kind of fisherman. For the kingdom of God.
In the new chapter of life they became part of what Jesus was all about.
Jesus went around healing everyone and THEY became part of that.
diseases, pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics…he cured them all. With that emotional and spiritual healing too.
Simon, Andrew, James, John had the role of conducting people. Great crowds of people. Explaining. Drawing in, as fishermen would do.
Then shared in the action: You give them something to eat.
Preparing. Learning skills. Baiting the hook. Casting with hope. Gently pulling in. Waiting patiently. Knowing that some get away.
Being trained to become apostles for the world. He did not choose them because they were apostles, he chose them so they could become apostles.
Paul was a great Christian teacher, wrote most of the NT. But before that he was a rabbi. Expert in the Law. God transposed it to a higher level, expounder of the gospel. Peter said, some of the things Paul writes is hard to understand (for a simple fisherman!)
James the brother of the Lord, next oldest taking care of the family, transposed to taking care of the church family.
The Son of God shared his ministry with people around him…not by obliterating their personality, skills, or professional history…but by transposing it to higher level.

Current Solution

He often works with us the same way.
Infuse our lives with his presence and gradually move us more and more into his ministry.
When we respond to Jesus’ call, other people are also likely going to see that it really fits us.
Finance Team. Good with money. Doing for the church. Doing so much with so little. Like multiplying the loaves.
Lawyer. Divorce. I get to meet with them in the most painful moment of their lives, offer concrete help and compassion. New thing that God might be doing in the midst of pain and chaos. See reconciliation.
Construction. Not just building a house. I am building a home. Jesus said, In my fathers house are many mansions.
Parent. Gave physical life. Nurture spiritual life. Jesus said, let the little ones come to me. Now, I provide foster-care.
Student? Conversation in the dorms about God’s plans for life. Sharpening ideas, sharpening discipleship and vocation.
Retiree? Brought a dinner (empty nester) time to volunteer and notice things.
Ex-Con. Now does ministry to criminals. Drug dealer who does ministry with drug users. Things like that.
Jesus is shares his mission to the world with us. Not radically reassigning, but by working with you are. Transposing it to a higher level.
What you do right now may be a sign of what God is calling you to do for him.
Not called as an apostle, but called because can become one.
Want to be a part of what God is doing…don’t have to quit who you are now, be who you are and follow him. Let him share with you.


Jesus is on mission with the world.
Jesus calls us to be a part of it.
Our part is to be who we are…along with him.


Let us pray to the Lord, saying, Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Loving God, your light reveals the needs of our world and your salvation offers hope to the lost. Therefore we pray for our world and our community. For your holy church, that all the baptized may live in harmony with one another, and our pastors and teachers may be wise and gracious ministers of the gospel; Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
For the world and for all who suffer the rod of oppression: break the yoke of violence, and free all people from the burden of war and domestic strife; Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
For the leaders of the nations, that they may be just and faithful in their duty and serve the good of all creation; Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
For those who suffer disease of body and mind, that they may know the power of your healing grace; Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
For those who have died and for those who will die this day, that they may find eternal rest; and for those who care for the dying that they may find peace and comfort. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
For other concerns we offer in silence… [Silence is kept to allow additional intercessions.] Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Hear, O Lord, the cries of your people. Be gracious to us and answer us, for you are our salvation; through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children’s Message — Jesus shares his mission with us.

Example. Let’s play catch. If I don’t throw you the ball you can’t catch it. If you don’t return it, I can’t catch it. We have to share. Jesus shares his mission with us. He lets us catch it and take action and return it to him. Back and forth. Greater distance illustrates the greater amount of accomplishment as we learn to cooperate with him. The disciples shared in Jesus’ mission as fishermen, as rabbi, as etc.
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