1 Peter Sermon Series 4 Chosen to Proclaim
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Who You Are....
Who You Are....
Verse 8 - There is a group of people who will reject the Living Stone, Jesus. They will disobey. These unbelievers will stumble over the Stone and will be crushed by the Stone one day.
But to us… He is our Living Stone, the Rock of Ages, the Foundation and Corner Stone for our lives. He is precious to us, a treasure beyond compare. He makes heaven…heaven. My life is founded on Him, is built on Him, and I want to glorify His Name wherever I am.
If that’s you… You are living stones, being built up together as the Temple of God. You are Christian… therefore...
Verse 9 - You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession...
This is who and what you are… together. We are citizens of a New Nation. All races or ethnicities come together under One Banner, on One Foundation, to be the People of God, to be One Family under God, indivisible by the Blood of Christ.
Though nations rise and fall… this Nation remains. Though nations rebel and crumble… this Nation abides in God and is held together forever.
(Story of RC Sproul going through a country being stopped by soldiers looking for Americans)
The scary soldier pointed to Ephesians 2:19 and they read it together. He said, “you no American, and I no Romanian; we are citizens of heaven...” And his face lit up, smiled, then he turned around telling the other soldiers that they were ok… NO Americans here… Only Christians.
This is who we are. We have brothers and sisters all over this world that have more in common with you than some of your unbelieving biological relatives, neighbors and friends. You are a Chosen Race.
2. You are a Royal Priesthood. Under Christ, you are worship leaders; you are leading others to know and to worship the Living God. You are offering spiritual sacrifices to God as believers: Giving thanks, praising, obeying, giving material goods to others, loving, showing kindness, doing all things for the glory of God, etc.
You are called to be God’s servants and to bring sinful people to God. You are called to find and bring the needy, the broken, the sick, the lost, and bring them to God.
You are a Royal Priesthood.
3. You are a Holy Nation, a people for God’s own possession. You called by God and for God. You are set apart by God from this world, from sin, to be God’s Light and Salt. You are called to be His Ambassadors for reconciliation. You are God’s Representatives in this world.
Daniel 2 - A kingdom will come up that will never be destroyed. A rock will be cut out without human hands, fall on the earth, destroy all other nations, fill the earth and endure forever.
Psalm 2 - To Christ: I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Matthew 28:19 - Go make disciples of all nations… baptizing them in God.
The Kingdom of God is here and now, and is growing until culmination day. Jesus is reigning at the right hand side of the Father until all enemies are place under His feet. And 1 Cor. 15:25 - And He will reign until all enemies are under His feet and the last enemy will be death. Then, comes the end, and the Kingdom will be handed over to God the Father.
*What is our labor as God’s chosen people? Verse 9 - To proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Our purpose is to witness to the greatness of the one true Creator/Redeemer God. Tell people about God. Tell them about Jesus. Disciple them, build them up, until the whole world hears… until the whole world worships Jesus and glorifies their God and Father in Heaven.
Remember who you are, where you are, and where you were...
Once, you were where they are are… not in God’s fold. At one time, you were not God’s people. At one time, like them, you had not received mercy. This is where you were, and now here you are on the other side… in the Kingdom… being sent out into the world to proclaim the excellencies of God, who called you.
Go. Find them. Tell them. Teach them. Disciple them.
Tell them what God has done. Tell them what God has done for you. Proclaim it!
And verse 11 - Watch your lives closely. Be in the world, not of it. Work in the world; don’t be worked by it. Do not imitate it. Do not be friends with the world system and the passions of carnality.
Guard yourselves. Guard and protect your eyes, your mind and your hearts. Guard your testimony.
Live like citizens of heaven in this world. represent the Kingdom well. Have a fragrance of heaven about you. Imitate Christ and guard your soul from anything that can do it harm.
They will be watching you. Let them see a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people who belong to God Almighty.
And proclaim the Name of God with a lifestyle and testimony that does not contradict the message that you are proclaiming.
Make straight paths for others to follow, so that they to may follow Christ and Glorify God.
It is no mistake that we are here and now for such a time as this. The world is messed up, broken, and in great need. Now is the time proclaim. Now is the time to be a Christian!