Zechariah 3:1-10
Zechariah 3:1-10
Intro: Maps where are we in the story of redemption,
3 Sermon in Zechariah, - 1 week return to me and I will return to you. Week 2. A vison of a better future.
Week 3. God would defeat Judas enemies – And Jerusalem was going to overflow with Riches and people and the nations would come and be God’s people. Overview outline. PPT
Verses 1-2 Zechariah is shown, Joshua the high priest (Mentioned in Ezra 3.2) he is standing before the angle of the LORD. – And Satan PPT about Satan and Jesus – the accuser is standing at his right side to accuse Joshua. Is seem kind like a court seen when Satan will lay all the sins of the people before the judge, but before Satan speaks the Lord speaks, The LORD rebuke you O Satan. A double rebuke The LORD has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! As we read it is not because Joshua and his people are clean, no very dirty.
The Lord said is this not a brand plucked form the fire? Taken out of exiled and restored. (Image all the way from the Ex, taken up by Amos also). (God choses and saves).
Verse 3. Like I mentioned above it is not because Joshua, and the people are clean, no they are very dirty, disgustingly dirty and unclean, the word translated filthy – is from excrement, so his clothes are disgusting, smelly. Satan would be able to point to all the things Gods people have done wrong there is plenty to point to. (We like Joshua are filthy – sin does that).
Verse 4. But Satan is rebuked and does not speak, and instead the angle say to the people around Joshua, to take of his filthy garments. (Jyck). And to Joshua he said I have taken your iniquity away from you, and will clothe you with clean “festive” clothes. (Take away sin and get righteousness).
Verse 5. Zec said let them put on a clean turban, - and they do and give him clothe and the Angle of the Lord was standing by, - and in 6. Assured Joshua. (Imputed righteousness). By saying; The Lord of hosts: If you will walk in my ways keep my charge, = rule the temple and the courts and have standing with the people that are around you… (If you live this way, walk in my way, keep my charge)
But it is not all on your shoulders. Because you are not the solution, but a sign, that I will send my servant the Branch, (history of the brace) PPT Is and Jm. And not only the branch also the stone?
Verse 9 what a verse, God will set a stone, before Joshua and it will have 7 eyes, and God will engrave its inscription said the Lord of hosts and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day…
Verse 10 is then, return to Shalom, people will be at peace with God an one another.
So much many images, a stick taken from the fire, dirty clothes, clean clothes, a Branch, a stone… Yes…
The God that by many seems mad and angry, sows’ compassion, grace to the guilty, and asks the Satan accuser to be quiet and God does not listen to all the things that Satan could bring up… Instead, God say to Satan. “Is this not a brand, plucked from the fire?” That God have taken out of the fire it was going to be destroyed. For the retuned exiles, this shows hope that God is saving his people out of the fire, the hands of their enemies. And keeps them free from accusations.
(Story about Childhood fire, and the mom saying it). (Image all the way from the Ex, taken up by Amos also). (God choses and saves takes away sin). Paul in Romas 8.33 say, Who can bring a charge against Gods elect? it is God who Justifies. That yes, we stand guilty as everyone ells, before God and the Satan, they both know all our sin, and we are unclean, but God choses and He justifies not us but him, and if God is for us who can be against us… What about you? Are you still in the fire, or did you get plucked out? Call out to Jesus for salvation…
Verse 3 Unclean before God in filthy garments (poop), even all our righteous deeds, are like that Isah 64:6, when we count on them to make us have right standing with God. Then Joshua, and we have no way of cleaning ourself. We need God to command the new cloths to be given, we can’t take the old ones of or take the new cloths, God has to do it.
And he does and the text say that:” I have taken tour iniquity away from you, but not only that, God said I will cloth you with new pure vestments, fancy party cloths. (Doe that ring a bell one of the stories that Jesus tell us, in Luke the son that was full of filth, feed pigs, retuned knowing he was not worthy to be a son, the father runs to him and gives him new cloths and restores him to himself. The other brother just as lost as the younger, not knowing his father, rejected the fathers call to come celebrate, because he trusted in his own deeds to give him right standing, but they were also filthy rags). The Jews would not know that story, but in Exiled PPT Isaiah said 61:9 I will rejoice in the LORD my soul, God has given garments of salvation, a robe of righteousness. That God had taken their sin and the sins of their fathers away from them and that God would make them clean I his eyes. And Zec adds give him a new turban, might be a symbol of the cleansing of the priesthood also. The new leadership of the exiles are cleaned. They are chosen by God.
Then the conditions are given, by the Lord of hosts, “If you walk in my ways, and keep my charge, then you shall rule the temple and the temple courts, and have access to God, as with the people that are here with you… Oh what charge, do your job and you will have access to God and rule his temple… Obay the Tora, walk in the ways a high priest is to do before God and his people. And you will be able to ones a year come near to me with one offering at the day of atonement. He will be the one between God and his people.
Good, well, not great what happens if he fails… that is why as I said earlier the Branch is introduced again… It will not all be on Joshuas shoulders, I mean it never was it was always God that made his people clean and holy, the temple offerings was a sign that pointed to trust in God…
The branch is Jesus! Kylene said, at the bible study, and yes, it is… But how do we get to the Christ, Messiha, this is the hope that Isah had told the people about the servant of God that would…Bring justice to the nations x2. what the PPT say. X 3 Jeramiah salvation and righteousness.
Then we come to the sone with 7 eyes, - well first what is the stone? God has set the stone, - what stone, is it the one that the builders rejected? That what psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, it is the messiah, that is to come, the Psalmist said that the stone would be rejected, but why would some one reject the messiah, that came to bring salvation and righteousness to all the nations? Was it because the exiles would not be able to keep Gods charge? They do get this great promises, but salvation and bringing of righteousness’ is still only God that can do… then this vision should bring people joy and a wanting to seek God and have him do the work.
Peter and Paul in the new testament is states that Jesus is that stone, and there is salvation in no other name, also about how the church is build on Jesus as the cornerstone, we all stand on Jesus or there is no, solid foundation.
Okay what about the 7 eyes? The not so spectacular answer would be the word could men, facets – 7 different sides of a precious stone. The other is that 7 is the sign of completion, God is said in Rev to have 7 spirts, so 7 eyes would be that God sees all completely, God omnipresent, God will make an inscription, and then remove the iniquity of the land in a single day. Wow…
The result, a return to peace, and property. Now they must be ready to rebuild, the Lord God will bring the branch and save and make just, and take away the sins of the Land in one day, and peace will rule.
Gospel, God chooses, -Not many like it but it is to comfort the ones persecuted, that God choses before the world began, Eph 1:4 PPT.
God saves and choose, we can’t make ourself clean, but God can, we can’t be perfect in righteous, but Jesus is, - the Branch, the Cornerstone. What joy, what grace, we find in God, that provides Jesus, takes away sin, by his provision, like changing the clothe of the Joshua, and setting a new festive garments on the one who comes to the father like the one in Luke. Don’t have hard hearts like the older brother that was thinking that his deeds would make him right… But it was the grace of the father… How deep how wonderful is God? The Holy one the Lord of heavens armies, that he would even want to save us, and make us clan and righteous, and dwell with his people. What Joy, - what pace, what grace, - The pefect high priest, Jesus makes it possible to pray and come to God, and the Holy Spirt, makes it possible for us to hear the call of God.